V6 and V5 wont connect


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Cedar Creek Rd, Colville, WA
Im sure other people have had this problem before, so, I want to connect my v5 and v6, but when i try it says you to press key or something like that. i really want to get them married, so please help me!!!

You must go on the heart icon on the v6 and select "others" and leave it on standby. on your v5 go to the heart icon and select "v5" then select "game" and when your v5 says standby, push the center button and it should say "connect" . Now connect your tamagotchis! :furawatchi:

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you can't connect them. period. if you keep trying, your tamas will have glitches. save you tamas now, before its not too late

I think you (and several others who have posted in this thread) will find this topic very useful: Ultimate Connecting Guide - can your tamas connect/mate? - it is pinned in bold at the top of our Tips & Tricks forum :)

The V5 and V6 can definitely connect - period - and I am going to close this thread now before anyone posts any more misleading or incorrect info ;)


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