Where's Your Computer?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
I'm just curious O:

My computer is actually in my room ;3

Where's yours at?

EDIT: Sorry! I forgot to put in a sibiling's room! If that's the case just put family room I guess xD Also if you have more than one, just vote for the one you go on most often :3

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The family computer is in the basement. My dad's laptop is usually on the dining room table. I have my own, but it's my dad's old one. It's really crappy and the on button is broken so you have to stab it with a knife till it turns on (I'm not kidding) So I just use his sleek new one. (We got it on sale, that's why we got it in th first place) In our summer home it's always on the kitchen table.

well i have 2 laptops in the living room, and one in my dinning room, and my lil bro has one for learning games and crap in his room(this is at my mums)

I have one in my room and one in the living room(this is at my dads)

Mine's in the livingroom. Right next to the freaking A/C. I'm freezing all day.

i have a laptop, and a computer in the basement, and in my dad's office. it all depends where i go.

Our home computer's in an isolated study.

Well, it's not really isolated. There's a TV and a couch and a phone and it's where my Mum does the washing. And it's the reason I can't go on the computer as much as I'd like, because my Dad's often using it for work purposes. It's the Family Room, to use American terms. :D

Right now, I'm in England. On my grandparents' computer. I love it!

This one's like a million times nicer! The screen's a little bigger and there's a big sunny window next to it. [Well, not when it's raining. But the room's turning golden right now, which makes me happy.] I think it's a Dell. I can't remember the make of our home PC, but it's just fine.

Ah, computers. I love the wonders of technology! :)

Lotsa places. 8D

Usually it's in my room on my desk, but lately I've been using downstairs in the living room a lot. It's a laptop ;]

I have two

Main one my mom uses : Living / Family Room

Laptop : Anywhere I take it.

My computer's in my room because since there are so many computers in my house, that's the only place that has room for computers.

Laptop. I go through little stages of where I live in my room xD I used to live at the computer desk, next to the bunk bed. Then I lived at my other desk, in the big white swirly chair thing. Then I lived in the bathroom, out of my room for a change. Then I moved to the couch back in my room, right next to the big windows and the radio. Currently, I am living in my closet. I like it because it's small and dark, and there's no AC, so it stays nice and warm.

You can tell which spot I'm living in because there's a bunch of gum wrappers and soda cans, a bunch of wires, my squishy pillow, random clothing, and a bunch of other crap while everything else is perfectly clean. xD

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