What was the last stupid thing you did?


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I was trying to close our door and managed to hit myself on the head with it. I don't know.

At school yesterday Carrie, Judy and I made a plan to drink energy drinks before school and go hyper.

Didn't work today, but we'll try tomorrow ;D

stupid thing ive done lately. hmm.

push my boyfriend while one of our friend came

behind and hit him on the back with the bicycle


Today at school, it was the end of Spanish and the bell was about to ring, so I went to go talk to my friends, and as I'm trying to get up I somehow manage to fall backwards hitting my chair and almost crashing down to the floor. x.x

I could make a series of books on stupid things I've done my whole life. xD

Things that happened today...

- I did the chicken dance while running backwards today at lunch. I bumped into some 7th grader and he ran away scared. :wacko: Poor kid.

- Wrote something on my hand this morning and I spent a majority of the day leaning the side of my face on my hand. Now I have "THE GAME. (You just lost!!)" on my cheek.

- Tried to glomp my friend Jax. It was really weird, because I couldn't hang on, and I half slide, half fell off. And it looked kind of wrong, according to my observing friends.

- Wasted time in L.A. by laughing about creepy old men in short shorts. ._.;; (we had to do a poem on what we were afraid of...)

I burped in class

Let my friends drag me down the hill at school

Let the teachers tell us off

Dare my crush to go off school property, and laughing my head off when he did so.

Chase after my crush screaming "COME HERE *insert last name here*"

Laughing my head off at tech.

Bought extra internet downloadyness using my Mum's credit card.

And I didn't tell her before I did it. Eeeep. D:

I'm gonna be in so much trouble now.

I actually behaved so badly in art (well, the other kids on my table did too) that the art teacher had to come and sit with us at the table.

She left when she heard Chuckie and Kevin (who sit on the other table) talking about pissing.

Screaming "RAAAAAAAPPPPPEEEEEEEEE" when Kyle fell on me.

Rough-housing with Anthony while standing on a fence post.

Stealing anthony's fence post (He shoved me!)

Locking both doors in the house so mum can't come in

Reading my entire book for English in 10 minutes (hehe)

Laughing my head off when Anthony punched this kid with braces in the jaw. (xDDDDDD)

I screamed my head off when I was on the phone with my mom, cause my friend told me there was a bee on my hand xD


I was on horseisle, and named one of my horses "Weiwei" and (the horse) weiwei rolled in the mud so I said "stupid weiwei"

I found that so ironic because we all know Weiwei is the smartest girl on TT. =P

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