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A girl with brown hair and dark blue eyes crashes onto Zoom. "oh, i'm sorry..." Muttered the girl. "I am Danni by the way. The trojan horse looked like a little teddy bear pig so I clicked on it and it sent me here. Did that happen to you guys?" This girl was only 8 and very small so the others tryed to look after her as much as they could. Because she was so young it would be hard for her to resist some things. "Look be careful, even though we will look after you it doesn't mean we are responsible for you. Do you understand?" Zoom asked her. "OK, I guess I am responsible for myself, and I will try not to annoy you or do something worse. By the way which part of tamatalk is this?"

Will she find out or will she not TO BE CONTINUED....


I'm afraid you cannot create more members daniwigg! we will have to ignore that post!!! sorry!


Anyway, in the morning, Esther, Snowy and Zoom got up and...

Found TH glowering over them. "Lovely morning, isn't it?" He asked, rather cheerfully.

"Um...yes." Esther slowly said.

Zoom got right to the point. "What do you want?" she asked.

"To wish you a good morning. Oh- and a farewell." He answered with a completely fake smile.

"Huh?" Snowy was just starting to wake up.

"Today is the day I defeat you once and for all." TH said cheerily. The girls rolled their eyes.

"Lets see, when was the last time you said that...Last Week?" Zoom said sarcastically. TH sneered.

"Yes, and that was a lie. I was using dramatic affect."

"What an actress!" Esther laughed.

"Did you call me a-a-girl!?" TH was shocked. Esther nodded.

Snowy took a slight step backwards and tripped over a matteras. She fell backwards with a high pitched scream. She stood up and shook dust off herself. And found a jewel embedded in her back, she left it and turned back to TH. "W..wha...what are you going to do to us....?" She whispered.

TH smiled slyly. Zoom and Esther also found gems embedded in their backs as well. "This is just the beginning." he whispered mesmerizingly to them, and walked off. Zoom closed her eyes, and went into deep thought.

"What's up Zoom?" Esther asked.

"Mind and body control." Zoom answered. "Thats his plan. It's something in this gem. I dunno about you, but I plan on finding out what it's power is." She went to stand up, but Esther held her down.

"You and I and Snowy all know what happened any of us wanted to find out something. We nearly joined him..."

"Esther's right. YOu don't want to meddle with things until the time is right." Snowy added, and Zoom nodded.

"Turn around Zoom." commanded Esther. "What?" said Zoom but turned around anyway. Esther grabbed the gem in Zoom's back and pulled. It stayed. "YEEEOOOUCH!!" screamed Zoom. "Sorry.." said Esther.

Snowy looked thoughtful. "Esther, your jewel is blue and Zooms is to but mine is red, I wonder why." Snowy turned around and examaned her back. "It's not... It's not b-b-blood is it?" asked Zoom frightenedly. "Well, I'm not in pain." Snowy replied. She wiped the jewel, nothing came off. "If it was blood it would wipe away" said Esther. Zoom looked relieved.

Just then there was a massive flash of light and the jewels changed colour!!!!

Snowy now had a jewel so white it nearly blinded them to look at it. "It's a crystal!" she exclaimed. Esther now had an Amethyst, so pink and bright it acted like a torch!

And Zoom was the one now with a red jewel, "Don't worry, though, guys! It's just a ruby!" she said, stroking her Jewel. "We HAVE to get rid of them!" shrieked Snowy. "But...they'" said Esther begininng to get hypnotised by their light. "Yeeeahh..." Zoom agreed, also staring at hers.


Please can the jewels be on their hands or wrists or something, cos they can't c them on their backs! Thanks and sorry!


Snowy got up, "You two! Snap out of it. LOOK AWAY!!! LOOK AWAY FROM THE JEWELS!!!" she screamed, but it was too late, Esther and Zoom had...

Already been hypnotized by the gems.

