Unexplained Chocolate Addiction


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2006
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Basically explained by the title.

I can't stop eating chocolate. Mom's not home right now, and once every few minutes i'm going, getting a quarter a handful, and stuffing it in my mouth.

Can someone help me stop this addiction, or explain why it's happening?

Cecib B)

oh that sounds bad........heres what you do, dont do like "ill have just a little bite" youll end up eating the whole thing. find something else that is healthy and delcicous to stop your chocolate cravings, it sounds hard but its not, like im into Apple Chips, and they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) :D

Ah. It happens to me too.

From an article I skimmed through a while back on Yahoo, it's caused by this bacteria in your stomach. It causes you to crave chocolate at least once a day.

I don't think it's harmful (unless you keep eating chocolate in excess, because, yes, in the long run, that's harmful). But I wouldn't be sure. Eh, I don't even know if the article still applies. I skimmed it a year ago, at least.

Ah. It happens to me too.
From an article I skimmed through a while back on Yahoo, it's caused by this bacteria in your stomach. It causes you to crave chocolate at least once a day.

I don't think it's harmful (unless you keep eating chocolate in excess, because, yes, in the long run, that's harmful). But I wouldn't be sure. Eh, I don't even know if the article still applies. I skimmed it a year ago, at least.

Mom always adds extra chocolate chips in the brownie mix (which already has chocolate chips in it!! D8)

Anyway, i'm keeping myself satysfied by eating pretzel sticks.

Cecib B)

Did you say Chocolate?! CHOCOLAAATE!! XD ( spongebob joke lol ) And it happens to me every time I eat chocolate too I get addicted I need milk duds now! DX and chocolate is just addicting trust me theres nothing wrong with you try eating something else to get your mind off it.

:( Wow never heard of anyone who hates chocolate but oh well lol.
Same. No-one can hate chocolate!!

The person that invented chocolate must be a god.

Cecib :(

Same. No-one can hate chocolate!!
The person that invented chocolate must be a god.

Cecib :(

Uh-Oh, bitter-sweet Swiss chocolate dipped in sour cream craving!!!!!!!!!!!! (It tastes better than it sounds) MUST HAVE [SIZE=21pt]NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

I wonder why we girls get addicted to chocolate during puberty......

Probably. lol

Anyway, Mom is going to Paul's football game. If I get addicded or something, i'll try and make them my dessert.

Cecib :(

Awww, man... The power of the crave... (BK joke... lol)

omigod... MUST. EAT. CHOCOLATE. NOW!!!

Cecib xP

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It might be because of your *coughperiodscough* if you have started. =)

I think everyone gets chocolate, though! Only 1 in 50 people dislike chocolate!!! ^.^

I, myself, have a major sweet tooth - no chocolate can escape me! I'm still really slim, but yeah, I love chocolate!

I like Cadbury's Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie (gooey!) and hot chocolate with whipped cream and tons of marshmallows!!!

I hate Hershey's!!! I just moved here to the U.S. after living my whole life in England with Cadbury's. I tried a Hershey's and nearly puked! Can't Americans make decent chocolate that doesn't taste like that cheap horrible stuff you get in 5p crackers?!


It might be because of your *coughperiodscough* if you have started. =)
I think everyone gets chocolate, though! Only 1 in 50 people dislike chocolate!!! ^.^

I, myself, have a major sweet tooth - no chocolate can escape me! I'm still really slim, but yeah, I love chocolate!

I like Cadbury's Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie (gooey!) and hot chocolate with whipped cream and tons of marshmallows!!!

I hate Hershey's!!! I just moved here to the U.S. after living my whole life in England with Cadbury's. I tried a Hershey's and nearly puked! Can't Americans make decent chocolate that doesn't taste like that cheap horrible stuff you get in 5p crackers?!



Sorry I acted like a 6-year-old right there.

Cecib B)

PS: yes, i'm a girl, no, I haven't had a period yet.

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oh that sounds bad........heres what you do, dont do like "ill have just a little bite" youll end up eating the whole thing. find something else that is healthy and delcicous to stop your chocolate cravings, it sounds hard but its not, like im into Apple Chips, and they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) :D
Apple Chips = Life <3

Find someone else. Stop eating chocolate all together for right now and then go back later when you aren't addicted.

Apple Chips = Life <3
Find someone else. Stop eating chocolate all together for right now and then go back later when you aren't addicted.
I buy like 4 bags of apple chips a week!!!!!!!!!

Tip: If your Apple Chips aren't crispy but fresh put them in the freezer for a half hour

WHOO Go APPLE CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Try some of the 90% cacao type. Totally yukky, so you don't feel like chocolate for a week :D

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