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No, though I love animals.

If I tried to, I'd go crazy and give in after a few hours.

I have nothing against vegitarians though.

[SIZE=14pt]I was for like 4 months in 4th grade... I really want to go back to it... =3 I lost alot of weight...But I got sick! xD And stopped but that was when I was 10 or 11, now I want to try again... All I ate was : Lunch:Salad,lemons and Limes(I eat them like apples*! xD), and other stuff. Dinner: Bocca burger(My grandma supplied them for me...) *What I mean is I eat them because they are soo good I can eat them like apples w/o throwing them out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13pt]o.o...NEVER. EVER. NEVER. D:...[/SIZE]

A world without eating meat, would be like a world without needles. ):


(xD lol...Just kidding...

But it would be really annoying. :p )


But okies...Theres one thing I don't get. :V

Why is it okie to eat plants? Like...Aren't they alive! >:V

Grrroar! I'm gonna stand up for all the plants in the world!

And become a meatatarian! Muahahaha!! O_O lol

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[SIZE=7pt] Yes I am. Anime Girl, People eat plants because they can't really 'feel pain'. And plus, they didn't have parents.[/SIZE]

tokio hotel fur immer.

[SIZE=7pt] Yes I am. Anime Girl, People eat plants because they can't really 'feel pain'. And plus, they didn't have parents.[/SIZE]

tokio hotel fur immer.
[SIZE=13pt]>:3...Thats what people may think...BUT THEY DON'T KNOW THAT FOR SURE! XD[/SIZE]

>:3...They may not be able to express their pain the way that animals can...But I can see in there stems...! >:V...They feel pain everyday!


> :D WOOT!

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I am not. I like my meat.

If you're a vegan/vegetarian, cool. I just hate all the propaganda that goes along with the whole "animal rights/PETA" stuff.

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Yeah, there's eggs, cheese, beans, lentils, tofu, quorn, mushrooms and a lot more stuff packed with protein.
And have you heard about sausages? They're made of the pig's nose, ears and tail! All the proper bits have already been turned into bacon.

And Gl,elatin's just as bad. It contains pig, so it's unsuitable for muslims, and also contains bull/cow, so Hindus can't eat it either.

Guess how they make it? They kill the Pigs and Cows in horrific ways and then crush the animal bones into a powder and then boil the powder with water and sugar to make your beloved gelatin! And what's more, the animal bones are the leftovers of animals that's other body parts have been turned into pork, beef and ham.

And I know some of you thing being a vegetarian isn't good when you are young. In fact, it is good as research has found vegetarian people live longer and are healthier.

Humans were originally apes that fed on leaves and fruit. They just grew more powerful as they grew intelligent and began to find prey. In theory, our teeth are best suited for a vegetarian diet, as we have weaker canines than other omnivores such as rats that also have vegetarian ancestors (such as mice.)
[SIZE=9pt]1.) They use the animals that are already dead (or they're really sick to the point where they can't do anything but kill it). [/SIZE]


2.) Yeah, 'cause I was watching TV and these two 10-year-old vegetarians were on, and they looked sick. Seriously. I'm not saying that young vegetarians should turn back to meat, or insulting them for that matter, I'm just saying growing kids need protein and all the other good stuff in meat. But that's just me. My opinion.


3.) First off, why do we have canine teeth and molars and... pretty much our whole set of teeth? To help chew food. Ever notice the sharp ridges on the ends of your teeth? They're best suited for omnivores, aren't they? I mean, you can chew meat and veggies with human choppers. :)


Besides, not everyone thinks humans were apes. That's your opinion. I think God made universe, the earth... everything. But that's just me. :wacko:


Sorry if I seemed rude at any point there. But I'm not a vegetarian. ^_^

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Yes, I am a vegitarian. I eat tofu, and these things called carnation instant breakfasts every morning. This is what gives me protein and iron. Eggs aren't neccesarily meat. I eat them. They are a source of protein too.

-Temari Nara

Yeah, there's eggs, cheese, beans, lentils, tofu, quorn, mushrooms and a lot more stuff packed with protein.
And have you heard about sausages? They're made of the pig's nose, ears and tail! All the proper bits have already been turned into bacon.

And Gl,elatin's just as bad. It contains pig, so it's unsuitable for muslims, and also contains bull/cow, so Hindus can't eat it either.

Guess how they make it? They kill the Pigs and Cows in horrific ways and then crush the animal bones into a powder and then boil the powder with water and sugar to make your beloved gelatin! And what's more, the animal bones are the leftovers of animals that's other body parts have been turned into pork, beef and ham.

And I know some of you thing being a vegetarian isn't good when you are young. In fact, it is good as research has found vegetarian people live longer and are healthier.

Humans were originally apes that fed on leaves and fruit. They just grew more powerful as they grew intelligent and began to find prey. In theory, our teeth are best suited for a vegetarian diet, as we have weaker canines than other omnivores such as rats that also have vegetarian ancestors (such as mice.)
So? If a wolf can eat pig's ears, tail, and nose no problem, why can't we? I've eaten honeypot ants before, in fact.

