Who is your inspiration/role model?


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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King's Lynn, United Kingdom
Just wondering, who do you look up to as your inspiration? Barrack Obama and Simon Cowell are my inspirations. Obama is a good leader and he knows what he's doing. Simon Cowell just because he can come up with some witty remarks. :)

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Rebecca Black.

Just kidding. It's ilikeweylie from YouTube. She's a guru, but she mostly talks about life problems now. She's just so wise for her age. Plus she's hilarious :)

I would say that my family as a whole (including my mom, dad, and younger sister) is an inspiration to me. My mom is my #1 inspiration and role model. She's the hardest-working person I know. She's successful, has the most kind, compassionate, and understanding heart I have ever known, and she's beautiful inside and out. She's overcome many obstacles to get to where she is today. My mom, who is a pediatric nurse practitioner, has inspired me to become a nurse practitioner myself and I'm on my way there. :) I could go on and on about how wonderful my mom is but there could never be enough time in the day for that. I love her. ♥

Kathleen Hanna

Ariana Bardallis

Molly Soda

David Bowie

Enid Coleslaw, Lydia Deetz and Valerie Frizzle

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