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I am an expert burper, I can burp the ABC's adn different words. I can burp pneumonoultramicoscopicsiliconvolcanikoniosis and floccinaucihilipilification

Hmm, teaching a sibling to burp......odd, and strange? But me and my sis and bro are enemies, so I dont teach them anything......but burping.....weird. I am a girl, but here is the thing, I actually burp in public!!! I really dont care what other ppl think, even though it really sounds disturbing.

Here is a little description of me and my friends~~~

Me: *drinking soda*

Friends: *play with each other*

Me: *burps*

Friends: EWWW!

Yup thats how they react, but I cant do it on command, only if I eat chocolate soda, or chicken..odd?

Here is a little description of me and my friends~~~
Me: *drinking soda*

Friends: *play with each other*

Me: *burps*

Friends: EWWW!

Yup thats how they react, but I cant do it on command, only if I eat chocolate soda, or chicken..odd?
I can do it on command, Mainly to annoy (This little thing take place on a Coach Bus cause the school I go to has money :3)

Me: *burps LOUDLY on bus to a field trip*

Girl in front of me: Who did that?

Me: I did! Whooo!

Few people around me: ew

ok this is a very random topic anyways.. [SIZE=27pt] AWESOME! LOL! WHOO WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!WO![/SIZE] - breaths - - calms down a little - sorry im hyper - again -

- rolls eyes - lol :D im used to it now lol im done! - ;) -

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haha cool! I can burb my abc's!!!!
Same here... ^.^""

My brothers taught me...I burp alot at lunch..hehe

Here's a quick story about burping

Ok so it was dinnner time, and my 6 brothers and I. And mom and dad, where eating and we where drinking Orange Juice. Well anyways, it was quite, and we where eating, and my 3rd oldest brother paused...and burped sooo loud! My dad was drinking his orange juice, and suddenly he just spits it out onto his plate. We started laughing! It was funny!

Ahh, I love having 6 brothers...and 0 sisters.. :furawatchi:


Merry Christmas♥

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Aw, teach me!!! ;) Everyone tells me "Just swallow air" I'm like, "I do! ;( It's not working! lol" I just sound like a sick dog having a seisure X3 ;)
I pitty you people that can, :lol:

Edit- xD I'm sure YOU pitty Me xD I'm mixed up :D
When I would swallow air I'd just get the hiccups, and those are annoying sometimes to get rid of lol.

And for those ladies in here who think its gross and such: Gas happens and girls don't burp sunbeams and fart unicorns. You'll have to untighten some screws in your personality because gas is a normal function and without it...well...life might just suck XD

Rii..iight. <.<

>_< Actually, that's gross. Why are you so proud of it?


Well it could be that its a sibling bonding of sorts. It's not gross, its a normal reaction to the body, controlled or not. If you can control it enough to do it on command then you gained an extra ability because things liekthat aren't easily tamed. Sheesh some girls are just too girly for my liking lol.
sorry for getting off topic but its new years eve ;)

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