What's something you learned today?


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To get girls 'Just be yourself, man.'

I FINALLY figured out Aoshi's outfit. He wears that black shirt under the purpley Oniwaban uniform, and thennn the amazing coat. So he must take off the purple uniform when he's fighting Kenshin so he's just in the black shirt. But then somehow his black shirt gets cut in the front revealing his chest. Ohyes. xD

My dad practices piano a lot!

I'm a legal employee now.

My signature looks different every time I write it.

Mae's actually didn't break anything. But her leg's still badly injured.

She needs crutches.

She can still play with us in the tourney :)

The guys at FSHS are waaay cooler than I thought.

Purplehead's real name is Miles.

Miles is amazing.

Chris is funny.


My evil plans for tomorrow are still going ahead. > :angry:

Amanda is amazing - I re-learnt that.

That everyone simply knows we like eachother, dang. I'm/we're obvious. xD

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You can send a banana..

Step One: Put a stamp on one end of the fruit

Step Two: Repeat step one, but put the second stamp on the other end

Step Three: With unwashable marker/pen, write on the return address and address.

Step Four: Put in mail box.

Step Five: Wait.

Step Six: Get a hysterical letter from your friend in the mail.

(Hey, don't sue me if this isn't correct, but my friend's friend (lol)) tried it. It worked..)

TIP: Probably want to use an un-ripe banana; ya don't want ur friend to receive a mushy, brown banana, do ya?!

Chris likes me.

He's going to buy me a rose.

I learnt much more about his thoughts on me, but that's too personal ;)

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Weiwei is so amazingly funny (LLLL)

How to cut metal, although I completely and utterly failed.

Cristina's an amaziiing basketball-shooterer.

Kirsty's just as educated as I am.


''John is like the weirdest person in the world'' If Weiwei's correct, that is.

What Tertiary colours are :D

Cooper thinks he's so cool with his gangsta hat and nerd glasses.

Vishu's voice is so hard to understand.

We get our Student ID Card photos done on Mondaaay!

I learned today.. hmm.. 90 degree counter clock wise and clockwise rotation on a grid over the x and y axis. I did so well in Math today. :huh:

Listening to music on Windows Media player just doesnt feel the same...

Lisa and her family are without power and freezing. D;

Edit: Oh, and making home made pizzas is fun!

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DO. NOT. Throw a torn up plastic water bottle. Because it'll slip out of your hands and slice them. I have little cuts on my hand now. Owwwww!

What Chris thinks of me.

What Chris thinks is a good time.

Actually, what I think too.

My life isn't half bad.

I'm actually properly happy with it.

For the first time in years.

All because of one person.

And today I learnt, for sure, that he is the most amazing person I know at the moment.


Please excuse my gross talk ;P

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