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Jun 13, 2007
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My phone bill got up to $1000 this month...

How should I tell my mom about it?


She gets mad at every little thing, but I need someway how she can be a little less mad...

Any tips?

- xd3vilx

I don't see any way to get around that. xD

Just tell her that you won't do it again.. And maybe you could help pay for it?

I agree with the above post. There's very little you can do. I ran our phonebill once to $1200 calling numbers I shouldn't have that young, and trust me, I learned my lesson. I suggest if you aren't working now, get started on looking a part time job to help pay that off, or better yet, pay it off entirely. At least it shows her you will be responsible for your mistakes.

I agree with the above post. There's very little you can do. I ran our phonebill once to $1200 calling numbers I shouldn't have that young, and trust me, I learned my lesson. I suggest if you aren't working now, get started on looking a part time job to help pay that off, or better yet, pay it off entirely. At least it shows her you will be responsible for your mistakes.
See, I'm not old enough to get a part time job.

And my mother doesn't listen to reason. AT ALL.

- xd3vilx

You can help without paying. Simple things like helping around the house more might help make your mother understand.


Well, I can't see a way of getting around that either.

Tell her and say that you're really sorry and you won't do it again.

Other than that, no clue. You could just take it as it comes....


That's what I've been thinking...

Just take it as it is...

This topic can be closed now. :/

- xd3vilx

Well, first of all. You should tell her about the Phone Bill cost, and perhaps help out paying for it. x]

And maybe use the phone a little less? lol

But on the matter about your mom, try doing little nice things for her!

Maybe help clean up the house? Buy her a little treat, something like that. ^-^"!

Well, first of all. You should tell her about the Phone Bill cost, and perhaps help out paying for it. x]And maybe use the phone a little less? lol

But on the matter about your mom, try doing little nice things for her!

Maybe help clean up the house? Buy her a little treat, something like that. ^-^"!
I can't tell her about it. It's too hard for me.

I'd rather be better off dead if I told her straightout like that. :/

And I've tried to do nice things for her in the past.

She doesn't allow anything nice done for her.

I'm in a fix. :/

- xd3vilx

See, I'm not old enough to get a part time job.
And my mother doesn't listen to reason. AT ALL.

- xd3vilx
You could do a paper route, do some things around the house like someone suggested, and you could sell something like make some lemonade, or hot chocolate for people to enjoy. It's not impossible to find a way to raise some funds.

I paid the money I accumulated off by helping at a consession stand one summer years ago, and each dollar I made, went to pay my mother's bill off. My good grades and good behaviour couple years later did the rest :)

Also your mother may be difficult, but you could actually try some of these suggestions instead of shooting them down so fast. Sometimes the simpliest/weirdest approaches work.

Erm. Tell her, keep all your savings at hand, hand them to her briefly, and do alot of extra chores. Also prepare to be grounded.

You could do a paper route, do some things around the house like someone suggested, and you could sell something like make some lemonade, or hot chocolate for people to enjoy. It's not impossible to find a way to raise some funds.
I paid the money I accumulated off by helping at a consession stand one summer years ago, and each dollar I made, went to pay my mother's bill off. My good grades and good behaviour couple years later did the rest :)

Also your mother may be difficult, but you could actually try some of these suggestions instead of shooting them down so fast. Sometimes the simpliest/weirdest approaches work.
I'm not really trying to shoot them off.

I'm just trying to be reasonable here...

But I'm still considering them.

And to princess08: I don't get grounded. My mother doesn't believe in grounding. :/

- xd3vilx

I have to be honest, if I were your Mom, I'd be pretty mad about a phone bill that size too, so I can't really blame her for being really cross with you :(

I guess you could take a deep breath and :

Tell your Mom about the bill, say you are really sorry, that you feel terrible about it, that you've learned your lesson and that you will do whatever you can or you are allowed to do to try to pay off the debt. Hold out your savings to her and say this is all I have now... but I will help around the house, do chores, etc. etc.

The bottom line is that you are going to have to try something to stop her being mad at you and if you are totally humble about it and appear to be completely shocked and ashamed, it may just help.

I can understand if that kind of act is not your normal behaviour, or something you particularly want to do, but you need to do something that is going to help smooth the anger about the bill. It might just take some of the heat off the situation.

Good Luck

how about you do some jobs that sibling or your parent make sure shes not mad at you to start with and just tell her prentend its your best freind pay as much as you can dont ask for thing for a month and dont use your phone much unless ermchancy

hope i helped


how about you do some jobs that sibling or your parent make sure shes not mad at you to start with  and just tell her prentend its your best freind pay as much as you can dont ask for thing for a month and dont use your phone much unless ermchancy hope i helped

I don't have any siblings.

And no, this isn't my normal behaviour. I was pretty shocked at the size of it. o_o

I think it's because I used my internet on my cell phone too much, since my computer went into repair for the 3 weeks of that month.

- xd3vilx

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Alright.My phone bill got up to $1000 this month...

How should I tell my mom about it?


She gets mad at every little thing, but I need someway how she can be a little less mad...

Any tips?

- xd3vilx
limit yourself.

maybe you should have have your mom take your phone away for a little bit.

earn the money back.

mametchi :(

Out of curiosity are you talking about your mobile phone bill or land-line bill?

Either way $1000 is a huge bill. Just be honest - brace yourself for punishment. Don't sulk, whinge, moan or cry. Don't complain about any punishment given. Be mature.

I'm sorry I can't help more.

Good Luck.

i would write a note to ur mom and put it on her nightstand so at night she will see it. Then, go to sleep really early. Then again ur mom is going to find out anyway so just tell her.

I have to be honest, if I were your Mom, I'd be pretty mad about a phone bill that size too, so I can't really blame her for being really cross with you :ph34r:
I guess you could take a deep breath and :

Tell your Mom about the bill, say you are really sorry, that you feel terrible about it, that you've learned your lesson and that you will do whatever you can or you are allowed to do to try to pay off the debt. Hold out your savings to her and say this is all I have now... but I will help around the house, do chores, etc. etc.

The bottom line is that you are going to have to try something to stop her being mad at you and if you are totally humble about it and appear to be completely shocked and ashamed, it may just help.

I can understand if that kind of act is not your normal behaviour, or something you particularly want to do, but you need to do something that is going to help smooth the anger about the bill. It might just take some of the heat off the situation.

Good Luck
also, ask her to pay it, but tell her you'll pay a little back every month.

mametchi :p

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