What Type of School?


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Well alot of you guys might not know this, but I don't go to school.
XD Gotcha. I'm homeschooled. Have been ever since Kindergarten. It's got it's ups and downs, though. But I'm okay with it. I'm so happy that my mom was and still is willing to school me. <3 How great is that? ;3

Oh and I am in high school.

I was homeschooled once! ^.^;


All the way from JK-Gr.6 O:...


Then when Grade 7 came around my mother put me in school. x3


When I was homeschool I really didn't appericate it that much.

Looking back at it now. I'm glad that I was.


Because in reality Elementary school isn't that useful.

All it's doing is preparing you for high school. o_O

And teaching you the basics of Math and english.

At least being homeschooled I didn't get pressured to do all this school work and what not. >w<...And I only did the subjects that were important.




I'm in a public Highschool now.

Grade 12! > :D


My high school is very good.

Good food, good teachers, great selection in subjects! <3

I really enjoy it here!

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I go to a prep academy (grades 4th-8th) it was built just last year and they have such cool stuff! =D


used to go to private school. now i go to public school.

public is WAY better than private, i can tell you that.

Public Middle School.

Its okay I suppose......

A public middle school filled with bunches of mean people.... > :D

This year is my last year then I'm going to high school...but I don't want to.

I used to go to a privite lower school. but If I were still there, I would be in middle school.

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^University maybe? As in, college university? ^.^'

I go a public high school. I like it. The people there may act like seriously uneducated idiots sometimes, but I like it.


Public high--freshman~

And lovin' it. My school doesn't do that poorly in athletics, the cafeteria food is epically awesome, and basically all the people here are fantastic (among them being Mr. Collins). On a side note, there is a Catholic school just around the corner and although I'm Catholic, I didn't go there. The green/black/white uniforms freaked me out.

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