*Violet's Little Garden*


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KK, to kick off page 24, I'm having a poll.

I really want to start up a Connection. You guys can pick one of these, just let know by status comment, pm, or profile comment. :)


V4: 0

V3: 0

Lemme know! :D

Violet and Frank




You guys, Violet's Little Garden has 10,000 hits. o_o

I can not believe we got here! I love you all so much, I can't even tell you!

Vote count:

V3: 4

V4: 0

I'm saving it for tomorrow after I'm completely finished with finals (like a reward), so you guys have the rest of the night and school hours (Or 15 hours, if it's already day where you are ;) ) to vote. I'm leaning a little bit towards my V4, but I shall do whatever you guys say. I think. ;D

Ok, I'm still studying a little bit, so as a result I'm still playing catch up with actual logging. This is Frank as a teen Hanikamitchi.


I don't have a picture of him as an adult, but I swear I'll have one tomorrow!

The next time we meet, I'll be completely done with finals for, what, another 5 months, thank God!

I''m so sorry for lack of good updates lately. You guys are the best readers I could ever hope so for sticking with me, and I really do love you soooo much. <3

Violet and Frank

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Wow! For once you guys listened! Haha; No, really, thank you so much for replying. Score:

V3: 4

V4: 2

So I'm supposed to be starting up my V3, but I think I'm going to wait. I know, I know, I promised all you guys, I admit it. It's definately my fault. BUT next weekend I have a four day weekend, so I think that's better. ;D

But now, it's time for... PICTURES!!

Thank God my finals are over!!! K, moving on. :D

Today I brought Frank (Poor guy, he barely had any time in my log. :( ) over to the matchmaker, because apparantly he was tired of my negligence and wanted a new life. Understandable. ;D When faced with the difficult decision of who to spend his life with, he chose the always lovely Uwasatchi. <3


And then he had an egg. For my 40th generation, I really wanted this little chica to look like her mommy, but I got a boy. Ah, well, next time.


And then after an hour he evolved into a Nannokitchi. (Sp??)


And then I tried to give him a bath, but I guess it didn't really matter because the room itself could use a bath.


Right now little Ethan (It was a choice between Ethan and Eric, and I think I've already done Eric, ok? ;) ) is asleep, resting his little head. Well, we did have an awfully busy day, after all.

Since Missvioletchi gave me a V4, and it would have to be an apocalypse for me to give it up (SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!), I've decided to send my clear V4 back to the friend that gave it to me. I really don't need two, I want a "unique Tama" collection, if that makes sense. Here it is in the little box, packed nice and snuggly and ready to go.


It'll (hopefully) be more loved back at it's original home. ;D

I can not tell you guys how nice it is to make a "proper" entry. Love you all, g'nite!

Violet and Ethan :tarakotchi:

Hey everone, happy Saturday.

Ok, not much happened today. Pretty much Ethan and I just walked around a little bit, shopping at Costco and such. Then around midday he evolved into Hanikamitchi, the good care teen.


Because I just had Mametchi, I let him get 2 care misses to get Kuromametchi. Although, tomorrow I'm going to see Missvioletchi and since we'll both have teens, we're going to connect 30 times and try for Maisutatchis. ^^

In other news, I shipped the clear V4 back to its owner today. I hope it gets used there more than it does here. ;)

Hmm... oh, yeah! Another vote!

V3: 4

V4: 3

Whoa... ;D

K, that's it for today. Thanks for clicking!

Violet and Ethan

Those votes are still trickling in...

V3: 4

V4: 4

So I guess I need a deciding vote. ;)

Am I crazy, or is there a 23rd 5-star-vote and an 11th person following my log? :eek:


As you might have read in Missvioletchi's log, Ethan got to hang out with her Tama, Peeves, today. And what do you do with two teenagers? Tie them down? Ground them? Take away all sugar-infused products? Nooo... you connect them! :) 30 times, in fact! :)

All the hard work (Oh yeah. Playing games, giving gifts and visiting. ;D) paid off, because at around noon I looked on my screen and found...


