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"No." Zoom said confidently.

"Then it will be you who will not die." TH replied, and dropped the other two girls, tightening his grip on Zoom.

Esther was shocked. "Why, Zoom?"

"Please, don't worry. I think I've got a plan." Zoom said to her gently, trying to hold in her tears. TH walked away with Zoom, pleased that he will recruit another army member.

Esther's eyes filled with tears as she watched Zoom being carried away. "I have to go after her!" she said, bravely. She ran silently but fast on her tiptoes and peered round the corner. Zoom had been laid on a bench. "Yeah right! :) " said TH, raising an axe. "Like I'm really going to let you escape!!!!! :angry: HA!!"

Esther ran out as the axe Zoomed down. She realised she was wearing a red bangle and hurled it at TH. It hit him in the eye and he dropped the axe.

Zoom got up sweating and sobbing. "ZOOM! OVER HERE!" called Esther, and Zoom ran as fast as she could.

Zoom hugged Esther and saud breathlessly, "Oh my gosh..."

Esther smiled. " Hey, your welcome."

"Thanks." Zoom said. "Let's get outta here."

Esther nodded and they ran out. Meanwhile, TH was standing against the wall, his hands over his eye, muttering, "Stupid kids...they WILL pay!"

"We'll pay will we?" asked Snowy. "Then here's $3. $1 from each of us, weve paid now."

"Go away monkey brain." Yelled Zoom and esther together.

"Um, that's offensive to monkeys!" Snowy laughed.

"I feel like I've forgotten something" Zoom said, while running her fingers throught Snowy's jet black hair.

"Me to" Said Snowy. "But what though..."

All three girls thought then suddenly Esther yelled "Oh My God!!!! We forgot Admin!!!!!"

All three looked at eachother and ran for the door.

"Wait." Esther said. "There's a very good shance that TH will still be in there, waiting for us."

"Esther's right, we should go in slow, and whatch what TH is doing." Snowy added.

"And if he grabs anyone, follow them everywhere." Zoom finished.

They opened the door slowly, and slinked inside. Admin was lying in the corner, with his arms and legs tied together, and a piece of cloth on his mouth. His eyes widened when he saw the girls come in. Th glared at him and scoffed.

"What're you looking at?"

Admin let out a muffled "Nothin'."

TH followed Admin's glance and saw the three slinking along the wall toward Admin.

"You..." TH snarled.

The girls screamed and ran for the door. Esther and Snowy made it out but TH snatched Zoom and began runnung away with her. Before he got to a door at the far end of the room, he laughed.

"You little girls can't close a door without all getting through it! Hahahaha!" Again, his voice lowered to you could just hear it. "Good luck making your way back...I don't suppose you'll be getting there without your third puzzle piece!" He added, referring to Zoom, dangling out of TH's hand. And with that, he dissappeared. TH and Zoom entered a dork room, with a dim yellow light in the corner.

"Wh-where is this?" She asked, panicked.

"Ah, this is my, humble dwelling." TH said gently.

"And why do you want me in here?" Zoom asked again.

"Because I want you to join me. You know your little friends?" TH replied.

"Esther and Snowy? Sure." Zoom answered easily.

"Well, you see, they are out-numbered, even with you joining them. But I, I haev all the other Tamatalk members on my side. Join me, and you'll win." TH whuspered in Zoom's ear. Suddenly the light in the corner brightened and all the Tamatalk members were lined up in row in that very corner. Zoom spotted one of her old friends and smiled weakly at her, but the member's stare never broke.

"Why would I want to end up like them?" Zoom asked, getting more vulnerable by the second.

"No, no. You won't have to. You'll be my sidekick. We'll fight those children and run Tamatalk ourselves." He told her, trying to convince her.

"I...I..." Zoom started to answer.

"Come now, you even know too that you will be defeated with Esther and Snowy. Join me. Join us." He gestured to all the Tamatalk members. Zoom started crying.

"There there. Let it out." TH said gently, wrapping his arms around Zoom. "Now then, willl you join us, please"

"I...I..." Zoom started, wiping the tears from her dirty face."I..."

Will Zoom join TH? (Lets make this interesting! Maybe let her join, just fot awhile, and then convince her to come back.)

