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T-Mobile Tap/Hauwei Phone,

Few more skinny jeans, shirts, and shoes.

A Holga camera

More clothes (Mainly sweatpants and tank tops, since I have band camp in 21 more days....)

A conch piercing

6ga earrings These would be v nice.


a hair cut

conch piercing

a belle and sebastian shirt that says "I am a B&S bookworm. Belle and Sebastian Scholastic Services"

A Sufjan Stevens shirt that says "Come on feel the Illinoise" (My fave album btw. <3)

A crystal castles shirt with the cover of the self debut crystal castles

A shirt from Iron and Wine's "Around The Well".

6ga earrings THESE!!!!! NEVERMIND THESE <3

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Another Tamagotchi. Don't know which one yet. :p


Strings and a bridge for my violin.

Homestuck albums.


Maybe even cosplay things if I'm lucky lucky lucky.

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(Fake) Diamond/Pearl studs

Stud Earrings (Anyone have any nice, cheap ones I can buy online?)

Fake-out Long sleeves to put under my T-shirts next year (Going to a Jewish Religous school..)

More underwear! =D I love owning a gazillion pairs of underwear. I have almost 30 pairs.


iTunes gift card

This Desk


-More skinny Jeans.

-Some tops (and a vest, plz)

-A hat (Like a casual knit beanie type thing)


-School supplies and notebooks

-More thread to make friendship bracelets

Something I need to save up for..

-SLR Camera

Rainbow pinchers

A haircut

More tanktops

Clothes (shirts mainly)

A conch piercing

hair ties

black nail polish

I already went school shopping, but I would like some new clothes. But clothes that I choose for once because I always tell my mom to take me with her and let me choose my clothes or at least have a say in what she buys but she still goes off and buys these unnecessarily fancy clothes that were expensive and I don't even like and she gets mad at me!

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