What are your parents doing right now?


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Mummy's gone to the beach to get jewellery. She's going to a tea party!

Daddy's still somewhere at his house. Probably havin' a BBQ or something epic.

My mom - maybe on her way home from her mom's house

and dad he's being lazy watching tv.

interesting topic

My mom is watching our football team lose x3

And dad... i don't know what he's doing o.o hes on the phone >:3

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my mom is sleeping in her room while she snores....

one thing i hate about her is that she snores so loud you can hear it in the living room with the door shut!

Mummy in my Tummy is in my tummy watching World News!

I have no clue what Daddy is doing. At his housey house, I guessss! :0

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