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I'm such an EarthBound fan... sigh

"I could really use a hug right now. Not one of those “It’s nice to see you again, I‘ve really missed you” type of hugs or those “Goodbye for now” type of hugs, but an actual hug. The ones where each person has two arms wrapped around the other person’s body, holding on tight enough so no one feels the need to let go. The ones that last for more than a couple of seconds so you can rest your head on the other person’s shoulder for a while. Not the one armed hugs that need to be rushed so they could give a hug to the next person waiting to be hugged. The hugs where you don’t have to say anything because in that moment we just click when we’re holding onto each other. Hugs that make you feel like the world is slowing down just for you and everything is going to be okay. It’s not just a hug anymore, it becomes something much more than that. One simple gesture had the power to motivate you and make you stronger. Hugs like these are rare since you’re not exactly sure when you’re going to receive another one again. Giving you every possible reason to cherish the moment and make it last."

I love this.

goodbye old friend

goodbye goodnight

i'll move on

you'll call it fate, i'll call it karma

we had our time, it was fun

while it lasted

i'll look back, with honor

and no regrets

i won't be mad, won't feel bad

these memories will never leave me

don't be sad

cause life goes on, life goes on

it's getting too late

tomorrow is here

Ах остановить его im, застенчивый он он он. Кинда как вас на обед, когда мы говорим о faping

HAHAHAHA. I love him. xD

^Did any one see that one?Haha sorry,couldn't help myself.Please don't get too mad with me.

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^ Thank you, my friend. ... xDD

I would go, "Heeell no. You're a woman..!"

Then find some favorite young male celebrity.

OH HAHAHA. That's something Lexi~Gotchi said. I was quoting it.

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