Want my 10,000th post to mean something


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Hey everyone. Since this is my 10,000th post, I want it to mean something. So, I'm going to say Happy Valentine's Day to you all and I also have a question: Have you ever wanted a certain number post to mean something special or to be something specific?

Congratulations on the 10,000 posts~

I wanted my 1000th post to mean something but I missed it =P

Congratulations =D

10,000 posts is alot! i only managed 1000 and a half posts o.o

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Haahaa- nice. I wish I had your kind of time! =P

Mmm... maybe but usually they pass before I realize it!

I wanted my 100th post to be something. 

I want my 1,000th post to be something.
You have 666 posts 0_O

LOL. Nah, not really... I only have 200! xD


err Congratulations on your 10,000th post? xD

I wanted to make my 100th post somthing really weird lol..

Well, that is very thoughtful of you, GG96!

No, I just remember it was my 999th post, and then I posted somewhere either here, or the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum. How will anyone remember? :p

Congrats GG96!

I dont really care about my posts. It just shows that i'm active. Thats the main thing I guess.

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