*Violet's Little Garden*


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I didn't even realize yesterday- it was my FIVE HUNDRETH post! Which means that this is the TWENTY SIXTH page. :eek: Thank you to each and every one of you for reading. :) Today was Brian's day to go to the matchmaker.


We headed over and he was faced with a very difficult decision. He chose the always lovely and elusive Madonnatchi to be wed to.


Together they were wed in a beautiful ceremony that made me proud, and brought a little tear to my eye.


Shortly after they went on some dates together and let me tag along to take pictures.


After that he brought home an egg which shortly hatched into a healthy baby Choribotchi.


After an hour of intesive care she evolved into a Kingybobotchi. Brian asked me to name her Cindy. I agreed. Then he left with his new wife, and we promised to visit soon.

With his happy symbol earned, I now have every regularly obtained male adult. The only male adult I'm missing is Hirotchi. :-/ Makes me wish I had another color Tama. xP

Speaking of extra color Tamas, I decided I'm not going to order the Princess Spacy version. It looks cool and I'm sure it'll have some awesome features, but it only has three characters that are different than my iD L, so it wouldn't really be worth it. I guess I'll be waiting until November to get another color Tama???

Now that I've made that decision, someone today gave me a very belated bat mitzvah gift of $100. If only there were different characters it would get put to good use... :(

OFF TOPIC: My three year old cousin got his first hair cut today. :') I was one of the lucky few that got to cut part of his hair. :)

That's it for us tonight. Thank you for reading!

Violet and Cindy

(Ps- new video on Youtube- [x])

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Everyone, please view this topic.

I really want a box for my precious iD L.

Please reply! Thank you all! :)

Violet and Cindy :tarakotchi:

My tummy hurts. :(

Earlier today my mom, brother, and I went to the Container Store to look for a new place to store my Tamas. Unofrtunately we didn't find a suitable container, but we did find some very cute ones.


Yes, that's a lego block, yes, that's an apple, and yes, that's my mom's hand in the last picture. :)

Anyways, Cindy evolved into Painaputchi.


Tomorrow I have school so I won't be able to keep track of care misses. So I guess I'll go with the flow.

My stomach hurts. Bye for now.

Violet and Cindy

Ooook, apparently I'm going to a high school open house night. <_<

Earlier Cindy evolved from Painaputchi to Meloditchi!

I thought she got more care misses than that, because when I checked on her during school both her hungry and happy meters were empty, but apparently I only got two or three. Huh.

Still looking for that iD L box... Anyone who has one, please pm me!


I really have to go. Sorry for the suckish update. -_-

Violet and Cindy

Evening, everyone!

I woke up this morning to trumpets, very LOUD trumpets, and a sneeze, which apparently was me.


No wonder- it was Chamametchi's birthday and the house was an absolute disaster!

Cindy and I got right into cleaning it.


Finally when I deemed it acceptable, I remembered we needed to get a birthday card for Chamametchi. We walked over to the grocery store and picked one out. The moment we got home people started pouring in, bringing chips and cake and decorations. Finally the time arrived when Chamametchi walked in and we all yelled out, "Surprise!" She seemed to enjoy the jump rope we got her.


The party went on for just a little while longer, and then everyone decided they had other places to be.

Cindy started talking about the matchmaker today. I told her she could do what she wanted, but she has to wait until it at least opens up to her.

She said she wants to get dressed up for it. Tomorrow I'll take her to the Henshin Jo.

Think I'll hit the sack. Thank you so much for reading!

Violet and Cindy

What's that I spy with my little eye? 14 followers and a 25th five star rate? <333333

Cindy told me that she wanted to go to the matchmaker today. I was all for it, but I told her that we had to play dress up first. She kind of went <_< but agreed.


But honestly, what guy wouldn't fall in love with her like that?

After a quick bath...


...We were all ready. I was about to step out the door when she reminded me to take her pet. *Facepalm* Of course!


We were faced with three handsome bachelors, and she blushed when she saw Maisutatchi. I gave her a small nudge and she quietly told Mrs. Busybody she would like to marry him.


Cindy hadn't "wasted any time getting her happy symbols", because she was very excited to be a mother, so immediately Maisutatchi and his better half came home with an egg. Out popped a Nittobitchi. The blushing bride gave him to me to take care of. With a quick hug she and her husband were off, and I was faced with the difficult task of trying to catch this guy and get some food into him.


