What Do You Think Of The Jonas Brothers?


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Okay, loads of people are mad at me because I apparently said that they were only famous cause of their tour with Avril Lavigne. What I actually said is that they're only famous in England because of Avril, if you read what I said.... -_- ' geez

I know they were famous in the US ages before that.

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Um, not loads of people said that TamaT... Just like, two. But I don't know, I think they were famous before that in England. :D

They are okay.

I am not biased against Disney.

I don't hate Disney.

But I don't particularly like Disney.

I'll watch the TV shows sometimes.

The only reason I know the words to every Hannah Montanna/Miley Cyrus songs is because my friend && I changed the lyrics to every single one of them to give them actual meaning.

Now, The Jonas Brothers.

I'll listen to them sometimes.

I have some Jonas-obsessed friends.

But whatever.

I don't like to get caught up in the, "pro-Disney," vs. "anti-Disney," war.

I used to think that they would be better if they didn't sign with Disney.

But if they didn't sign with Disney in the first place, the would probably never get publicized the way they are now.

-epic sigh-









I'm okay. hehe.

Spam much?


x3 paintty =D

Drying paint<3

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The Jonas Brothers are my newest obsession! I love them! I don't care what other people think, but in my opinion they are so cute and have great voices. They are really talented and seem like sweet guys. Their music is amazing and I would LOVE to meet them! :)

Did I already post here?

Sorry if I did. Again, I was too lazy to check. ><

[my opinion]Anyhow, the Jonas Brothers are okay. However, I get a bit annoyed when people say "OMJ!" or anything like that. I really don't find it necessary to think of a band above God. And it also gets to me when in a topic totally unrelated to the Jonas Brothers, pop. A JB red herring. [/my opinion]

^Please don't be offended by that. Like the little [my opinion] tags say, that is infact my opinion.

They aren't cute.That one dude with side burns looks like he's in his late 30's

Dude with straight hair has a weird face

And the curly hair dude.........x.X
Brendon and Ryan are wayyy cuter. =0


I still think they're cute though. Then again, I think guys all guys with dark hair are cute for the most part.

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Well, we all have different opinions. I personally don't like them, I just don't like Disney-ish pop music. :marumimitchi: And I know a lot of people are gonna hate me for this, but I find all three of them sooooo ugly. x_x Me and my best friend realized the other day that Joe has a huge butt. XDDD We laugh about that all the time now. Anyway, I guess I can't understand all of the fangirlish behavior because I've never really felt that way about any band lol. I pretty much just like bands/singers for the music, not how they look. I totally respect everyone's opinions and I think if you like the Jonas Brothers, that's fine! I just don't find any of their songs meaningful and like other types of music.

Did I already post here?
Sorry if I did. Again, I was too lazy to check. ><

[my opinion]Anyhow, the Jonas Brothers are okay. However, I get a bit annoyed when people say "OMJ!" or anything like that. I really don't find it necessary to think of a band above God. And it also gets to me when in a topic totally unrelated to the Jonas Brothers, pop. A JB red herring. [/my opinion]

^Please don't be offended by that. Like the little [my opinion] tags say, that is infact my opinion.
I agree.

You can love your band all you want, but every time someone says "OMJ!" someone intelligent dies.


The term annoys me to no end.

Go ahead.

Love your popstar.

But everywhere you go you don't need to spread the unwanted fangirlish love by shouting "OMFJ".


Shut up.

I, personally, think that they totally rock!I love to sing along, keep track of what they are doing, and obsess over them whenever I get the chance (which is not ALL the time).

but I am very curious to see what fellow tamatalkers think of the jonas brothers.
I think the Jonas Brothers are for teenagers , or people a bit younger than I. My little niece talks about them all the time , along with Hannah Montana. I personally have heard one of their songs and find them to be quite entertaining =]

Brendon and Ryan are wayyy cuter. =0 

I still think they're cute though. Then again, I think guys all guys with dark hair are cute for the most part.
Brendon and Ryan are cute even when they aren't standing next to the Jonas Brothers... x3





Oh, how the list goes on. XD


OM... J?

That's quite obnoxious o.o;

oohhh mannn. I didn't know people said "OMJ". Like, 5 monthes ago my friend and I started saying OMJ because of this one guy who we called JA who we thought was stalking my friend.


Brendon and Ryan are cute even when they aren't standing next to the Jonas Brothers... x3 




Oh, how the list goes on. XD


OM... J?

That's quite obnoxious o.o;
I know they are. Love = Brendon && Ryan.

Still loving Nick though.<3

I will marry Ryan or Brendon. possibly Nick. Heck, my MySpace page already says so. =0

Confessions were made for concerts anyways. Everyone knows that.

Last night I was watching those Teen's Choice awards on Fox 'cause nothing else was on, and the fact that they showed the Jonas Brothers a million times and that they won about 10,000 awards really annoyed me. x__X Did anyone see how at the beginning of the show, I think the first time they showed the Jonas Brothers, they were, like, flying? o_O That was so stupid and awkward. xDD

I think the fact that everyone likes them so much is making me like them less. Also , I haven't been exposed to them a lot lately. I don't know , they're song are good. But now that everyone's obsessing over them makes me feel ... I dunno ... unoriginal , un-unique. :ichigotchi:
