What kind of books really annoy you?


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The books where good ol Mary Sue pops up, and is soo perfect all Marty Stu's want to make out with her.

Mary Sue's / Marty Stu's: Girls and boys with such perfect lives,everyone likes,never get hurt,The main beautiful boy/girl who hs BRAINS sees and immedaintly falls inlove and makes out with them, inviceble,all powers (*uses All my powers and kills you* or *Shot*Not hurt* Im invicible!!!!!!) AND CRAP.

Books that really annoy me are:

Books written in letters

Books written backwards (manga)

Books about teenage super-spys

Books that are 'horror' that arent scary

Books written in the 1800's (i want to see sweeney todd, so my mom got me the origional book from like 200 years ago. big disappointment.)

Books about cliques and popularity

Books about fantasy (harry potter, inkheart)

My favorite books are "Hurt Go Happy" and "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas"

The Day Bob Lost A Shoe..xD


What books annoy me..

1. Certain history books that are so slanted they're biased, or ones that totally re-write history so they don't contain gore,

2. The primary math books, that are like, "What color is nine? Make friends with nine." Gawd, I'm glad I'm homeschooled, and my teacher (who is my Grandmother, actually), is a microbiologist. o.o

3. The really childish books like, the 'books' -coughwhitetrashcough-, to cartoon movies, when the movies came out first. Like the white trash 'novels' that go to Disney shows and movies like Hannah Montana, and The Incredibles.

4. Books that are labeled 'Fifth Grade' or up, and are about twenty pages of 'Bunny ran across a street.' x.x
You're homeschooled? Cool! I thought I was the only one on TT that's homeschooled!

Sorry, off topic.

I also hate books that are...weird. Of course. But it's like I started to read this one book, the title sounded good and it didn't have a description and then like I read the first chapter and the kid finds out his mom's a lesbian. I put the book back.

Oh, and books that have modern terms in the description. I'm fine if it's the dialogue but if it's like "He barely had time to finish the cardboard model before he crashed. But then again, he crashed early that night" I dunno.

Books that really annoy me are:
Books written in letters

Books written backwards (manga)

Books about teenage super-spys

Books that are 'horror' that arent scary

Books written in the 1800's (i want to see sweeney todd, so my mom got me the origional book from like 200 years ago. big disappointment.)

Books about cliques and popularity

Books about fantasy (harry potter, inkheart)

My favorite books are "Hurt Go Happy" and "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas"
The Harry Potter books annoy you?

Well I cant exactley stand stories like the stranger it is about some person gets hit by a truck and doesn't talk and when he is somewhere the weather changes to summer. I meen come on how stupid is that? I cant stand the story about Thomas Rivera you know that famous mexican american. It just doesn't seem very interesting well to me it doesn't. I cant stand some of the dr.suess books most of them are fine but a few of them I just cant stand. Those are the stories that annoy me.
Are you talking about "The Stranger" by Albert Camus? That book really does have a point to it, although I'll admit that I didn't enjoy it either. It's possible that you just aren't quite old enough to fully comprehend the underlying symbolism and themes of that novel, which is totally fine because at the age I read it (16) I barely understood them. And I totally agree about the Dr. Suess books... like you said I think most of them are fine but some of them really drive me up the wall! I also hate any and all books written by Lurlene McDaniels. They are so similar... and she cranks tons of books out. I think books should require more thought, and I really feel that for the most part authors shouldn't be able to just crank out one book after another.

Really sad, depressing books that toss around "goth" words like scar, blood, knife, blahblahblah when it's not even necessary.

To those of you that are bashing classics as "terrible", would you mind taking a little bit of advice?

You really don't have to proclaim to everyone that the book itself is terrible. Sherlock Holmes was actually well-written. You could just say that you don't like those books.

And another kind. the books where the children repeat the words their mother said.


Mother: Now Children, You will do your chores today. You will get food ready for dinner. You will was the dishes."

Children: Yes Mother. We will do our chores today. We will get food ready for dinner. We will wash the dishes.

Mother:Now you may go outside.

Children: Yes mother. We will go outside.

and also the books where its like:

"Get the food" Mother said.

"okay Mother" Child said.

Stuff like Captain Underpants, too. They aren't amusing.

