What do you wear to sleep?


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Oversized shirt, maybe sweatpants in winter. My bought pajamas got too small :S

Cecib :rolleyes:

I really don't wear pants to bed.

Honestly, I just wear underwear and either a tank top or oversized t-shirt.

Just old lounge clothes, really.

When I wear cute jammie bottoms to bed, I feel all constricted and claustrophobic.

And then my thighs sweat.

I use a lot of blankets and so I don't get cold or anything.

I do own cute jammie bottoms, I just wear them around the house and then take them off before I sleep. C=

I'll generally wear a T-shirt or cami, with pajama bottoms.

Either that or a colourful tank top with short shorts.

Most of the time i'm up till like, 2 AM, so I just wear whatever tanktop I was wearing under my shirt, and my plaid pajama bottoms, or shorts.:)

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