Woohoo I'm gonna have a baby!


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my friend joined that class and she came over to my house so i could help her with the baby

when she left i was like THANK GOD


I'm only fooling. :) ...! But I am going to have a baby...An electronic one! :)

From my Parenting class.

We have to take these babies home with us over the weekend. D: And like...Obey there every order. When there crying we gotta pat there back, feed them, change them...It's so weird. xD♥ But so cool. O.O

Of course...If we don't take care of them when they cry, or if were to rough with them. It's recorded into the babies memories, and the teacher will give us a bad mark for it. D:!!


Oh noes ! D:


But I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever done this before? :3

And if they'd like to share there stories? XD Or give advice perhaps?

[SIZE=9pt]D: I also heard they cry in the night...Thats gonna be a pain in the--♥[/SIZE]
Haha =DD

Enjoy it. oxO

Oh, sorry I thought you were assigned partners by a teacher. My misunderstandingHaha, what a cute name. How long do you have the baby for?

And do you guys rotate taking turns with the baby? Like going to your house, his house, your house, you have with the baby weekends ect.
[SIZE=13pt]Oh sorry! I misunderstood you![/SIZE]


Uhh no. This project isn't in teams. xP

It's just a single person thing. O_O! :D

I get the baby for the whole weekend. D:

From Oct 3-6th :eek: !


I just like calling my boyfriend the father... :D ♥ lol

Cause he's my hubby. >.<



Got a bit worried by the title there.

If I was asked to look after a baby (Fake one) for the weekend, I'd probably lose it within 15 minutes.

Oh! Wheew * wipes head * I thought you were for real XD and I remember my brother did that assignment only with a balloon I wanted a balloon baby too when I saw that so I filled a balloon with water and put a face on it and called it Kimberly lol ( Didn't end well :( she died STUPID SISTER THREW HER! I cried too I thought she was real I was 6 come on! XD ) My mom said I'd be a wonderful mommy too lol. And I heard the electronic ones cry randomly in the night I couldn't do that DX Good luck hope you have fun ^^ that's a really really cute name by the way :( again good luck.

And how would you stop it from crying anyway you can't feed it what do you do sing to it?

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OMG I had one of those last year!! I loved it, but I think mine malfunctioned :) Poor thing. I called mine Mackenzie. I don't really know why! She was supposed to cry an hour after the teacher programmed it, but the baby didn't cry!

The worst time it woke me up was 3am xD I didn't get a bad mark for it either!

Good luck! ;)

Wow. At my school the girls in a certain year level (I don't know if it's year 9, 10 or 11 :) ) need to do this as part of their Family Life education course thing. I see them carrying their virtual babies around all the time. But I've never heard them cry though.

I don't think I'll look forward to being woken up at 3am though. I think I prefer Tamagotchis, they don't do that do they? ;)

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Our electronic babies were for an assessment task in year 11 if a student chose to do Exploring Early Childhood as a subject. It was funny when the boys had to take it! ;) Such a laugh!

I actually watched a video on a baby being born in that class too. It was an awesome class! Sadly left... :)

One of my friends had to do that, be prepared to wake up at 3!!! -hug-

Good luck!

Seeing as I dislike real children, I would detest even more having to take care of an electronic one for a grade.

Not to mention that I get little sleep as it is, without a baby/Electronic baby in the house.

Good luck, none the less!

Wow. At my school the girls in a certain year level (I don't know if it's year 9, 10 or 11 ;) ) need to do this as part of their Family Life education course thing. I see them carrying their virtual babies around all the time. But I've never heard them cry though.I don't think I'll look forward to being woken up at 3am though. I think I prefer Tamagotchis, they don't do that do they? :D
Why just the girls? Boys should learn it too we can't do all the work! Oh and look at the (typo) I meant bright side electronic babies don't need diaper changes! XD Imagine that wheew! XD.

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[SIZE=13pt]XD! Well, the baby is already starting to drive me crazy. Lolol.[/SIZE]

I swear, it was like 2:00am and it started to cry for like 7 minutes. I finally got it to stop. Then a minute later it started again. XD!!

I wanted to pull my hair out. Then 10 minutes after I got it to stop crying...It cried again. xD I was like..."WTF! GRRROAARR!"



I was so scared throughout the whole night. :D I kept thinking it was going to cry. xD

Luckily it stopped. And hasn't cried since. O_O" ...!

Taking care of a child is hard. T.T

[SIZE=13pt]XD! Well, the baby is already starting to drive me crazy. Lolol.[/SIZE]I swear, it was like 2:00am and it started to cry for like 7 minutes. I finally got it to stop. Then a minute later it started again. XD!!

I wanted to pull my hair out. Then 10 minutes after I got it to stop crying...It cried again. xD I was like..."WTF! GRRROAARR!"



I was so scared throughout the whole night. B) I kept thinking it was going to cry. xD

Luckily it stopped. And hasn't cried since. O_O" ...!

Taking care of a child is hard. T.T
That's probably nothing compared to a real baby.


Heehee! When I looked at the title I was like 0_____0 But then I didn't think you were telling the truth when it said 'Yay! teen pregnancies!' And I was like, ....

Anyway, I'd like to have one of them, but It'll take lots of responsibility.

Congratulations, you got through the first night! :mellow: The crying actually didn't worry me, I used to catch it before it cried (it would make little sobbing noises before it actually went off full ball :p ) so it didn't cause any trouble. Until 3am in the morning when I was dead asleep. And it woke me up. Eeek.

We only had ours for one night, one night of sleep deprivation is good enough for me! :D

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