What's something you learned today?


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I forgot to mention that earlier, While shopping with my mom. I thought I saw a person who looked like Ksenia. Except, the person was Wrinkley and Old. I was all "How did Ksenia get to Canada, and why is she Old?"

In conclusion. I learnt that Ksenia is not a Wrinkley Old Lady. Nor is she in Canada.

Oh, and I also learnt that while on my cell-phone on Tamatalk, People's Avvies look Oddly Stretched.

^Ohmy. Well, maybe that's what I'll look like when I actually am an old grandma. I'm trying to imagine all of you guys being elderly grandparents. I seriously cannot imagine that.

-Esther, Feebee, Michelle, Krystal and a few more people will be some very clumsy old people 8D

^Ohmy. Well, maybe that's what I'll look like when I actually am an old grandma. I'm trying to imagine all of you guys being elderly grandparents. I seriously cannot imagine that.
-Esther, Feebee, Michelle, Krystal and a few more people will be some very clumsy old people 8D

They'd probably be all waking with their canes/walkers and Then they'd just, Fall over. Slowly get back up again. and Fall down again. Then. They'd replace their medication with Crayons.

They'd probably be all "Here Child, Let us tell you some stories. Back in the daaaay. We'd eat Crayons Daaaay and Niiiight. Now, Get Granny/Gramps some warm Grapes for His/Her Eye-Sockets. And some More Crayon-Insulin" xD

Speaking of Old-People, I have to upload that pic of Me and my Great Great Aunt Gladys. She's like, 97 years old.

I learned I am obsessed with Hack: Mutation. ._.

(I still have pictures of Data Drain in my head. :) )

'Tis still morrning 8D


-Emilee Eggfry is ordering webcam 8D

Don't ask for the story (seriously, its like worse than it sounds too) but its very bad to be kicked out of a guys house at 3am.


-Forests are fun.

-Playgrounds are funner.

-Sarah likes to swear in videos and make them not possible to show on TT :0

-Esther, Feebee, Michelle, Krystal and a few more people will be some very clumsy old people 8D
Yes. Ima gonna be a rebel Granny. Riding round the nursing home waving my dentures in the air. The untamable old person who everyone wishes would just die already. XD

No I'm kidding. I think.

As for what I learnt today, I guess I've become more experienced with my own uncoordination. In other words, I have had many, many clumsy moments. And the day is only halfway through. I shall now share some with you.

For one thing, it was raining. And I mucked my hair up by running through the forest, trying to climb a tree and failing very miserably. So my Mum marched me home and made me take a shower as soon as she found me there.

Oh, and I managed to shut an umbrella on myself. Which, before today, I didn't even think was possible.

And then there's been a few of the average things, tripping over basic household objects like stairs and such. And myself. And then I accidentally dropped my Mum's concealer in the toilet and had to buy her a new one.

The usual, really.

-Its hard to eat and talk with a numb mouth. 1 hour until it wears off and i'm starving and have already attempted food.

-Esther chose the 2 WORST picture of me to compare me with her D: And of course, we look quite alike. Just Esther looks older, in a good way. Wait, we look around the same age. She looks more mature when she's being... not normal. As in, not jumping around spazzily. Gosh, Ima bad explainer. Point being, we look very alike, just we look scarily different at times too.

-I laugh during 3-way-interview practise. And I dont know how to spell practise D:

-According to little midget Damian (who is only about 110cm tall and in grade 5), me and Jen are the two weirdest people on this planet. His exact words ''Gosh, stop laughing. You two are too weird to be on this planet. Short Stack are seriously the stupidest people on this planet. And yes, I know, they're not the backstreet boys''. Jen's reply: ''YES! THEY'RE NOT THE BACKSTREET BOYS'' 8D.

After much training with my cousins, I can finally play Battlefront on xBox without running away screaming and shooting at nothing! 8D I killed like 40 bad guys. GO KRYSTAL~ x3

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