I figured the best way to entertain any kid nowadays is to plop them in front of a TV, so I put on some Suburgatory on my computer and together we watched. Sadly halfway through it got stuck on Noah's poor face.


My little boy immediately jumped up and down and bounced around the house, leaving... "presents" everywhere.

After throwing my rubber gloves away I was able to grab him and tie him down sit him in the kitchen just long enough for a blinding light to appear, and then he transformed into a Furusprutatchi.

He went to sleep a little while ago, allowing me to crochet a little bit. I made some deco for the Tama-go cover I had laying around. Almost done.


I hope I can finish it tomorrow.

Ok. That's all for our adventures today. Thank you all so much for reading!

Violet and Dallas (After Dallas on Suburgatory ^^)

SOMEONE today got the 'great' idea to try and EAT themself!


I quickly gave him a baseball to play with, then bitterly regretted it two broken windows later.

I grabbed my new boy- clearly he can't be left alone- and we took a trip to the Redecoration Shop where I found this one that I fell in love with. I was about to ask Dallas of his opinion when I saw him playing with the all-glass living room. I grabbed his arm again as we led the worker bees to our house.


I didn't think that Dallas was going to like it much, but...


He started playing in the snow until I saw a flash. I assumed he had gotten hold of my digital camera, but it turns out he had evolved into a Happaboouyatchi! (Sp??)


We looked at a growth chart and I let him pick which adult he wanted to turn into. He pointed to Kikitchi. On with the two care misses!

Eventually he was so quiet, and I had to leave, so I was able to stuff put him into the purse my mom made me and we were off.


He had fun in there, all unsupervised. When I went to check on him, it turned out he was asleep, and thus ends our adventures for the day.

Violet and Dallas

Just thought I'd pop in and say:

My birthday can't get here fast enough. I think I'll treat myself to a 15th Ver. iD L. They look so 'exotic' and cool! :)

This month ('till my birthday) is going to be a long one...

Violet and Dallas

EDIT: I really wish I could re-do the whole first page of my log. Maybe the first three pages. They're so awful. If any of you are new to my log, please don't read them. They're really embarassing. -_-

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Dallas and I woke up to a gentle snowfall.


I turned the heater up and we each put a few sweaters on. Brrrrr!

Around lunchtime, after we had just sat down to some sandwiches, he pulled all 6 of his sweaters off saying he was really hot. I looked at the thermostat and it was still 28 degrees. (Farenheit ;) ) I was about to go grab my thermometer when a flash of dazzling light filled the room, and I gave three guesses as to what happened.


He said that he was in the mood for a Dojima Roll at the restaurant. I didn't tell him what surprise it contained- a happy symbol for all!- and boy was he surprised. I had some cake with Mimitchi in the corner and waited for him to discover what was going to happen.


While we were out and about, he wanted to stop by TamaMori. I had seen some pajamas in there yesterday, and he knew I'd love to see them on him. Aww.


And adorable he looked! :)

Right now we're listening to music and thnking about who he's going to marry. I told him that we need to re-do the TaMaToMo picture in the book icon, so he'll be staying around until probably Tuesday.

That's it for us tonight. Thank you so much for reading!

Violet and Dallas

Last night it was so clear that I decided Dallas and I should go out and get some fresh air. When I put my book up to my face I left Dallas alone. When I put it down, he had a pet. They seemed to really like each other so I said he could take it home.


I told Dallas that he had an alter-ego waiting for him at the Henshin Jo, and he wanted to go visit.


He loved it!


Since he only had one happy symbol, I thought we should get his other ones. I remembered one was from the sports car, but since it was raining I didn't know if it would be a good idea or not go drive... Ahem... Topless. The car, people. ;) He didn't mind and really enjoyed himself!


I tried to convince him to put the convertable roof up, but he wouldn't hear of it. Figures. <_<


After playing around in the water and building a sand castle, he was pretty dirty. When I gave him a bath later the room was pretty dirty, so we had to clean it. Being His Royal Majesty and everything, I figured that Dallas would want to hire some help (The Help ;) ) to do his chores for him. But I was wrong- he wanted to do it himself!


