What is your eye Color?


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Hold on, lemme check.

-after about, half a minute of checking-

Well they are an olive green, with splashes on hazel-y gold through them, and a ring of dark brown around the edge of the iris.

I like to think of mine as earthy :)

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Sort of an icy cold, slightly blueish grey.

My eyes are like ice.

But you don't see much of the color, because I have sort of huge pupils.

I voted more porridge...

I have brown eyes which are quite light for Thai people. I got it form my mum but I have this gray ring aswelll which I got from dad (both are Thai).

Black. Just black.

TECHNICALLY SPEAKING they're dark brown, but they're SO DARK that you can't see my pupil. I consider them black xP

Deep blue. If you're looking at me from a distance, you might think I have brown eyes because my blue is really dark, and my pupils are big, even if its very sunny.

Dark brown. My eyes were hazel as a child but changed to brown somewhere along the way.

Very dark brown, black ring around pupil, making them look bigger than they really are. I'm part Cherokee, and all my family have the same eyes.

My eyes change color depending on things such as what I'm wearing, how my makeup is done, and other such things. But they are definitely a greyish blue color so I just voted for the cross between the two.

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