What was the last dream you had?


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I dreamed I took a picture of a big butterfly while it was flying O:

then I bumped a REALLY old topic and I didn't notice XP


Uhm, I don't remember last night..

But a while ago I had a dream about WeiWei. =]

I was walking down the street and I looked at the post office, and WeiWei was there, Wt waved and yelled HEY! and other stuff.. happened after that but not about WeiWei, about people from my school

Ksenia; XD I've dreamt that I've met you. But I can't remember any in particular. D:Maria; You kissed Nick under the table? And THEN... you know what with Andy? XD

I can't remember the one I had last night but the night before I remember running away from a Bulblin (sp?) (Zelda enemy) and I jumped over the fence and found a 'small key' and ran to our pool gate but I realized that wouldn't get me away from the Bulblin so I ran into the basement door but my brother wouldn't let me in so I was like, "LEMME IN NOW, FOOL!" And he let me in so I was safe.

Then I went to take a shower but there was a dead turkey in the showerhead so no water would come out.

Chew on that.
Correct, Krystal :]

That was my favouritest dream. And it was still my latest.

The other day/night I had a weird/funny dream. Ksenia was a surgeon, and She somehow cut off my foot, and put it in my brain. My toes were sticking out my ears. Huntr fell out of a tree, so Ksenia put a bandaid on her eye. And Esther tried to steal Ksenia's Nose. xD

-Note to self: Keep brain and foot away from Ksenia, Unless I want a foot in my Brain: Lol

It's very complicated. I had a dream that my two best friends hated me and they were at my enemy's birthday party. O_O It was very weird xD

I was in this massive house with a massive bed and a massive hallway, and this guy came in, and I was yelling out to my Uncle Steve, and I don't have an Uncle Steve, and this guy on the bed woke up from screaming my brother's name [The guy who I assumed to be "Uncle Steve" 0_o'] and beat up the scary guy who was trying to rape me..?

I woke up almost screaming. It was so scary ):

I met Taylor Swift, and Shayna & Huntr were her daughters. We went surfing with all of them, and Shayna and Huntr were allowed to live with me. Taylor Swift bought us a nice big house, where all of us could fit. From then on, we lived together for the rest of our lives :)

It was weird. And Shayna was seriously obsessed with penguins, and Huntr hated them. So Shayna and Huntr would always fight, and make me be the messenger between them. But in the end, everyone was friends. We phoned Esther up to ask whether she could come and live with us too, but she said no. Then Esther phoned my r/l friend Jen, and Tess, to ask whether they could tell me to get lost. I don't remember much of that part though.

It was weird, cool, and ANGRYING xD.

^ That's epic. @_@

I dreamed about me walking in a mall, with my Tamagotchis, lol. But I don't play with them anymore.. whatever. So I walked until I reached this store, and I went in and stole some stuff xD So then I came out and I forgot my Tamagotchis. Then I went back in again.. and the store manager chased me out but I managed to get my Tamas back. And I ran as fast as I could, because he was chasing me, so I went to the exit and dad picked me up. He was parking in the front xD And then we kept on going and the manager couldn't chase us, but we drove into a light.. and I came out in a room with no walls or a floor.. but there was walls and a floor, but I don't know. I can't explain it. It's like I'm in a cell or something. I mean, literally a cell. The bacterial ones or whatever you call them. xD And after that me and dad flew somewhere, and I can't remember.


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Dragging this back to the front page, x]

If you are easily disturbed or have a fear of terrorism, don't highlight.

I was in the cafeteria at school. It was a regular day, I was sitting there and listening to my friends go on about something. For some strange reason, the police officers who normally guard the cafeteria weren't there. Then, a bunch of men burst through the doors, and began shooting. Everyone scattered, bullets flew though the crowd, and killed kid after kid. I was running as well, and then took cover under a chair in the back, with a few other strangers. I felt unbelievable terror and dread, knowing that I could be dead in a moment, I was helpless. The police burst in after a few minutes, but bullets kept coming. Eventually, they stopped, but we stayed there for over an hour. Finally, someone came over and pulled us out. It was a teacher, or a guidance counselor, or discipline officer, or some other adult figure, and she was all bloody, she had been shot somewhere. For a moment, I wiggled and screamed, terrified. But then she told me it's okay, they're gone, she's here to help me. But once I had calmed down, me and the thirty-or-so kids who had survived the massacre had to get from this end of the cafeteria, to the other. Everything was silent, it was empty except for us. We had to cross the murder scene, of our peers. There were bodies everywhere, as well as a few moving figures who had been lucky enough to survive the bullet. Blood was strewn across the white tile floors, and I had it all over my fingers, clothing, face, and shoes, because blood had splattered over us when someone in front of the chair I was hiding under was shot, as well as when the injured woman had pulled me out. I had to avoid shattered glass on the floor, the fluorescent ceiling lights had been shot out. A few of them flickered dimly, but other than that, it was dark. I was about halfway across the cafeteria when I finally woke up, at eight-thirty in the morning.

