Where do I start...?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I am really into the whole punky/gothic/emo look. o.o

I think it looks really good, so I wanted to cut my hair into a more emo style...that I could do, but there's more.

I love the clothing! But I have nothing tha'ts "emoish", "punkish", etc. And my mom wont let me buy anymore clothes. <.<

And, I wouldn't want my friends to think I'm a poser. I don't plan on changing my personality at all.

I just adore and want to portray the look!

Is there anything wrong with this? x_x Should I just stick to what I look like now, and be unhappy?

My first approach to this was never be unhappy with how you look. Especially in your case, because I've seen you. And your gorgeous! :) But that isn't my final answer...

People and their styles gradually change over time, especially when they reach an age group in which their introduced to new things. (That's what I believe, anyway!) I wouldn't think of you as a poser if you decided to start wearing darker things. Especially when it's just another style. ^^

Anyway, I'm interested in the same look as you. The only problem is that my parents forbid me from wearing anything that screams I'm emo or goth. I'm allowed to wear black of course, and I do. But I can't wear mascara, which sucks. T_T Therefor, I'll use my friend for an example!

She has very light hair, and pale skin. But she pulls off the whole goth look soooo well. First of all, I don't think you need a haircut that covers your eyes to be emo or goth. My friend's hair is blonde, but it's dyed pitch black halfway down. It looks really good, and it's not ALL BLACK, if you know what I mean. And as far as her hairCUT goes, it's just plain, long, and straight down. Of course you could cut layers into yours or something, and even get creative with the bangs, but it's entirely up to you. I personally think covering your eyes is a little overrated, but having them cut straight across at a funky angle would look cool. As for your clothes, that's a tough one for me. I guess you could donate some of your clothes that you really don't want or never use. Maybe that would make room for some new ones? And if that doesn't work, I'll tell you this: My friend can wear pink and still pull of the goth look. So that doesn't matter so much. If you have some darker shades, I think you can make it work! Plus, her personality is really bubbly and happy. You don't have to go hardcore, that would be a little strange.

BTW, my friend is 13.


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Okay, well I personally cannot empathise with you, because -in my opinion- the whole goth/punk/emo look is just plain ugly. But I understand that everyone has different opinions about this look, and I am happy for you if you have chosen to like it.

When someone says to me 'goth-looking', 'emo-looking', etc, I immediately think: white skin, black hair (preferably hanging in front of face, across one eye or something), usually not smiling (unless it's a kind of smirk), very very dark make-up and black clothes. So basically a kind of zombie-like human thing. Lol!

I've seen your pictures on the 'Pictures: of you' topic in Seriously Non TT, and you have lovely blonde hair and a pretty smile. I'm not sure this look would work on you. And how old are you? 13? If so, that's way too young for this extreme look. I seriously don't advise that you go for it. You are really pretty, don't say that you would be unhappy with your looks if you didn't go 'goth'.

Goth/emo/scene requires lots and lots of make-up, and at your age you shouldn't be wearing that amount! And you know that 'emo' stands for 'emotionally unstable' or something like that, don't you? Well, think about this - do you really want people looking at you as emotionally unstable?? Hiding your face behind a veil of black hair isn't 'cool emo dudette', it shows signs of insecurity and indeed, shows that you are emotionally unstable/disturbed.

My advice to you: Don't do it. And yes, this contrasts directly to what Aerostella is saying in the post above, but hey - we can all have more than one opinion! So keep your looks, keep your smile, keep your non-emotionally disturbed look! That's all I have to say! :)


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Noe! Don't change your look. You're pretty! I've seen pictures of you.

^ I totally agree! No need to be ashamed of what you're saying and cover it up with a line; it's true, and I agree with you! Tamagirl_Desy is beautiful, and shouldn't change the way she looks just so that people will view her as 'emotionally unstable'.

^ I totally agree! No need to be ashamed of what you're saying and cover it up with a line; it's true, and I agree with you! Tamagirl_Desy is beautiful, and shouldn't change the way she looks just so that people will view her as 'emotionally unstable'.
It's her choice. If she wants to change her style, it's entirely up to her.

Covering herself in make-up and a decent haircut won't hide her pretty face. :)

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Thank you everyone. ;D

I understand your opinion, bratztroxg, but I don't plan on covering my face. The hairstyles I were looking at were not covering my face at all if the bangs were clipped back, and I could wear a decent amount of make-up until I'm ready for more.

And thanks for the compliments. :) I do like my looks now, I guess, but it's not the type of look I've always wanted, or that I'm aiming for.

Good for you. If you do change your look, I really want to see pictures! <3

Yay, lol. Even though my advice sucked? o.o

I wish I could of done better! x.x

[SIZE=7pt]You're just like me :wub: [/SIZE]

Start off gradually, firstly, I started wearing skinny jeans.

Then I changed my hair, got side swept bangs and got my hair more choppy.

Then I wore scene-ish makeup. How to make your makeup scene (if thats what you like) Put eyeliner on the lower eye part, (dont know the name :wub: ) and then apply a lot of mascara, than finish with eyeshadow.