Kill the pigs and cows in "horrific" ways? A lot of times, they're shot in the head, and it's over and done. Not hard.

The way you said 'beloved' gelatin is probably just to make us feel bad, you know. Not working.

Vegetarian's do not exactly live longer and healthier. It usually is genes. And vegetarians, they do have healthier skin, but people that eat meat are, mostly, stronger than vegetarians.

No no no. Wait a second, I've seen baboons and apes pick up rats/mice and bite off their heads, chew and swallow, bones and all.

Our canines are pretty sharp. If they were meant to be just to chew vegetables, they all would have developed flat instead of long.

Not everyone believes in evolution, too, so you never know.

And the whole "meet your meat" and PETA propaganda is bull. If that's the reason any of you went vegetarian, well, I think you'd better re-think about that.

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Just to clarify this constant idea that we need meat because we need the protein...

There are many sources of protein obtainable from non-meat foodstuffs - it is a question of eating sensibly and being informed about what healthy eating is all about.

I love eating meat - I like the taste and I would not want to give it up - but I also know which vegetarian foods provide a balanced meal (proteins, vits & minerals, starch/carbohydrates, etc.).

I might also add that I like creatures great and small very much too. I have simply made a choice about eating meat and I accept that in today's society we raise domestic animals for slaughter and consumption.

I don't judge vegetarians. I repect that they do not eat meat and they each have their reasons.

Just because I don't eat the same way as a vegetarian doesn't make me right and them wrong. Doesn't make me better and them worse either.

I wouldn't invite a vegetarian to my house for a meal and cook them a meal with meat in it but if we were going out to a public restaurant, I wouldn't expect them to want me to order a vegetarian option just because I am eating with them.

Happily, most of my vegetarian friends feel much the same way.

Arguments only usually start when people state incorrect information or when people express extreme or provocative views - let's not go there shall we? B)

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I second TamaMum's opinion B) I love animals but I love meat too xD I respect people whether they're vegetarian or not.

Advice: If you're thinking about becoming a vegetarian for health reasons, you can start as an ovo-lacto vegetarian, basically meaning you eat egg and milk products as well (unless you're allergic to them of course). This will provide you the nutrients you usually get from meat. Soybean products make a great meat alternative as well.

Yeah, there's eggs, cheese, beans, lentils, tofu, quorn, mushrooms and a lot more stuff packed with protein.
And have you heard about sausages? They're made of the pig's nose, ears and tail! All the proper bits have already been turned into bacon.
I am gonna break down some stuff..

Sausage isn't made from pig snouts and tails... or the ears. It's ground up meat. Ham is made from the pig's leg. Ever look at a butcher's chart? Bacon comes from the underbelly of a pig.

Sounds like PETA said it was made from pig ears and such. Ah.. PETA.. gotta enjoy their BS.

Zip and Tamamum hit it on the head.

Rodents eat meat and veggies. Rodents do eat larve.

No matter what alot of people say, people will still eat meat. People live how they want.

I don't like soy or tofu. Or nuts for that matter. I am not a vegetarian at all, nor want to be one. However, if people want tro be one, most should consult their doctor first, not listen to what PETA shows at them.

I'm a vegetarian too. I just can't stand eating what was a living being. But still I agree with Zip:

And the whole "meet your meat" and PETA propaganda is bull.
PETA actually kills dogs. Hypocritical much?

Also about protein, I don't like soy or tofu, so I get a lot of protein from eggs, cheese and nuts. My parents won't let me go completely Vegan though, because then I wouldn't eat anything according to them.

I'm a vegetarian too. I just can't stand eating what was a living being. But still I agree with Zip:

PETA actually kills dogs. Hypocritical much?

Also about protein, I don't like soy or tofu, so I get a lot of protein from eggs, cheese and nuts. My parents won't let me go completely Vegan though, because then I wouldn't eat anything according to them.
They kill cats also. They claim to save, but they kill more.

No, I'm not. I'm not obsessed with meat, but it would be hard and weird to go without it.

Like no turkey on thanksgiving, ect. Your just really restricted.

I'm a vegetarian, but I'm not a really strict one...

I'm not one that won't eat anything from animals. I

still enjoy dairy products. :huh:

No no no. Wait a second, I've seen baboons and apes pick up rats/mice and bite off their heads, chew and swallow, bones and all.Our canines are pretty sharp. If they were meant to be just to chew vegetables, they all would have developed flat instead of long.

Not everyone believes in evolution, too, so you never know.
Ahh...but baboons have doglike hunter teeth. Gorillas, squirrel monkeys and lemurs as well as the majority of primates are vegetarian.

I know rats eat larva but their *coughdumbercough* ancestors like guinea pigs and capybara were vegetarian. Look at the canines of say, a hippo. Their canines are mega sharp and powerful yet they are herbivores.

Sausage is made from any meat left over at the slaughterhouse.

[SIZE=7pt]For people who think most animals are killed humane:[/SIZE]

They Aren't.


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