What do you call your parent(s)?


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2005
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I call my mom, mommy, and my dad, daddy. xDD I think it's cute to still call them that.

Sometimes, if my mom says something weird, I'll say, "Mother!!"

And if my dad takes a wrong turn on the street, I'll say, "Father!!"


I usually call my mom "Mum" or "Mom" but when we're fighting I'll be all "Yes, mother?"

I usually call my dad "Dad", but when we're fighting I'll call him "Father" and sometimes "Your majesty" or "Your highness" when I feel like being sarcastic and pushing his buttons.

Mom and Dad. My mom gets irritated easily, so when we're arguing [which doesn't happen very often, thankfully..] I avoid calling her mother. It gets a reaction about the equivalent of me rolling my eyes when she tells me to do something. Rather scary, if you ask me.

I guess I was always a 'Daddy's girl', so I call my dad Daddy sometimes. Mostly when I want something or am being a suck up. ;P

And, because I was raised in such a backwoods family, sometimes "Mama" slips out.

Same here. xD
Kyuuu~ Idk why, I just always have XD

My friends used to be like "... Why do you call your mom, Mommy? O_O"

And I was like "CAUSE I CAN! DX"

It sounds cute though<3

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