Right now I'm watching the Oscars. Well, Dallas and I were, but after my constant cheering and then booing after Harry Potter didn't win anything (Really? Do you people KNOW how many goblins there were? How hard it is to make Voldemort's face? THAT is some makeup skill, people!), he decided he better leave, and take my popcorn with him. I only threw 3 kernels, jeez.

Thus ends our story for tonight. Thank you all for reading!

Violet and Dallas

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Today Dallas told me that he wanted to go to the matchmaker. The last Kikitchi I got that was stored under the book icon was wearing random clothes, so I told him that he should wait until he earned his last happy symbol. He finally earned it a few minutes ago.


Now that he was ready, he wanted to try something on. I beamed over something that I think was called "Rain boots". I expected them go on his feet, but boy was I wrong!


And then we tried it on...


That silly boy!

We took it off and went to the matchmaker, where he and Chamametchi were wed in a very lovely ceremony.


Aren't they just precious together?

After a couple more minutes he brought home an egg, and a baby girl popped out.


Sadly that was the last look I ever got at Dallas. One second he was there, and the next, after I tried to warm up a bottle for the baby, he had disappeared. Ellen (named after Ellen DeGenres, who I've recently found to be HILARIOUS) and I looked all over the room for him; Going up the stairs and down again, to the kitchen and in the bathroom, but alas, nothing. She started to cry but I was able to calm her down eventually. I told her that I was her mother, and she perked up a bit...


I hope she doesn't have to find out the hard way that her parents left her.

Here's hoping...

Violet and Ellen

After a needy hour of care yesterday, little Ellen evolved into a Kingybotchi.


I'm going to let her tell about our day.

Dear Diary,

This is my first entry in here. Mommy gave it to me today. It's quite lovely. I'm very glad I went to school earlier so I know how to read and write. Mr. Turtlepedia really works wonders. I've only been there once and already I'm writing like a pro.

At the moment I'm a lovely Kingyobotchi. There's a couple of fish swimming around in my brain. They tickle when they swim. I feel like I'm always so careful; I have to make sure that the water never spills out, lest my only friends... I can't think of that...

Mommy was filming me earlier. It was really strange. We played all the games on my home and then while the camera was on my stomach started hurting and I changed into this pineapple creature. I'm starting to feel more self conscious about my body image now that I'm a teenager.


What if the boys think I care too much about food now that I'm made of it?


Maybe they think I'm too skinny. My arms are pretty thin. Is the shade of yellow I'm wearing too bright? What if I smell too strongly?


I wish life weren't so confusing...

This morning Mommy was very frantic. She woke me up. She kept searching for some other friend called a Nano. She was having a really hard time finding it, but finally, as luck would have it, she found one. Apparently it's going to be a while before it gets here, but I'm kind of excited to have a new friend. Apparently it's modeled after me. I hope I'm good enough.

I'm beginning to think that I might be adopted. Mommy and I look nothing alike and she never talks about having a husband or a boyfriend. Once, when I was younger, I asked her what happened to daddy. She quickly changed the subject. Maybe he left her and it's too painful to talk about.

I'll have to get back to you.


Oh, no... I better make up a story about what happened to her father!

If you're wondering about the video, I did make one, but unfortunately Youtube is being a stinky head. So it won't upload. :p And yes I really did just say 'stinky head'.

Violet and Ellen

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I found another page in Ellen's diary. She sure is a writer, that one!

Dear diary,

There was this weird thing in the living room this morning. I had no idea what it was until Mommy told me it was for a doll festival in my homeplace of Japan.


After that Mommy had to leave me alone for a long, long time. I kept calling out to her, "Mommy! Mommy! I'm soooo hungry!" But she couldn't hear me. Eventually she was able to sneak a look at me and fed me right up and played a lot of games with me. That made me feel better. I feel like I should be more independent though, because I have no way to care for myself. I don't know how to cook. I can't leave the house alone to go to the restaurant. I don't know how to garden on my own. I'm so dependent on her that if she were to leave me alone for too long, I don't know what I would do.

Around 4:30 I felt that strange sensation again and I turned into a much prettier person- Mommy says I'm a Memetchi! She let me play dress up, too!


