Too Young?


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Girls as young as kindergarten are dating now, so having a boyfriend at 11yrs old is no surprise. Though most people will say "yes, you're too young" I'm not going to say that. Know why? I love this boy...yes, real love. It's not a crush. And I want to be with him forever....and I want to be his girlfriend. So, even though I'm only 11, I want him to be my boyfriend. If I want that, I can understand how your feeling. I say go for it. All he can do is say no, and if he does and you get'll know maybe he isn't the one. 

Very well said, TG_D. :D

As long as you guys don't take it too far, I don't see it as being a problem.

But also, respect your Parent's decisions on letting you have a Boyfriend or not.

Soon enough, the time will come, and you'll be in a great relationship. ;)

Everyone has their own opinions, everybody. Dating may not always be true love, but there's no reason somebody else can't have their own opinions. :hitodetchi:

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Just because you like somebody, and want to go out with them does not automatically mean taht your going to start flunking. x.x
I know it doesn't mean that, but in my opinion, I think education should come first. Because boyfriend/girlfriends take up a lot of space.

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I agree, I mean, my mom knows I love Chris (my boyfriend) and she's like "oh god it's just a crush, you're not in love, you'll grow out of him and find a diffrent guy". I think thats a bit harsh to say, I mean, just the though of growing out of him makes me depressed and scared. :rolleyes:
Thanks eveyone...^^

Chris is the name of the guy I like lol

oh yeah i forgot something. go for it, im 11 and i understand it.

and i found out like a week ago that my ex-boyfriend cheated on me anyways.

now i know hes not the one, and remember, be careful

No, you're not too young, if you really love him. I've got a boyfriend, and I love him, yes, true love. I'm between the ages of 10-13. Love has no age restriction.

97-98% of middle school relationship ends in failure but if u really like the guy and he likes take the chance u ight be the -3% that makes it. take it from me my last bf was a failure i just got a new one today and he's super nice (and cute) so i think it will work out.. just take the risk u might get lucky, i give u the best luck :wacko:

Well, By the looks of alot, he REALLY likes me. What should I do to make him know I love him? I may be young but I feel this is my only chance. I have known him since PreSchool, and we trust eachother...I think it would be yes, and Im almost 12 and lots of people have Boy/Girl friends these days...

(THANKS FOR YOUR ADVICE!) I was thinking of it as keeping a secret...>_<

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i totally agree ~TearsarexlikexStorms~, if u love some1 then u love them and no1 can make that decission for u and my bf is awesome, brokenwings hates him and so does my friend haley but i care about him that is all that matters, i acctually think it is funny when they argue. cause brokenwings has great comebacks!

i totally agree ~TearsarexlikexStorms~, if u love some1 then u love them and no1 can make that decission for u and my bf is awesome, brokenwings hates him and so does my friend haley but i care about him that is all that matters, i acctually think it is funny when they argue. cause brokenwings has great comebacks!
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! And yes, I hate Josh. He's a meany to me sometimes.

Age and love are two different things, they have nothing to do with eachother.So what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how old you are, your never to youngto love someone.


Age and love are two different things, they have nothing to do with eachother.So what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how old you are, your never to youngto love someone.

Except for the 5 year old and the 40 year old- that REALLY doesn't work out [romanticaly speaking].

I don't think it has to do with love, but maturity. And personaly I don't think most kids under the age of 16 are mature enough to be in a dating relationship because they don't even understand the concept of dating. Dating is not a little ring around the posey game it's to find the person you are going to marry and live out your life with. So many other things are put into the mixture of kid dating that it's not even worth the heartbreak.

Just thought I'd put my two-sense in.

i dont think that that makes anysinse at all, if u care about some1 deeply then u do and no1 can change that, once u are about ten i think that u should be mature enough 2 understand the concept and understand ur feelings.

Don't see why not. It's not like your 6 or something. Your 11 so you understand and are capable of maintaining a relasionship.

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