I have wanted Maisutatchi literally since first seeing the character chart back in March of '11. I'm so happy I finally got him! <3

After that we decided to play dress up. I thought, since he's a "magic guy", that he would look cute in the suit. He loved it!



I plan on getting his other symbols either tomorrow if it rains (so I can stay home and have more free time) or Tuesday when I have more time.

I also made a new charm- I had this cool nickel-on-a-ring after my friend's dad drilled a hole in it for me, but the "clippy thing" (that you use to attatch it onto a charm bracelet) fell off. So now it's on my iD L! ^^


Hmmmm... I think that's really it for tonight. I honestly can't thank each and every one of you enough! :)

Violet and Ethan

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Random blurb.

So I was reading about the Princess Spacy Ver. on Tama-zone, and it looks uber cool...



It comes out right around my birthday (comes out in March, my b-day is March 3oth), so... maybe this is what I'll ask for? :D

Opinions, anyone? :s

Also, ONE more person needs to vote, please, because the score is still tied! ;D

V3: 4

V4: 4

Alright. Thanks for reading. I need to update in like an hour, anyways. :ichigotchi:

Violet and Ethan

Ok, updating earlier than I thought... :rolleyes:

This morning Ethan and I went to the restaurant for breakfast. After a heated debate about having French Fries, I finally convinced him to get some French Toast. Turns out it was one of his happy symbols!

Then later, after school, he used the cool cane and impressed me by doing a pretty cool magic trick!





So now we just have to wait until tomorrow when he earns his fourth one. Maybe I'll keep him around until Wednesday? Thursday? He's nice company and pretty cute. :)

We have so much money stored up that we're almost at the limit! We have 8900 Gotchi points, and the limit is 9999... ;D

Alright, that's it for us tonight. Thank you for reading! :)

Violet and Ethan

Edit: You know what I just realized? I already did an "E" name!! "G" comes after "F", doesn't it? I fail at this alphabetical theme. xD Oh well, next gen I'll do a "G" name ;)

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Evening everyone!

Today Ethan earned his last happy symbol, so he now has all 4 of his happy symbols. Under the book icon, I've gotten 27/32 TaMaToMo stamps. The next unique character I get, I unlock a new location! Whoo! I think it's the school. (Yes, because my Tamas clearly aren't bored going to MY school. :p )

We didn't go to the matchmaker earlier. What can I say, he's adorable and, for the moment, he's not interested in the ladies, which is good- the moment he does I'm sure he'll have lots of lovers to choose from. -_-

I think we might go to Mrs. Busybody's tomorrow, after school.

I hope I get a Rolutchi next generation so I can get Uwasatchi. She's so adorable. ^^

It was Bokutchi's birthday today, I think. I didn't catch any of the animations, but I remeber looking on the birthday chart and seeing his name as the only one in January.

And that's it for tonight. Thanks for clicking! :)

Violet and Ethan

Still need a deciding vote...

There's 11 people following my log and "only" 8 people voted. We only need one more! :)

Please let me know...

V3: 4

V4: 4

And to those of you who did vote, thank you very much. :)

Be back later to update for real.

Violet and Ethan

Ok! I'm back! :)

Something cute I noticed. Maisutatchis, like Meloditchis, when sleeping, take their hats off!


That was cute- good job, Bandai. ;D

And just to prove that French Toast is one of Ethan's happy symbols (though I doubt any of you didn't believe me ;) ), he does the "happy animation" before eating it.


Yum. Wish I had some French Toast.

And because apparently no one else is going to vote (But thank you all who did! :) ), and I saw my V4 just sitting in my "Connection box", I decided to start it up. Don't know for how long, hoping I can make it to the weekend (and beyond ;) ), but for now, this is my little girl.


For lack of a better name idea, I named her Tanya.

I'm hoping that I can get her into the Kutchi family, but Meme would be fine, too.

And that's it for us tonight. As always, thank you for reading!

Violet, Tanya, and Ethan

Hmph... I have failed you guys once again...