"Oh my gosh..." Snowy groaned. She threw her gem to the ground and thought. Then it hit her. "TH..." Who else would it be? He said so himself that was his plan, and Zoom figured it out too. And when he was speaking he had his arm around all three girls. Snowy stood up and took another glance at her friends. They were sitting on the ground and were foolishly looking at their gems. Snowy then walked in the direction TH had dissappeared in.

Snowy soon found TH sitting under the letter of Tamatalk. He looked furious. When he saw Snowy approaching him he said, "Hello, idiot! Want to die now?" and Snowy shook her head. "My two best friends have been hypnotised by those jewels and it was all down to YOU!!! What do you want with us, with tamatalk? can't you just go find another forum to mess with???" Snowy bravely said.

TH just shook his head and punched out violently with one of his massive fists. Snowy's nose was bleeding, but she was holding back the tears. The massive BASH had made Zoom and Esther come to reality a bit so they ran in the direction of the noise. "TH!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH SNOWY?!" TH smirked. "Giving her a bit of her own medicine! HA!" he tried to punch Esther, but she just bit his fingers. He attempted slapping Zoom but she kicked his hand hard. The girls smiled.

TH had collapsed in pain and was squirming on the floor, having been kicked and bitten and shouted at...

he lay on the ground for a moment, and snarled, " I will defeat you, I will take over this website. You will all perish!"

"Fat chance." StarTama answered sarcastically. He got up and walked stiffly over to a nearby chair.

"Ignore the fact that I might kill you, but can any of you pretty little girls get me some ice?" TH asked.

"Nope." All the girls said.


"N-O NO!" Snowy said firmly.

"you can DIE, for all we care!!!" said Esther, snarling. "Yeah, we tried to be nice to you but you just tried to kill us....ROT IN HELL!!!", and with that, the girls turned on their heels and flounced off, but they were beginning to feel just the tiniest bit guilty...

"Anyone guilty?" Zoom asked?

"Yup." Esther answered, and stopped.

"C'mon guys! He got what he deserved." Snowy protested.

"No." Zoom retorted weakly. "I dunno if it was that stupid gem, or what, but I'm going back."

"I agree." Esther said, and they both walked back, leaving Snowy standing there, dumbfounded. They returned to TH, by now feeling quite sorry for leaving in the first place.

"I see you've come back..." TH said, proud of his gems. "Can I please have some ice for my hand?"

"Sure." Esther said sweetly, going for some ice. Zoom stood there, waiting for a command. She was also thinking.

Why do I feel guilty? Its TH!? Nobody feels guilty for him. Niether Zoom nor Esther remembered anything about the gems. But they were working. The burning image of them still glowered in their minds, making them obey his commands. Esther quickly returned with a bag of ice and lowered it on TH's hand. TH grinned and gestured for them to sit down and wait for a command. They did so.

Later, TH took two sapphirre gems out of his pocket, and threw them on the floor in front of Zoom and Esther. The image remendid them of the old gems, and began to stare into its depths.

Snowy dabbed at her nose and gazed at her front. She was covered in blood. Once apon a time she would of been the sweet little kid who would help anybody but not now. She felt very dizzy. She touched he blinding white gem she had and clutched it so tightly in her hands the points dug into her. She felt so confused. And hot. her hair was draging her down. She grabbed some siccors in her emergancy pack and started hacking into her hair. Soon it wasn't at her knee-caps but above her waist. She gazed at the pile of hair and saw something in hit. It was a self-destrucion chip. When instered in ones ear they would self-destruct.

She had and idea. She saw Zoom walking past to get TH a drink. She grabbed Zoom and told her the plan.

"Great!!" agreed Zoom befpore they rushed to get Esther who was fanning TH as he slept.

Zoom and Snowy rushed up to Esther. Once Zoom was near TH again, the idea that Snowy had didn't seem so great any more. "ESTHER! OVER HERE!" whispered Snowy, beckoning her over. Esther reluctantly put down the fan next to the sleeping, fat and VERY pampered TH and walked over to her. "We have a plan!" she whispered. "What?" said Esther, the hypnotising pink glow still in her eyes, and in Zoom's as well. "No we don't! Not any more..." said Zoom, interrupting Snowy.

