Too Young?


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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
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I want to ask this boy I REALLY LIKE to be my Boyfriend.

He really likes me. Im 11 Is that to young? :)

Girls as young as kindergarten are dating now, so having a boyfriend at 11yrs old is no surprise. Though most people will say "yes, you're too young" I'm not going to say that. Know why? I love this boy...yes, real love. It's not a crush. And I want to be with him forever....and I want to be his girlfriend. So, even though I'm only 11, I want him to be my boyfriend. If I want that, I can understand how your feeling. I say go for it. All he can do is say no, and if he does and you get'll know maybe he isn't the one.


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You're not too young, I had my first boyfriend in 2nd grade, about 6 or 7 years ago.


I personally think it's a bit young, but if you feel you want to engage in a relationship go for it. I will give some discretion though that younger relationships like that rarely go anywhere and could lead to a lot of hurt down the road. Might not happen, but relationships require communication, trust and loyalty. If you are absolutely sure you can handle the extra responsibility that a relationship holds, then go on ahead and good luck!

Also, may I add your never to young to fall in love.....just thought I'd put that out tehre, before I start hearing the "wait until your older, you got your whole life ahead of you" stuff.


Also, may I add your never to young to fall in love.....just thought I'd put that out tehre, before I start hearing the "wait until your older, you got your whole life ahead of you" stuff.
I agree, I mean, my mom knows I love Chris (my boyfriend) and she's like "oh god it's just a crush, you're not in love, you'll grow out of him and find a diffrent guy". I think thats a bit harsh to say, I mean, just the though of growing out of him makes me depressed and scared. :D


Well I don't know you but if your mature enough and if he's mature enough and if your parents say its okii then i guess I presonally think your too young but...*not allowed to date till 16* but whatever if he feels the same way

You should be focusing on school. Not boyfriends.
Just because you like somebody, and want to go out with them does not automatically mean taht your going to start flunking. x.x


I personally think it's a bit young, but if you feel you want to engage in a relationship go for it. I will give some discretion though that younger relationships like that rarely go anywhere and could lead to a lot of hurt down the road. Might not happen, but relationships require communication, trust and loyalty. If you are absolutely sure you can handle the extra responsibility that a relationship holds, then go on ahead and good luck!
Took my words right out of my keyboard. *nods*

Just because you like somebody, and want to go out with them does not automatically mean taht your going to start flunking. x.x
No, of course it doesn't make you automaticaly flunk, but boyfriends take up alot of time for obvious reasons. Plus you add in the heart break, on/off relationship whatevers and there's alot of uneeded things going on.

It can turn into a big distraction which can lead to flunking.

No, of course it doesn't make you automaticaly flunk, but boyfriends take up alot of time for obvious reasons. Plus you add in the heart break, on/off relationship whatevers and there's alot of uneeded things going on.
It can turn into a big distraction which can lead to flunking.
I agree 100%, tamaw/pants.

Hey i had my boyfriend this year and when we broke up, i was so depressed and i thought i'd flunk but i didnt, my grades were the same as usual

I don't think it's too young (considering I am 11 too!) I personaly haven't like, crushed on somebody in my class or neighborhood for like........oh just never. Eh I just don't like anybody currently (except for Josh Hutcherson and Dylan Sprouse) but there was this one guy in my Jujitsu class who was funny, smart, good looking and cool that i kinda liked but he moved to Washington :ichigotchi:

Well, I once had this on/off relationship with a guy, but my grades stayed the same, A+ for every subject. Now, I say if you really like him, ask him out. The worst thing that can happen is he says no.

I'm 13...personally, I think 11 years olds are too young to be in love.

You may think you're in love, but the truth're too young to understand what love is.

I'm 13...personally, I think 11 years olds are too young to be in love.
You may think you're in love, but the truth're too young to understand what love is.
That's stupid. I can understand an older person saying that, but come on - You're just two years older than her. Sheesh. I say tell him if you think you're ready. Yes, young succesful relationships are rare, but it's not impossible. I hate how people just scream at younger people "YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE!!" It's rude. Be politer, people. I completely agree with tamaw/pants and Tigerlily013.

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