BAM! Zoom had punched TH, and she ran to all the member's of TamaTalk. She took lots of member's and started shaking and pushing them, hoping they would come to their senses. They just stared at her. "Come on guys! What did he do to your minds?" she asked, but nothing happened. "You really think you'll stop me from taking over TamaTalk? TamaTalk is mine, and there is nothing you'll do to stop me!" screamed TH.


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BAM! Zoom had punched TH, and she ran to all the member's of TamaTalk. She took lots of member's and started shaking and pushing them, hoping they would come to their senses. They just stared at her. "Come on guys! What did he do to your minds?" she asked, but nothing happened. "You really think you'll stop me from taking over TamaTalk? TamaTalk is mine, and there is nothing you'll do to stop me!" screamed TH. Then there was a loud BANG and a small Kuchipatchi with a Bow on her head appeared. "So this is what it's like in a computer? Awesome.." Zoom and TH were confused.
'Who's she?'

'There's another member that I haven't hypotized?'

They though, befuddled. Then it hit her, 'Kuchipatchi, who calls herself Kuchipatchi? Hanatchi99..'

It was then that Kuchipatchi disappeared.

Um, the creator asked for no new charcters to be created. Sorry but we'll have to ignore that part of your post... Sorry.

Zoom sumbled. "I'll lie here she thought. If he helps me up I'll join, if he doesn't I'll run."

"Stand up you stupid Girl!!" Yelled TH. Then he pulled her up hard, diclocationg her shoulder.

Zoom whimpered terrified.


"Come Snowy, let's save Zoom!" Esther said!

Zoom stoos on the spot, grasping her shoulder.

"What is wrong with you?" TH demanded an answer. Zoom just stood there whimpering.

"I DEMAND AN ANSWER!" TH shouted, and pushed Zoom back to the ground. Zoom waited a second and whispered.

"You dislocated my shoulder."

"So? Whats your point little girl? TH chuckled.

Meanwhile, Esther and Snowy were about to go find Zoom.

"I think they went this way..." Snowy pointed out, and started off in that direction. esther quickly followed. They entered a dork tunnel, and could hear sound echoing through. The first thing they thought was 'TH'. They walked to the end of the tunnel and rounded a corner, to see Zoom grasping her shoulder and TH glaring down at her, yelling. Esther was about to run in when Snowy held her hand out to stop her.

"We have to keep hidden for a second." Snowy whispered to her. "Do you want the same to happen to you?"

esther shook her head and leaned against the wall to blend into the shadows.

Um, the creator asked for no new charcters to be created. Sorry but we'll have to ignore that part of your post... Sorry.
Oops. Sorry. I got rid of my post. Can I still add to the story but not add characters?


Oops. Sorry. I got rid of my post. Can I still add to the story but not add characters?


Zoom looked at TH. Tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't see her friends, were they lost? No, she could see Snowy's black hair.

Zooms eyes sparkled, she managed at small smile. Her friends would save her.

Snowy hid behind a rock Esther was behind her so if the rock was smashed she would get the full blow. Suddenly the chain on Snowys bracelet broke it rolled to the middle of the floor behind TH. "Dang!" whispered Snowy; "Esther, I'm going to get my bracelate."

"No Snowy, you mustn't!" Esther whispered. Snowy looked at Esther and saw the fear in her blue eyes. "I'll be fine" she promised Esther.

Snowy lay on her stomach and slid to the middle of the room....

Zoom was watching Snowy wondering what she was doing. She wiggled her eyebrows franticly at Snowy warning her not to move any closesr. TH saw Zoom staring. He turned around and BAM! He walked straight into Snowy.

Esther gasped but kept hidden. "Oh my god" she whispered and she sobbed silently and terrified.

Snowy acted cool though! She bent down and grabbed the braclate.

TH bent down and grabbed her.

Snowy whispered something.

"Speak up girl" Yelled TH bringing Snowy closer to his ear. Snowy screamed the liydest, highest ever pitched scream right in TH's ear. he dropped her and she landed on her back with a thud. She started groaning. Zoom rolled over, still tied up and banned TH from TT by pressing the code that Admin gave her. TH was gone.

Esther ran over and untied Zoom and looked at Snowy who was now unonsious and gasping for breath.