Snowy was not stupid. She could see what the gems were doing to her two best friends and was determined to stop this nasty work. Before Zoom and Esther, realised, Snowy had grabbed both their wrists and yanked her very hardest in all the world at the gems. Esther and Zoom shrieked in pain but the gems were now out. The shrieks had woken TH, though, and he sat up, still looking lazy and tired.

"Get me some food," he commanded, before snuggling back down. "Why would we do that?" asked Esther. Zoom and Esther looked at the fan, the sleeping TH, the dirty plates and cups they had brought to him earlier - and remembered. It came to them as quite a shock. Their wrists were still bleeding from where the gems had been. The three girls picked up their gems - an idea had come to all of them. They looked at each other, smirked and nodded. "3, 2, 1, NOW!" whispered Snowy and they shoved the gems as hard as possible into TH's side. They stepped back and folded their arms. "He's all ours!" said Esther, smiling. "Yeah," agreed Zoom, and Snowy took the self-destructor and dropped it to the floor and crushed it with her foot.

The girls knew they had the hypnotising power now....

A familiar ruby glow started in TH's eyes. Snowy smiled triumphantly, and murmured, "It worked..."

"Trojan Hacker, fetch us ll something to drink." Esther commanded. Then she added "Its better if you say their full names, Zoom and I found that out."

TH stiffly stood up, and walked out. Zoom grinned, and sat in the chair that TH was previously in. "We could seriously get used to this."

"Don't get too sure, look who's coming back." Esther gulped. TH had arrived back, but he was clutching the gems in his left hand, and some drinks in his right. He had a stern expression on his face, like he meant buisness.

"Hello everyone!" He said cheerfully. "I brought your drinks. Once I got about half-way back, I realised that I had three gems in my side. Can you imagine how unpleasant that is?"

"Yeah, considering you did it to us." Zoom countered, standing up.

"Well, I brought your drinks anyway. Here you go." He scowled, handing each girl a different coloured drink. Snowy sniffed hers.

"What did you do to it?" She asked flatly.

"Why, nothing. because, I had those gems in my side when I mixed them. So I wouln't have been able to do anything at all to them." TH said, with a hint of lying.

Snowy sighed. She kind of figured he was right, since they had total control over him when he left. So, she gave her drink a tiny sip. She felt alright. She drank a bit more. Nothing had happened. Zoom and Esther were looking from their glases, to Snowy, to TH.

"Its alright guys, I think he's telling the truth." Snowy reassured them, helping herself to her glass. Zoom and Esther were both really thirsty from serving TH for so long, so they decided to have a sip. It tasted pretty good, but not like they would be addicted to it. Just alright. TH sat back in his chair, watching the girls closely. It was almost like he had a plan.

All of a sudden, all 3 felt very weak, like a sleeping gas had been put into the room. But TH wasn't weak. He was sitting pleasantly in his chair, towering over the girls. They slumped ont othe ground, breathing unusually heavy. Zoom gulped and breathed out "What was in that drink?!"

"Sleeping potion. Cooked it up myself. It first makes you very weak, and eventually you fall into a deep sleep, and into dreamworld, where at my leisure, I can control your dreams. Aren't I smart?"

"No, just pathetic." Zoom spurted out again, fighting sleep with all she could. "Try to stay- AWAKE!" She tried to at least sit up, but they were all getting weaker by the second.

Eventually, all 3 girls fell into the deep sleep, feeling normal once more, in their minds.

bunny just watched amiably from the little cushion she was sitting on. she had no clue why her friends were sleeping, but, then again, for some odd reason she didn't care. she ate her cookies and realized that there was something wrong about them. she glared at TH. she thought:" perhaps he is making me forget my friends! no... i can't forget themmmm......"

