What Happen? AHHHHHHHH


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Jul 1, 2008
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Ok so i just got to my 5th generation and i have a Mame family. I was wating for my babies to turn into toddlers when 1 of my babies turned into an ADULT! From a baby boy strate to a Mametchi! I dont know if this is normal for a pure breed family because this is the frist time i have one. Please post because i am really freaking OUT!!!

Yes, this is mormal when you get a pure family. You will have 2 Mimifwatchis and they should go straight into Mametchi and Chamametchi.

This is in the wrong forum. This is non-tamatalk, so this is where you don't talk about Tamagotchis. Since the problem/question was solved, I'll get a guide to close it.

Edit: wait, Never mind, I am in the wrong forum. i was just in NTT, how did I get here?!?!?!?! Looks like I reported it for no reason. Sorry! Nevermind. Pretend this never happened. I feel really stupid now. I'm sorry again.

Edit AGAIN: Oh, so it was moved. That's why I saw it here. Ohhhhhh. K i don't feel as stupid now.

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