Your actually very, very beautiful, even though you don't want to change your personality- changing your look may attract different friends, and different friends may changer you, no matter how small the change is, you will almost definitely change a little. [ :

It happened to me, but Im not like an insane druggy emo freak now, I've just changed a little.

Good luck !

I did a similar thing over the summer, when I was going school shopping. I bought mostly black/darker clothes and didn't shop at Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Hollister, or really anywhere like that. I shopped manly at Rue 21, dELiA*s, Hot Topic... yeah. :wub:

But you know what I've found? I'm never happy with my look. Now instead of me wearing jeans and black t-shirt most days, I'm changing... again. D: I still want to go with the darker color-scheme, but I want to go more sophisiticated. Like, instead of black t-shirts, a deep plum purple/black blouse, you know? That's what I'm going for now. :wub: Something a little more attractive to the opposite sex (in my opinion). x33

I would start gradually. Have you ever considered thrift shopping? Yeah, I didn't either. But when I did some volunteer work at the local thrift store over the summer, I found that the place was filled with great things... for extremely cheap. I found a black knit three-courter length sleeve shirt... the kind you can see a bit through... for like, $3, and it was from Wet Seal. It is one of the things I actually wear most<33

I got my hair cut over the summer, it's longish and blond, with bangs straight accross the front. I wanna change it already! I'm not allowed to dye it, so I think I want side-sweep bangs now. 8DD

So, in short, I think that it is great that you want to update your look. I would totally go through with it. I hope it all works out for you. Just rememeber- you can't do it all at once. Not only for practical and financial reasons, but because you can't be all bright one day, go into school the next and be wearing all black. -.- You'll probably get a lot of unwanted attention that way. So take it gradually. I'm sure you'll love your new look in the end!!

Oh, and I would be thrilled to see pics when you're through~ 8D

@Kelly_Clarkson- That's how I do my eyes most days. Only I add glitter to it. 8D

I understand your opinion, bratztroxg, but I don't plan on covering my face. The hairstyles I were looking at were not covering my face at all if the bangs were clipped back, and I could wear a decent amount of make-up until I'm ready for more.
Thank you for being so mature about this. :wub: I think that if you do what you say you are going to do, you'll look lovely whilst achieving your desired look! I was just concerned about you hiding your face/wearing excessive amounts of dark make-up, but I really think you are mature enough to take things slowly and develop an emo/scene look that's totally you. Good luck, and be sure to post pictures! :wub:


Thank you for being so mature about this. :wub: I think that if you do what you say you are going to do, you'll look lovely whilst achieving your desired look! I was just concerned about you hiding your face/wearing excessive amounts of dark make-up, but I really think you are mature enough to take things slowly and develop an emo/scene look that's totally you. Good luck, and be sure to post pictures! :wub: -bratztroxg
Yeah, that's a point. Some people don't know how to wear make-up, lol. xD

Thank you all soo much for the advice. =]

I'm going to start things slow...I do have one or two outfits that are emo/scene, so I'm planning on wearing them to school, then get my hair cut, then start wearing different types of make-up. I don't want to go OVERLY slow, but I want to give enough time for people to get used to the change. ;D

Thank you all soo much for the advice. =]I'm going to start things slow...I do have one or two outfits that are emo/scene, so I'm planning on wearing them to school, then get my hair cut, then start wearing different types of make-up. I don't want to go OVERLY slow, but I want to give enough time for people to get used to the change. ;D
Yeah, because if you change from one day to the next everyone will think you're a poser. Example: being your normal self one day and then the next day dressing in black and wearing heavy make up, your hair on your face etc etc.

Just take things slow :wub:

There's nothing wrong with that. Wear what you like, and like what you wear. <3~

I usually have to save up for most bits and pieces I want throughout the year, like that tuxedo fedora or top hat, but yeah.

BTW, really hardcore goth clothes get expensive, so don't expect to be able to save up for a nice corset fast, if you're going to try goth. The only way I got mine semicorset is because it didn't fit my mom.

You don't need to change, not if you don't want to.


I understand that most people your age are concerned with looks. Who looks like what. Who looks like this. Who looks like that. I don't know anything about changing your "Style", but if you want to, go for it! I don't really know how you should become scene/emo, because I never really thought about it. If you are doing this just to fit in, then don't change yourself.


Be who you want to be. You don't need to become someone else just to get friends and/or attention. :) Enjoy who you are today, because tomorrow awaits...

(Wow! Did I just make a quote? xD)


It's your decision. :D

You don't need to change, not if you don't want to. 

I understand that most people your age are concerned with looks. Who looks like what. Who looks like this. Who looks like that. I don't know anything about changing your "Style", but if you want to, go for it! I don't really know how you should become scene/emo, because I never really thought about it. If you are doing this just to fit in, then don't change yourself.


Be who you want to be. You don't need to become someone else just to get friends and/or attention. ;) Enjoy who you are today, because tomorrow awaits...

(Wow! Did I just make a quote? xD)


It's your decision. :D
I totally agree. Well said, East Army. :(

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