Dream world was quiet. Dead quiet. Zoom was first to enter, and she staggered upright, trying to remember where she was. Last thing she remembred was when TH handed her some wierd juice. Then she remembered how she got to this strange place. "That potion." She murmured, and sat down, waiting for her friends to hopefully join her.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and she was still alone. She was even thinking about going to sleep in her dream. It was that boring. Then she thought of her family, probably sitting there, frozen in time because she was inside the computer. Then the space around her started to move. it startled Zoom, so she closed her eyes. when all went quiet again, she opened her eyes to see she was sitting on the floor of her bedroom. She slowly stood up, and peered out her bedroom door. On the easy-chair her mother sat, reading a Jon Grisham book. She heard her dad outside in the garage with a electric saw, and her little brother smashing toy cars together down the hall.

"This can't be happening..." Zoom murmured, and looked at her clock. It read 2:25. Five minutes before she usually went on the computer. And it was set to the date that TamaTalk was first in danger; when the Trojan Horse first appeared. What her clock read 2:30, she ran down the hall, and told her mom "I'm going on the computer." and darted downstairs. She quickly logged into Tamatalk and her jaw dropped.

The Trojan horse picture was on the screen, exactly where it had boon before. Zoom had nearly passed out. "rewriting time..." She whispered, and found her scrollbar slower than usual, like it had been that day. Zoom was literally freaked out. Then she remembered what TH had said before she went unconsious;

And at my liesure, I can change the dreams whenever I want.

Now she was really scared. She say at the computer chair, and thought for a moment of what to do next.

bunny knew what was happening. she grabbed for the vial of potion and gulped it down. she knew she had to get to dream world, or else her friends would be in grave danger. plus, it was either that, or forget her friends alltogether. she crumpled to the floor. maybe drinking that much wasn't such a good idea.

Zoom was in her room typing frantically at her frozen computer, when she heard a small, sharp, squeal from behind her. Esther was on her bed! "ZOOM!" she said, sitting up and rubbing her forehead. "Esther! How did you get here?!" asked Zoom, pulling her onto her feet. "Well, you know TH's stupid potion - i took some of it too and the next thing i knew i was plummeting through..darkness... Then i just, landed here on your bed!" she explained. "Nice panda!" she added, flicking the chin of a cuddly toy panda lying on Zoom's bed.

"Scruffly, his name is. I've had him for years...back to business!" said Zoom. "We HAVE to get out of dream-world!" said Esther. zoom nodded. "And i think i know how!" she added. Zoom sat down on the bed beside Esther and they were suddenly covered in masses of plushy cushions!!!

"Wel..listen" said Esther, and she explained the plan. Now, Esther tends to waffle on a bit, so I'll just put it briefly for you!:

The girls would click on the Trojan Horse once again, it would deliver them into tamatalk and the dreamworld would just..break!

They both did it and sure enough, they were back in tt, at present time. TH was snoring on the chair. there were the drinks all round him. "He must have taken a bit!" said Zoom, and they both giggled.

Just then, TH woke up with a jolt.

bunny had been awake for a bit, but she just pretended to be asleep... okay... maybe not TOTALLY pretending. she sat up and stared at everyone. "well hiya guys! looks like you got everyone out of the dream world!" she seemed out of it. drinking a lot of that potion could... well... do things to your head.... she realized that TH was awake. "oh yeah.... you're that bad guy... um.... TH! yeah, i got it now, i am goood...." zoom and esther looked at her for a moment.

zoom glared at TH. "you aren't going to be wreaking havoc forever!" she said firmly. TH just smiled amaibly.

"are you sure about that? lets chat about it over a drink or two...." he said.

buny jumped up. "i would love a drink right now!" she said as she reached for a cup.

zoom pulled bunny's hand away from the cup. "listen, those drinks have a potion in them, remember?"

bunny smiled sheepishly. "i... um... meant to do that...."

esther glared at TH. "we're going to find a way to destroy you!

TH just laughed.... for a few minutes. he finally stopped to catch his breath.

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