Who has/had acne?


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I've got a little bit, and since getting bangs, it's been worse. It gets all big and red, but it doesn't bother me much, since I think acne compliments my face ((Weird? I think not.)) and also it's under my bangs.

I used to have acne.

Clean & Clear works like a charm.

But my pick is Neutrogena Skin ID [:

I've had acne since the summer before grade 5. At the moment I'm in grade 7 and its horrible x.x

I have it all over my forehead, a few on my nose, and on my jaw and chin. I als have it pretty bad on my shoulders. But on the bright side, I don't have the really red huge zits. They are just small and most are the same color as my skin so they arent THAT easy to see. I've tried products like proactive but none of them have worked for me. That gets really frusturating.

I've had acne since the summer before grade 5. At the moment I'm in grade 7 and its horrible x.x
I have it all over my forehead, a few on my nose, and on my jaw and chin. I als have it pretty bad on my shoulders. But on the bright side, I don't have the really red huge zits. They are just small and most are the same color as my skin so they arent THAT easy to see. I've tried products like proactive but none of them have worked for me. That gets really frusturating.
I've got it very smiliar to you...

Just I've had acne since grade 4 and now I'm in grade 6 (technically grade 7 cuz the grade 7 year hasn't started yet). I also have it really bad on my shoulders, but on the down side, they are very big and inflamed. But on my face its getting better. Maybe its the temeperature, or maybe something else, but my face is getting clearer and clearer. And I'm eating way more sweets than Im supposed to..and my face is getting clearer...weird. Anyway, its not as annoying now, cuz I dont wear singlets or anything that shows off my shoulders and I suppose a little bit of acne is normal for my age.

Ok, sorry for the bigg-ish post, Im gonna stop writing now :lol:

I started getting acne when i was like 10 (literally, i'm an early bloomer) most natural creams for acne dont make it go away altogether. Try not to touch your face at all and wash your face each morning , if you dont want to go to that much trouble then just ignore the acne. if your acne hurts or something or if you get a big pimple my sister says toothpaste helps or something. Personally i dont care about my acne I'm pretty used to me having the only stuff out of my age group (bewbs acne moodswings) so I'm pretty confident about my face around other people xD

i kind of normally have acne because you know how having dry skin prevents acne well my skin gets TO dry so i have to put like mostuirizer on my face which probs makes acne worse... but i dont really care :mellow:

I havnt had it but random ones on my arms thats it. So as for my face No <.< We'll see I might get it I really dunno.

no, I don't have any and I really should not I just like posting. (I am 9)bye!!!!!!!

I've got it very smiliar to you...Just I've had acne since grade 4 and now I'm in grade 6 (technically grade 7 cuz the grade 7 year hasn't started yet). I also have it really bad on my shoulders, but on the down side, they are very big and inflamed. But on my face its getting better. Maybe its the temeperature, or maybe something else, but my face is getting clearer and clearer. And I'm eating way more sweets than Im supposed to..and my face is getting clearer...weird. Anyway, its not as annoying now, cuz I dont wear singlets or anything that shows off my shoulders and I suppose a little bit of acne is normal for my age.

Ok, sorry for the bigg-ish post, Im gonna stop writing now :p
Apparently, eating unhealthy food does not have any effect on acne. I was really relieved when I heard about that because I also eat a few more sweets that I'm supposed to. shhh xD

I don't know if I already said yes or no or kind of.So...

I sometimes get like one little unnoticable pimple on my face but not a big deal :]

My face is mostly very clear of pimples. :3

I have this bump thing on my cheek that annoys me because it looks a bit like a zit but I don't think I can wash it off >.<

Then I get zits that bleed when I pop them, and turn into tiny little red scab things that are super visible (i only get, liek, one at a time, sometimes. I have one right now between my eyes D:<)

Then from time to time I get a zit in a hard to pop place (side of my nose, etc.)

My nose is super oily with blackheads and stuff like that that annoys me so much, and my skin is UBER bumpy. I hate it D:<

(Any advice for this will be appreciated)

My suggestion, wash your face every night. Helps a lot.

Oh, and a bit of moisturizer, just a bit, before bed will keep your skin hydrated (I tried it last night, my skin felt WONDERFUL after I put it on. Moisturizer helps a lot, but don't over do it)


Too much moisturizer and cleanser WILL BREAK OUT YOUR SKIN. Not kidding, that's what happened to me, but I'm in the works of repairing.

Oh, and don't wash your face more than once a day. Doing that can cause your skin to strip off it's natural layer, making your skin even more oily.

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Unlike you ~Wildheart~, when I get zits on the side of my nose, I normally pick them off and then theres no mark.

And thanks ~Wildheart~, I'll try washing my face before bed......and applying moisturiser. The thing is, my mum doesn't like me applying ANYTHING apart from natural things to my face. Its stupid in a way....I need a bit of help to convince her.

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