I feel much more confident now. I'm comfortable with my body, which is such a relief.

Mommy still seems to be hiding something. I'll get back to you on that.

My friend, the Nano, hasn't shipped yet. Mommy seems really excited for it to come, maybe on the point of obsession...

That's all for today.


My poor baby... I didn't mean to neglect her... I thought I was being inconspicuous about her dad, too! I might have to spill the beans soon.

I hope the Nano ships soon. I'm soo excited~

Ok. Thank you so much for reading AND a 26th five star vote!

Violet and Ellen

Hi everyone!

So today was the day to get Ellen's happy symbols. Yesterday we went to the cafe and had gotten a Dojima roll, which she really loved.

Today we were browsing through our drawers and found our old Devil Helmet. She fell in love with it instantly and put it on.



Don't tell her I said this, but I wasn't sure she looked so great.

But that reminded me that she has a Henshin Jo alter-ego. We took a trip over there and she had a good time, I think.


Now that she was a vampire, she wanted to spend some more time outside. It seemed a little backwards to me, but apparently Tamas don't play by the same rules as Twilight because she didn't sparkle. :)

While we were out there we found a long lost paper airplane from one of Missvioletchi's many characters!


She seemed to have a good day. We'll get her a pet later.

My Nano shipped this morning! Thank god for tracking numbers- right now it's in transit, last spot was Japan. Expected to get here March 6th before 4:30. For once I actually want the weekend to go fast!

My order of crochet thread should be here tomorrow or Saturday. Soo many colors coming... <3

Thank you all so much for reading!

Violet and Ellen

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A bit of an issue with my Nano. I ordered it via FedEx to my P.O. Box; Apparently FedEx doesn't ship to P.O. boxes. Now that my Nano has come half way around the world it probably has to go back to Japan and then across the Pacific Ocean for a third time. Hopefully it will be here by my birthday (March 30th)!

I was so used to hearing a faint snoring when I wake up that this morning, when it was silent, I was pretty worried. Oh no, the batteries had run out!! I got some more (I think those were my last pink ones o_o;) and put them right in.


After a little time travel, Ellen was back to normal!


If you're wondering why the time is so late, it's because I had to wait until I came home from school to replace the batteries.

We looked around and our house was an absolute disaster! I gave Ellen a "What did you do now?" stare and she innocently said that she hadn't done anything. I gave her a "mmm-hmm." and pulled out the vacuum. We had a good time.


With a presentable house, I told her that the matchmaker had opened up. She popped up and down and we took a trip over to the infamous place. She immediately fell in love with Kuinshinbotchi.


They wouldn't let me come on their dates to take pictures... -_-

When they finally arrived home, Ellen had an egg with her! She got a little Nittobitchi who certainly was a handful...


I tried to ask Ellen when she wanted to leave with her husband to go to their new house in Tamatown, but when I turned around they were walking out the door. So much for the joy of motherhood.

I guess we didn't get all the dust out of the room, because Freddy (That's his name :) ) got really sick. This guy has some major allergies!


I gave him some medicine (cherry flavored; None of that generic flavoring for us!) and immediately he evolved into a Furusprutatchi!

Since I felt so bad for him, I figured I could let him pick out a toy to play with. I showed him a Chama ball, a playing card set, we hurried past the cooking set, a magic carpet...

But no. This little guy really has a knack for cooking; He wanted to use the cooking machine!


Mm- Thanks, Freddy, for some delicious dinner! Ha! I thought it was the other way around, where I was supposed cook for my child. Apparently not. ;)

Since he loves cooking so much, I figured it would be appropriate for him to be a Kutchipatchi.

Tomorrow I have a friend coming over; She wants to order an iD L!! I'm so excited- this is going to be fun. <3

Thank you all so much for reading!

Violet and Freddy

It was a very pleasant day when Freddy and I woke up!


We decided to have a pik-a-nik. I made us some sandwiches (peanut butter and banana. YUM!) and then we headed out.


We were having a very enjoyable time until he got a major stomacache. (sp?) I suspected him to be allergic to pollen- he is rather allergy-prone- but then a light went off!


By that time it was getting close to 1:00. We packed up our picnic and headed home, where my friend from school came over! I had started up my V3 just especially for her visit. The keychain was bothering me, so I took it off and replaced it with my Violetchi charm. (All credit goes to Freddy!)