Zoom looked at TH. Tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't see her friends, were they lost? No, she could see Snowy's black hair.

Zooms eyes sparkled, she managed at small smile. Her friends would save her.

Snowy hid behind a rock Esther was behind her so if the rock was smashed she would get the full blow. Suddenly the chain on Snowys bracelet broke it rolled to the middle of the floor behind TH. "Dang!" whispered Snowy; "Esther, I'm going to get my bracelate."

"No Snowy, you mustn't!" Esther whispered. Snowy looked at Esther and saw the fear in her blue eyes. "I'll be fine" she promised Esther.

Snowy lay on her stomach and slid to the middle of the room....

Zoom was watching Snowy wondering what she was doing. She wiggled her eyebrows franticly at Snowy warning her not to move any closesr. TH saw Zoom staring. He turned around and BAM! He walked straight into Snowy.

Esther gasped but kept hidden. "Oh my god" she whispered and she sobbed silently and terrified.

Snowy acted cool though! She bent down and grabbed the braclate.

TH bent down and grabbed her.

Snowy whispered something.

"Speak up girl" Yelled TH bringing Snowy closer to his ear. Snowy screamed the liydest, highest ever pitched scream right in TH's ear. he dropped her and she landed on her back with a thud. She started groaning. Zoom rolled over, still tied up and banned TH from TT by pressing the code that Admin gave her. TH was gone.

Esther ran over and untied Zoom and looked at Snowy who was now unonsious and gasping for breath.
Okay, I will first correct you on two things! :furawatchi:

I am a Christian, and I say "Oh My Gosh!" not "Oh My God!" :huh:

and I also have hazel eyes not blue eyes. :huh:

But let's just carry on with the story!




Zoom ran to Esther, who was standing still in shock. She shook Esther's arm gently. "Esther? Esther?" whispered Zoom. Esther suddenly snapped back into her senses. "Zoom!" she said, and then they both said, "SNOWY! OVER HERE!" Snowy ran at top speed back towards them.


"Let's split up!" said Snowy, "We'll fight the zombie members seperately!"

"NO!" shrieked Zoom and Esther. "We need each other!" said Esther, "Yes, we'll help each other out!" added Zoom. "We've all been captured at least once, and it's always been our friends who have saved us!" said Esther, and they both nodded.


"Well...okay" said Snowy, backing down. Just then they heard a massive roar and the three girls saw TH charging up at them, red in the face with fury.


"RUUUN!!!!!!!!!!" shrieked Zoom and Esther, setting off at top speed, but Snowy just stood there. She could see her old friend zombie member staring at her - but she didn't have those same red eyes and cold stare. Her brown eyes looked worried and she wasn't walking properly. "She's pretending..." whispered Zoom.


She suddenly ran the opposite way to Zoom and Esther, charging straight to her friend.....

But then TH ran to them and grabbed the code that Admin gave them! And Esther was gone. "Wha- where'd she- TH, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" they screamed. "Then just run along and let me take TamaTalk, and you'll have your little friend back," said TH. Then TH disappeared. "Yay?" said Zoom, confused. Then Admin stepped out of nowhere and said, "I though you might have needed some help, so I got the codes back when TH wasn't looking, and banned him. And your friend, Esther.." "What about her?" said Snowy, nervous. "Well.." started Admin "Once someone's been banned, (and that's what TH did to her) they can't get 'unbanned', so.." "No! But TH came back when we banned him!" They said, tears filling in their eyes. "But with these codes that I gave you, no one can come back. TH is gone, forever, but so is Esther." said Admin. "Wait.. I remember something TH said before you banned him.. He said 'Run along and let me take TT, and you'll have your friend back.' How could he get Esther back, but not us?" Asked Zoom. "He was probably lying." said Snowy quietly. Then both girls burst into tears.

Will they get Esther back? Will TH come back?


Okay, I will first correct you on two things! :chohimetchi: I am a Christian, and I say "Oh My Gosh!" not "Oh My God!" :ichigotchi:

and I also have hazel eyes not blue eyes. :gozarutchi:

But let's just carry on with the story!


Zoom ran to Esther, who was standing still in shock. She shook Esther's arm gently. "Esther? Esther?" whispered Zoom. Esther suddenly snapped back into her senses. "Zoom!" she said, and then they both said, "SNOWY! OVER HERE!" Snowy ran at top speed back towards them.

