What did you do today?


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Went to work, came home, had dinner, watching a movie right now (Fong Sai-Yuk...I love Jet Li and his movies). Might go exercise in a bit, followed by more movies before I sleep. :)

Jogged in the morning, came home and napped for a bit, ate breakfast, got ready and went to my friends house, came home and ate, washed dishes, got online, took a shower, and here i am again :)

I went to school, had my last day, then attempted to make my way home.

I got locked out, sat around in a park for a few hours and read a book.

Then after a while my friend called back and I went to her house.

That is all.

Got up and read

Went to figure skating

Had lunch

Skating again

Off-ice training (yoga)

Got home and read some morrre

Went to soccer

Went to the Greek festival in my city XD

that's all

I had breakfast, and now I'm watching a scary movie while typing and posting on TT.

It's morning, who knows what will happen on this wonderful day. :D

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Woke up at 7 and went for a jog, came home around 8:20 and had a granola bar.

Watched MTV for a bit and straightened my sister's hair.

Napped for a few hours..

Woke up at 1pm and took a shower.

Now I'm gonna start getting ready for my grandma's birthday party :furawatchi:

Okay now that my day has ended,

I ate breakfast.

I watched a horriblehorrible horror movie, that will most likely give me bad dreams for the whole week. .__.

I went online for a few hours.

I drew a few pictures which I must say turned out pretty good.

I tried to copy them on my tablet. It turned out horrible.

My friends called me [ idonthaveacellphone;o; ] and we rode our bikes. It was pretty amazing, 10 people all riding their bikes, in a huge line. We held up most the cars.

It was like 7 when I was riding back, and I swear I heard someone following me, so I sped up. [ probablybecauseofthemovieiwatched. ;-; ]

I tried watching some anime but the videos didn't want to load.

And here I am.


Well, at the very beginning of today (12amish) I was at my grandma's with my cousin who refused to sleep.

My parents came back, and my dad gave me a new phone. <3

We went home.

I had some hot chocolate.

Went to sleep.

Woke up.

My parent's friends came over so I sat with them.

Now I'm led in bed with my laptop.

I plan to do nothing all day today either. I want to get better for tomorrow. Meeting a celeb ftw.

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Played on the Sega Genesis,

Read some Encyclopedia Dramatica,

and I'm trying to cool off today. X_x

Played Animal Crossing.


Took a shower.

Removed the nail polish from my toenails.

Clipped my toenails.

Watched Hannah Montana

Went on the computer

I love my life. x3

Went online.

Had breakfast.

Watched a few videos on Youtube.

Went on MSN, where my friend told me she wasn't really my friend. ;___;

Went online.


Played basketball outside.

Went online

Ate, again.

Got my brother mad at me.

Had him yell at me, telling me how suckish I am at video games. ;__;

Went online, which is where I am now.

It was a pretty horrible day today. I just really want to go to sleep now. ;-;

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Stayed up til 5 o' clock in the morning, got yelled at by my dad, went to sleep, finally. Then ate food and played sims.

Ohhh, pfff, I..

Made a video on the computer.

Watched TV.

Ate food.

Stopped breathing when I saw a certain picture of James Maslow.

Watched YouTube videos.

Spent way too long on this site.

Cut the grass.

Had MSN fail on me.

Ah, summer.

I spent all day at school worrrying about my cat beacause he was sick.

When I got home he had died.

I wonder what kind of creature he'll be in his next life.

I'm so sorry to hear that, Royal Ludroth. Maybe he'll be a Felyne :( ...

Sorry, this isn't a time to make jokes. I understand. When I was 4, my peacock died of old age. I was so sad, I would stare at her cage all day. Last year, my dog got hit by a car. I sobbed for hours, even though I'm too old to be that un-accepting of his death.It's very sad to lose an animal you are close to.

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