It wasn't real, but the emotions were. And the strange thing was, it was so realistic, down to the smallest detail. I had believed it was at the time. I think this will be one of those dreams I'll remember my entire life. Sad thing is, the ones I remember are never the pleasant ones.

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Well, mine always sound very idiotic. Here goes.

There's only one part I truly remember.

There's a church I go to sometimes, out towards the country side. There's a big farm next door.

Randomly, I was there, and so were other random people. It was really dark, because there were big storm clouds in the sky.

My mom started telling me about this ghost of an angry goat, and it would attack people, then eat them. And it haunted the church grounds. She said that it tried to attack her friend, and they caught it on tape, so it was real. So I was freaking out, because it was the evening, and the goat might come. Randomly, I'm in my backyard, with my younger sister and brother. Me and my sister run to get in the house, but my younger brother is all like, "I wanna stay outside." So me and my sister have to yank on him to get him inside.

That's the most vivid part of my dream.

My latest was, erm, weird.

I was with my crush in the park, and he said to me, 'Do you wanna go out with me sometime?' and I said back, 'Yeah sure!'. Then Robert Pattinson came and dragged me out of the park and into his car, and drove me to his hotel and said to me,'Will you do me the honours?' and I said, 'Yes, of course I will marry you!!' and he went, 'No, as you're my cleaner, clean my room slavey.'


We phoned Esther up to ask whether she could come and live with us too, but she said no. Then Esther phoned my r/l friend Jen, and Tess, to ask whether they could tell me to get lost.
I'm always the evil one in your mind, Ksenia.

I'm not that bad! xD

It was more of a nightmare: The girl I've liked for a long time locked me in our school's library(sp?), and wanted to have s*x with me. I mean I like her, but not that much!

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I'm always the evil one in your mind, Ksenia.
I'm not that bad! xD
I know, I know. You're not evil... my mind's just messed up, haha! xD

My last dream was where everyone in my class had to do a speech with someone else. I did a speech on stick insects with Acid... and Jen did a speech on red-back spiders with Barack Obama.

I like dreams. Jen had a dream about Short Stack, her mum, me, and white limos. I thought that was epicccc.

I had a TT Dream last night.

Okay, so Krystal was at my House, and we were on my PS2 Playing a Star-Wars Video Game.

Krystal seemed totally into the game, So I laughed and said "You remind me of this person Who likes Star-Wars from this website I go on"

She asked "Which site?" So I replied, "Tamatalk"

Then She Asked me Which TT'er I was, I told her who I was. xD

Oh, and Also in the dream, She was my Cousin. So she was all "I've been related to you this whole Time?! COOL!"

And I had another TT Dream the other Day.

Lets see, Michelle, Ksenia, Feebee, Esther, Maria, Krystal, and Katie [Cinder] and I Were all there.

The Funniest part of the dream, was that Michelle, Feebee, Esther and I were all Kids, like, 2 Year olds.

Anyways, Michelle was throwing a tantrum, Because Ksenia wouldn't feed her her Favorite Food.

And Esther was Taking a Nap under the sink. If anyone tried opening the cupboard door to the sink, She'd Yell.

Feebee was coloring on the Walls. And I was bugging Katie to teach me how to tie my Shoes.

Then Michelle was all "I GOTTA GO POTTY!"

Krystal Gave Feebee a timeout for Coloring on the Walls,

Katie Taught me to tie my shoes.

And Maria and Ksenia Finally woke Esther up. Then we all went to the Park.

It was Hilarious.


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