Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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tama teen your defintely going to get a crappy job because your spelling is horrible. So think about yourself before others!

tama teen your defintely going to get a crappy job because your spelling is horrible. So think about yourself before others

the last time in my litature class i took care of my v3 for the whole class time and i got a total of [SIZE=30pt]9100g pts.[/SIZE] all by playing heading all the

time! (we were watching a movie)

[size17] it doesn't matter if kids are nerds brendon urie from panic was a nerd and i love him cuz nerds someday may turn out famous! [/size]

You guys are basically nurds take risks play with your TAMA! :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi:
lol, BURN!!! Its true tho, I play with my tama in class all the time, and I get all a's and b's, I've never even got caught and my teachers don't care if we play with them! HA!

You guys have all these big ol' theories about why to and not to play with tama's in class. MY tama's are always sound off. I play with em in school every day and I am a straight A student since first grade. (kindergarten doesnt count, thats easy.)byas./
last year I got like 2B's 2C's 1D and 1A This year (now playin with my tamagotchi during unimportant times) A A A A A A! hmm.... I actually seem to be doin better! it might have to do with my short attentions span bored of homework, play tamagotchi, bored of tamagotchi finish homework, play tamagotchi! it works out well and I fit in train for cross country in their too!

CONFISCATED leanr how to spell people, I havent heard one person so far spell it correctly gosh!

Ok kids try to see it from the veiw in of your teachers eyes. Just imagine that your teacher let all the children play with their Tamagotchis. Next one child claims that John Doe stole their tamagotchi, but John keeps instisting its his. Now don't say, "Well I'll just prove its mine" because think about it, most adults don't even know how to work a tamagotchi let alone understand what your saying about them. So the Tamagotchi will most likely get taken away and the parents called. Would you like to be the one that decide whos is whos? When you are in Elementry and Middle School they tend to not let things be brought in that could cause a fight. From High School and Collage they really don't care to much.

Results:Teachers take Tamas away because: They can cause fights and they just don't want you distracted.( :chohimetchi: How distracted can you get.)

Anyway I really am not a good example because I play with my Entama at work. I could lose my job if I'm caught, but hey I hate my job anyway:D

^_^ I know that school is the number one priority, but you can just take a peak at it every two hours just to make sure that it is ok. I mean don't over exagerate it. Like a small one minute peak will not kill your eduacation!! It is not the end of the world!!!! :p
Exactly! I care for my Tamagotchi during school. It doesn't hurt my education at all. I turn the sound off so it's not a distraction, and check it once in a while. I don't check it when my teacher is talking, but when she's done and I'm just suppossed to do my work, I quietly and quickly flush the screen or give it a snack. Then I put it back and continue with my work. That's not killing my education... :)

-Tamaguy#1 :p

but on the topic of playing with your tamagotchi during school, i agree, you shouldn't. it could get you in a lot of trouble. :) ^_^ or it could get lost! i play with mine on the bus and leave it PAUSED and inside my locker during school. hope this helps!


But why should you have your tamagotchi in class? :huh: .You are at school to learnand get a good education that will help later in life.Do not play with your tamagotchi in

class it is going to be taken away by whoever is teaching you.Do not play with

your tamagotchi in class here are risks:


1.You will have it taken away.

2.If it gets taken at the beginging of the day it will die by 4 hours

3.You will not get a good education.

4.You will be embarssed if you get it taken in-frount of class.



Its for your own good,Do not play with it or

suffer the consurqwensers. ;)



Best of luck:

:hitodetchi: Young Robot :)
:D not to be mean or anything but i think you shouldnt tell people what to do and i bring my tama to school every single day i hace for about 3 months i only got it taken away one time but she gave it back at the end of the period and if u need to feed it or something just hide it under the desk and only take it out when u need to care for it not just to play games and most the time it depends on the teacher for the consequences if its a nice teacher they might just take it till te end of class or just give a wrning a mean teacher might take it away and make ur parents get it but if it does happen to get taken away then hurry and pause it using a and b buttons at the same time thats what i do i and it wont affect ur grade just as long as u do ur work.. hope that helped

whoah this is the most ive ever typed on tamatalk lol.... :D :p


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You dont have to be mean. Let people choose for themselves. It is there own life really!! no offence. speakin for the people. ;)

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no offense but ru paying attention.. i dunno if it was a mistake or idk but u speeled something wrong... i forgot what.. o yea i get straight A's and I ALWAYS play wiht my tama in class
Are you from america? or do you just go to secondr school? ;) :)


so i bought my tama to school n all my friends had bought theres to

so i bought myn. Anyway, so these people found out that that i had bought my tama to school(your not allowed to bring your tama to school in my school)n the principle heard n i got my tama taken away. my mum was soo upset i dont want to tell you wat happend in the end. :hitodetchi: :D B) ;) B) ;) ;)

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