"Let's split up!" said Snowy, "We'll fight the zombie members seperately!"

"NO!" shrieked Zoom and Esther. "We need each other!" said Esther, "Yes, we'll help each other out!" added Zoom. "We've all been captured at least once, and it's always been our friends who have saved us!" said Esther, and they both nodded.

"Well...okay" said Snowy, backing down. Just then they heard a massive roar and the three girls saw TH charging up at them, red in the face with fury.

"RUUUN!!!!!!!!!!" shrieked Zoom and Esther, setting off at top speed, but Snowy just stood there. She could see her old friend zombie member staring at her - but she didn't have those same red eyes and cold stare. Her brown eyes looked worried and she wasn't walking properly. "She's pretending..." whispered Zoom.

She suddenly ran the opposite way to Zoom and Esther, charging straight to her friend.....
I'm sorry, I didn't men to offend you.

:[ Sorry...


Snowy ran to her friend. And tried to drag her back to Esther and Zoom yelling stuff like "Come on, you'll be OK!" Her friend wouldn't move.

Snowy pulled with all her might sweat and tears dripping down her face while TH laughed manicly.

Esther was being pulled out of tamatalk, but then she suddenly remembered.


As fast as she could she kicked out and sent her shoe flying till it hit TH'S forehead!!!

With a bang, he fell to the floor - not dead, but unconcsious.


((I'm christian too. but I do say 'oh my god'))

Esther scrambled up and ran to her friends. "Sh-should we leave?" She stammered.

"No, lets stay, I have a plan." Snowy said thoughtfully.

Zoom peered down at her shoulder. "I see." she began. "He won't have a chance to hurt us if we don't do anything!" Esther was still confuzed. "Huh?"

"You'll get it. We might as well sit down, he'll be out for awhile." Snowy told her, as they all sat down.

Snowy wondered over to TH who was still unconscious. "Y'know, I feel bad about leaving him hurt. I know he's a horrible persn but if we leave him in pain, we'll be horrible people.." she declared.

"That's mad!!" Screamed Esther looking at her wrist. "Why should we help him?!?"

Zoom was confused. Who should she agree with? Esther looked mega angry at Snowy, who just looked at TH. If Zoom agreed with Snowy Esther would log off. If she agreed with Esther Snowy would do something drastic, by herself.

Zoom had to choose someone. She couldn't choose both. "I agree with.....


who will zoom choose?

"Esther!" she said, "Just leave him there until he recovers!".

"If we save him now we'll be murdering millions of tamatalk members!" said Esther, and Zoom nodded. "I guess so.." agreed Snowy, "But we can't kill him, just leave him!" she added.

"What did you think we were gonna do? We're not murderers!" exclaimed Zoom and Esther.

"Anyway, we gotta save tamatalk before he wakes up!" said Zoom, "Yeah, let's log all these zomby members out before he recovers!" said Esther, pulling up a nearby member by the shoulder. "Come on Honeysuckle," she whispered (because she knew that member), and she dragged her out and threw her at the Log Out button, where she vanished. Snowy and Zoom did the same.

The girls were surprised by the variety of people there were. 9 year olds and 48 year olds were all lying everywhere, being thrown at the Log Out button one by one. When the girls had finished doing all the members TH had managed to round up, they sat down and ate some marshmallows Esther found in her pocket. "Yum!" said Zoom and Esther, "I'm tired," said Snowy, "Whats the time?" she asked.

Zoom looked at her watch. "Half past 11 already!!! We better get some sleep!" she said, lying down. "Eww no way am i sleeping without my blanket and pillow and nightie and mattress!" said Snowy, "But we don't have them!" said Zoom. Just then, the Snow White in Esther's avvie background piped up, "Here you go girls!" she opened her mouth and out fell mattresses and pillows and nighties and cute little fluffy teddies!

"Thanks!" said the girls, arranging their beds and getting changed behind their duvets. Zoom was on the left, Esther was in the middle, and Snowy was on the right. "Night!" said Zoom, "Yeah goodnight!" said Esther, "Nighty-nite!" said Snowy and they all settled down for a cosy night.

In the morning....

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