As you probably could have expected, I took the battery out of my V4. -_- I know. I'm totally the worst, go ahead and send me hate mail for not being able to commit to anything. :p

But anyways, I guess I'm here to log on Ethan's life.

Well, when he woke up, he and the house were an absolute MESS.


So after a quick clean up and bath, we were off to meet the ladies. :p


We were met with three very lovely ladies.


It was a really hard decision, but he finally married Madonnatchi.


And then he came home. Out of the egg popped a baby girl!


After an hour she (named Gina :3) evolved into the always welcome Kingybotchi (picture tomorrow).

Also, no worries, we cleaned the room later. ;)

Gina the Moriritchi sounds really cute, so I think that's who I'm going to go for. Although... Lovelitchi is always super cute... Hm... Well, I'll think about it and let you know.

If any of you have been over to the Group Hatching section, I shall be joining HippyFish's hatch! So excited, this will be my very first hatch!

And that's it for us tonight. Thank you all very much for reading!

Violet and Gina

Ah, Fridays. The beginning to a lovely weekend. <3

Little Gina had evolved into a Kingyobotchi yesterday.

We were getting a little tired of the 'same old thing', so we decided to beam over a new wallpaper. I let her browse our fine selection, and she decided on a very cute one, which for some reason I didn't take a picture of. We also redid the kitchen. So cute! :)

(Actually, first a picture of the interior decorating guy- I love him!)



Doesn't it look so puffy and cozy?

Later on in the day she evolved into Painaputchi, which I also didn't get a picture of...

I don't feel like giving her care misses, so I guess we'll be getting a Lovelitchi, yay! :)

That's it for us tonight! Thanks for reading! :ichigotchi:

Violet :furawatchi: and Gina :mimitchi:

Alright, I'm very excited! I just ordered an SD card for my Treo!

If you remember, the ActiveSync software that you use (for your phone to connect with your computer) isn't compatible with my computer, so this is another way to transfer the downloads to my phone. So excited! ^^


(Whited out some stuff ;) )

And also, one of my friends on Facebook posted this. ^^


Haha! :D

I just thought that was cool. ;)

Ok, we'll be back later! :)

Violet and Gina

Since I've taken around 20 pictures today, I thought I'd upload some of them now.

So this is Gina as a teen/with our new living room.



And the CUTEST thing happened later! So we were re-doing our bathroom (One renovation is never enough ;D) and apparently it was dirty. So the "hammer guy" that helps re-do rooms took our scrub brush and started cleaning it! Then they re-did it! OMG it was sooooo cute! (Well, after. During when Hammer Guy was cleaning, I thought, "ok, well... my iD L's glitched. -_- But then it was aaall better! ;) )




Hehe. I thought that was too cute for words. Not sure why, but it is. ^^

Ok. After this, Gina evolved into an adult- but we'll be back with that later. Sorry- leaving you all with a cliffhanger. ;D

Bye for now!

Violet and Gina

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I'm back. ;D

Now the big mystery revealed... she evolved into Lovelitchi!


She was so adorable that we just HAD to play some dress up...



She really like that mini hat...



And then, because downloads are SO much fun, we got ANOTHER new living room! (Hoping to keep this one for a while... ;D)


(In case you're wondering, she also got a happy symbol from that polka dot dress she's wearing)

About an hour ago we went to the park and she brought home a pet Chitchi. (Sp?)

Hm... I'm trying to think of anything else we did today...

Gina accompanied me in my little purse (made specifically for her ;D) while my mom and I went shopping today. I figured that since I got two new shirts, it was only fair to give her two new dresses, so I beamed over that ^ polka dot dress and the orange cocktail dress (in the first picture). We had fun playing dress up. ;)

Because the hatch that I'm participating in is on Feburary the second, I have to keep Gina around until then. (Not that that's a bad thing. :tarakotchi: )

Question... Do you guys want me to only log in the hatch (So that way you can read there and keep up with everyone) or do you want me to log here and there? It'll be a matter of copying and pasting my entry from there to here/vice versa, but it'll feel more like an actual 'group hatch' if I only post there. Thoughts? Concerns? Ect? ;)

And I guess that's all we did today. Here's hoping to this many pictures tomorrow! :ichigotchi:

Violet and Gina

Re-did my collection

, b/c I used my mom's camera and it's wider. :ichigotchi: Hope you like it!