I like it a lot better.

So this is my V3, Freddy, and my friend's 4.5 (plus her Tama lanyard and my Violetchi pet pouch) all together!


They connected some...


Oh, that bad Carly!

After a while my friend had to go home, thus bringing Dani (I'm so honored, she named her Tama after me :') ) home and causing me to take the battery out of my V3. Again...

I had completely forgotten about my Nano and my yarn during this time; Freddy reminded me to check on their progress!

My yarn was delivered! My mom took me to go pick them up and they're absolutely beautiful...

My Nano is at the Facility Sorting Center, whatever that means. It hasn't been booted back to Japan, which is good! So far...

That's the end for us today. Thanks!!

Violet and Freddy

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Early today Freddy and I wanted to relax. I put on the TV and we kicked back until a blinding light hit us. As soon as I regained my vision I saw that he had turned into none other than Kutchipatchi! Adorable!


Now that he was an adult, he was finally old enough to visit Watawatchi's birthday party. He said he wanted to get dressed up before we left. His eye immediately drifted towards the dinosaur hat.


Oy, it looks like it's eating his head!

I tried to hurry him along- we were already far past fashionably late- but he said he had to go before we left (That's not a confusing sentence. ;) )


I'm especially proud of myself for catching that, let alone on camera!! ^^

Since the bathroom was so disgusting- I can't leave my house dirty, what if the dust bunnies roam?- we had to mop it before we left. We're going to miss the party!


All this hard work was getting Freddy hungry again...


All this time playing in the flowers had taken far too long. The party was over by now! Oh, well, I heard they got her a nice winged cap anyways.......

Today was Sunday so obviously there's no news with my Nano. -_- Hopefully it's going to come tomorrow or Tuesday!

I forgot to mention yesterday that my friend used an Amazon gift card and we ordered a ton of stuff! We got her a Blue Tama-go, a Ringotchi figure, a Memetchi figure, the Music Star bundle pack (with the DVD that we can watch together), and some charms for her V4.5. I can't wait for them to come, she's going to love them. <3

Thank you so much for reading!

Violet and Freddy

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Freddy and I have just been hanging out today... nothing has happened and I have to go soon...

My Nano is near my mom's work being held at Fed Ex so hopefully she's going to pick it up after work! I am so excited... I really want to open it and play with it tonight but I swore I would make an unboxing video... Maybe I'll bring my iPod with me. :]

Sorry for the lame update. We're going to go to the park later and get a pet.

Bye for tonight...

Violet and Freddy

Dear friends at Hebrew school,

Even though you read less Japanese than I do and barely remember how an English Tama works, you have somehow managed to take Freddy to the Henshin Jo and transform him into Patchizariku. I'm impressed.


Unfortunately his allergies acted up AGAIN with the dusty room... I took this unflattering picture earlier.


So we cleaned up the poop, cured his sickness, and vacuumed the room.


Now that the house was presentable, we took a trip around Tamatown. We got some popcorn, some cake, and while we were out he said he wanted to visit the matchmaker. We headed over immediately.

He fell in love with Nachuratchi, hoping that his daughter would look like her mommy.


Momoirotchi! Half way there, until she evolved into Paletchi. :p So no Nachuratchi for my 50th generation, but that's ok. I'll go for Lovelitchi.


Here's a link to my Youtube account so you can see the unboxing videos (part 1 and part 2) and the startup of my Nano. [x]

Size comparison...


This thing is SO TINY. I know you've heard it a thousand times, but really. Every camera magnifies it about 10 times. It's amazing how actually SMALL it is!!

Anyways, when I pulled the tab it hatched a baby Choribotchi. So sweet. <3


Isn't she just the cutest thing?

I'm expecting a Lovelitchi. :)

I'm soooo happy that it's finally here. It was worth the wait. It sure caused a lot of trouble for such a little thing, but that's ok. <333

Ok. Thank you all for reading!

Violet, Giselle, and Choribotchi (Can't think of a name :-/)

Her first poop. <3 I just had to get a picture!


She doesn't poop very often. This Nano is melting my heart very fast. <3

Violet, Giselle, and Mai (I'm not sure what it means but I like the spelling :) )


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