What's the weirdest place


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I'm like Ksenia. The strangest place I've ever fallen asleep was probable an airplane. And it wasn't comfortable. Not at all. The only reason I slept was because it was a 10 hour flight, and I was dead tired.

Yikes, i hate planes. XP I've never fallen asleep on one, the longest flight i've been on was two-ish hours maybe a bit longer.

The weirdest place I probably fell asleep in would be...

The kitchen.

I was tired and hungry, so I fell asleep in the corner.


Hm... When I was little, I think I was two, I slept in lots of wierd places. The strangest would have to be a three-way tie between on the floor surrounded by pillows, in a box, and under the changing table xD

I can't sleep in odd places.It has to be a bed.
Didn't you sleep in the space between the couch and the wall?

Me? On a chair covered in towels from the dryer. I slept funny, so when I woke up I had the worst pain in my neck Dx

Once when I was younger, I fell asleep during class. I remember thinking about owls before I fell asleep. Last year, I fell asleep during class and the person next to me sneezed very loud and woke me up. I dreamed about purty color patterns.

Yes, Shayna, I did.

But I made it into a bed.

I moved the couch and put heaps of blankets in there,

So it was exactly like a bed.

If you count that weird then I guess that answers the topic's question.

Yikes, I can't sleep on planes either -_______- Longest flight I've ever been on lasted about 14 hours (from Singapore to Russia) and it was at night. I couldn't sleep no matter what. I pretended to sleep for no apparent reason but I never actually fell asleep. Ahwellz.

You know what? I can't nap during the daytime.

No matter how tired I am, I can't do it.

well once i fell asleep in the rain and on the dusty ground when my family went camping


I always fall asleep on planes.

Like as soon as I get in one, it like automatically puts me to sleep. Usually my body is like hanging over the seat in the aisle (x

And also moving cars have the same effect on me.

hmm When I was about 5 I fell asleep in a resternant. I really don't know why.

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