Violet and Gina

Today was my cousin's birthday. He turned three. :')

For Gina's last happy symbol, I thought we'd try an item, a download item. Seeing as she's so popular, I thought that fo' shizzle the cell phone would be one.

She invited Mimitchi over to play.



But apparently it didn't work...

Then I remembered that a while ago we got this Majokko Furawa book thing, but never used it. I was curious as to what it was, so...





Hm... weird...

So because I'm doing that hatch on 2/2, I have to keep Gina around until then. But that's ok, she's a good companion! ;)

And that's all for us today. Thanks so much!

Violet :tarakotchi: and Gina :chohimetchi:

Hey guys!

Today Gina earned her last happy symbol. I have to wait until Thursday to take her to the matchmaker... :p Oh, well. She's cute. ;D

We looked through our backgrounds but couldn't decide on a good one, so I guess we'll tackle that tomorrow.

Honestly, nothing happened today. Nothing picture worthy... Nothing even log worthy... She just lost happy meter bars and hungry meter bowls. :p

So I'm extremely sorry for this very sad/suckish post. :(

As always thank you so much for reading. Love you all. <3

Violet and Gina


Today was another boring day; The only exciting thing we did was re-do our home around 4 times; No joke. We COULD NOT decide on what to do! So, first we had this awesome aquarium theme (Like the walk-through in seaworld)


But then we saw this SUPER COOL Angelgotchi Vs. Devilgotchi room- too cool to pass up!


And then the worker bees set to work. Carefully extracting the glass and quickly replacing it with plaster, so as to not let any water leak in, they managed to put this together in less than two minutes!


"Oh, no! It's a labor of love!"


"Singin our song... All day long... At HOOOOOOGWARTS... Ahem, never mind..."

The impressive result:


But, then we made them come back and re-do the aquarium theme because lately I've been liking the outdoor or comfy home themes. :) They were still pretty upbeat, which was nice...

And because my SD card (remember the story about me not being able to get downloads? I'll be able to get my own, soon!) is really really close- might get here tomorrow- we looked at my computer and found a couple of backgrounds that looked good for us.



Oh. Outdoor and comfy room. xD Well, I warned you!

And just because it's fun to try and find all of Lovelitchi's happy symbols (OH MY GOD Bandai made a lot!), we've been downloading a bunch of stuff and trying a bit of everything. Discovered another one today- It looks like a pound cake of some sort?


Well, it DOES look tasty...

Like I said, just keeping her around until Feb 2nd, two more days, to join the hatch- hosted by HippyFish. I've decided that I'm only going to post there, so please check out the topic! I'll leave a link here when I start posting in it.

In other exciting news, I might be on the news! Yes, if you've seen the topic, there's a member here who works for the news, and I think we're going to work out a phone conference about Tamas. :) I'll let all you guys know what happens- I'm very excited!

Ok. I'm much happier with this post. ;D

Thank you all, as always, for clicking! <3

Violet and Gina

EDIT: Made a

of the iD L. Hope you like it! :)
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So tonight is the last night that I'll update with Gina. :) She lived a very long life, and tomorrow her son/daughter will get to be in my very first hatch!

This is our final living room background for a while at least.


Going to the cafe today, we saw the waitress, and I couldn't help remembering that she was Lovelitchi's mom. Hehe!


Discovered another happy symbol: The fruit tart


Thank you to Orandatchi for telling me that the 'pound cake' is actually Dojima Roll, and that ALL Tamas get a happy symbol from it. Ah, I thought I made a discovery! Oh well. ;)

Tomorrow I'll post up until Gina's marriage picture, and then I will start posting in the hatch thread. :)

That's it for us tonight. Thanks for reading!

Violet and Gina :tarakotchi:


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