I also hate stories that are supposed to be of their own idea, but they turn out like something thats already made. (E.G: The Cat Pack and Warrior Cats.) They annoy me to no end.

And in fanfictions that are written in script.

Books written by the characters point of view.
What? What's wrong with them? No offence but I think those books are quite interesting because you see what the characters actually thinking and more stuff is hidden for you to find out because the character hasn't already. Well I guess people like different things.

To those of you that are bashing classics as "terrible", would you mind taking a little bit of advice?You really don't have to proclaim to everyone that the book itself is terrible. Sherlock Holmes was actually well-written. You could just say that you don't like those books.
We were just stating our opinions thankyou. I think Sherlock Holmes would have been alright if it didn't use all those complicated words, though I can understand that because it was wrote in the late 19th century.

And another kind. the books where the children repeat the words their mother said.

Mother: Now Children, You will do your chores today. You will get food ready for dinner. You will was the dishes."

Children: Yes Mother. We will do our chores today. We will get food ready for dinner. We will wash the dishes.

Mother:Now you may go outside.

Children: Yes mother. We will go outside.

and also the books where its like:

"Get the food" Mother said.

"okay Mother" Child said.
Yeah those first ones are really annoying I mean children don't repeat stuff like parrots (unless they are parrot children, ofcourse) and those second ones are annoying too...like Mother and Child have names and it's too repeative. Not creative at all.

Books by the same author who write about different characters but it's like the same sort of story line, like for example (these books or authors aren't real, just examples):

True love by Betty Moor: When Connie has to move to a new school away from all her friends she doesn't know what to do with herself but then she sees super-hot Tom and immediatly falls in love with, but Tom has a secret and when Connie finds out, will they be in love for ever?

Best friends by Betty Moor: After moving away from the country side to the big city Sara thinks that her new school would be a nightmare but the coolest girl in the school, Jasmine actually decides to be her friend but little does Sara know Jasmine is hiding a secret...

Notice the simularities between the two? Books are for people to share their imagination with the world, not to make money by writing the same thing over and over again, only changing it a little bit.

Books written by the characters point of view but it's still what other people are doing and thinking like:

Maria was walking down the street, she sighed, "Maybe I shouldn't have fallen out with Alex." she thought.

I mean what are these people meant to be? Mind readers? Bit stupid really.

And books with no punctuation like they speak in italics and script instead of "SPEECH MARKS" Because the author thinks it's all unique and everything but it's just stupid.

I would say more but this post is kind of long as it is.

1. The kinds of books that are a whole series of:

Book 1: Oh no I broke up with my boyfriend!

Book 2: Yay I got a new one!

Book 3: Oh no my friend ditched me!

Book 4: Yay I got a new one!

...And on and on like that. They're lives are so unrealistic... :rollseyes:

2. Some fantasy books that are just: Oh no, the world is ending/this evil guy is coming to take over from another world. It's all up to this one thirteen-year-old guy with a hidden past and magical powers to save us all! I'm saying I don't like fantasy in general, I just don't like fantasy that is all the same.

1. The kinds of books that are a whole series of:Book 1: Oh no I broke up with my boyfriend!

Book 2: Yay I got a new one!

Book 3: Oh no my friend ditched me!

Book 4: Yay I got a new one!

...And on and on like that. They're lives are so unrealistic... :rollseyes:

2. Some fantasy books that are just: Oh no, the world is ending/this evil guy is coming to take over from another world. It's all up to this one thirteen-year-old guy with a hidden past and magical powers to save us all! I'm saying I don't like fantasy in general, I just don't like fantasy that is all the same.
I agree 100%

I am annoyed by so many books the list would take up all of TT.

Manga is love. How could you guys say that??!

1. Mystery books

2. Corny Joke Books ( I mean really, who likes those?)

3.Baby books (Ex: Barney went to the farm today. The End)

4.Mushy gushy love books ( A little too mature. You think?)

I am annoyed by so many books the list would take up all of TT.
Manga is love. How could you guys say that??!
Most manga. xD Not alot is good.

Me too, my list could take up TT. D<

i sort of think the downside to J.K. Rowlan's books are that SHE KEEPS KILLING OFF CHARACTERS. so im like, STOP KILLING EVERYONE!! and NOO!! DONT KILL FRED!!

if she kills off Fred, why dosent Harry die? and like we dont CARE!
