Worst cooking experiences.


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
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NSW, Australia
There are people in the world who are very good cooks.... but there are also some really bad ones out there B)


I'm not as bad of a cook as I seem to be. If I tried, I could probably be pretty good... but after hearing about my attempt at baking a cake, you guys will probably think otherwise :p


Anyways, so I was baking a cake but there was already a tray of oil in the stove which caught fire 0_0 It was an oil fire so I started freaking out because I knew that if I put water on it, it would blow up. My dad ended up running in and putting a blanket on it but by then, smoke was coming out of the stove so it was really difficult.


What are your worst cooking experiences? If any?

Eh, I don't really cook :)

But I cut myself plenty of times.

And omg, when I cut onions, I cry like a river.

They should make kid's onions, like kid's shampoo, which don't make you cry.

I've never really had any poor cooking experiences.

I'm a great cook, if I do say so myself.

I especially love to bake. I bake all the time. :3

The only thing I have issues with is chopping/parring fruits and vegetables. I always end up cutting myself, lol.

I'd call myself a good cook. No bad experiences here.....

But, You know them little cushions you heat up in the microwave? I tried to heat one of them up and it caught fire. Oops. So, yeah, I broke the microwave

I had instant mircowave ramen, and forgot to put water in. Oh dear.

The ramen turned black, and the house smelt like smoke for a week.

Probably when I blew up the microwave.

I was heating up some leftovers and accidentally put them in aluminum foil. (XD) 'Cause the airplanes serve all of their food in aluminum foil and I thought it looked cool. So I was standing, waiting for it to be done and then the microwave started flashing blue and I ran under the counter and curled up in a ball and just watched it explode. Suddenly I saw a flame start and tons of sparks. And I was screaming but no one was home but my brother who was downstairs and didn't care. Then the microwave just popped and it was broken and pieces were falling. There was still a little sparks and flames but they went away after a few minutes.

Otherwise I am a master chef. Like the other day, I made brownies. They were good. Not even one smoke alarm. The smoke alarm always goes off in my house, on at least a 3-day basis. So don't come to my house, everyone's always like "SMOKE ALARM.. AGAIN" and it always smells of burned food. But Im used to the smell.

My first bad cooking experience was at school towards the end of a Cookery lesson.

I removed my gingerbread loaf from the oven and placed it on the central table with everyone elses so the teacher could allocate marks to everyone.

My gingerbread sat there for a few seconds and in front of the whole class, was the only one sink slowly and significantly downwards, folding in on itself into the middle of the loaf.

It was like watching slo-mo and we all thought it was pretty funny - even me. But the teacher didn't. I got a D minus :mimitchi:

I don't bake much anymore :D

(I won't go into the details of the spicy curry I cooked for myself and the family a few years ago... it was so hot it made my daughter cry... she was two years old... I still feel terrible about that!) :angry:

I've had a couple, but that's because I have trouble listening. :angry:

Once, I tried making an egg, and it stuck onto the pan. It took forever to scrape the egg of, and when we finnaly did, it was all black. :D

And another time, I tried making the pancake, it didn't work well.

And one time, Emberwing(my sister) got mad at her Barbie doll so she put it in the oven and turned up the heat in the oven.

Me, my dad, and Emberwing had to wait outside at the backyard just so the smoke could pass. Barbie even had her clothes on, too. :mimitchi: I would'nt call that too much of a cooking experience, though.

I'm a cooking fail. Most of the time.


I've actually made some wonderful brownies/cookies/muffins recently. And I grate the cheese well too.

I'm definitely getting better.

I might of burnt something... I'm not sure.

Once, when I was making cake, it said 2 cups, but I accidentally added 8 cups somehow, and the batter-stuff became super thick. I had to dump it out =[

I've had a couple, but that's because I have trouble listening. :p
Once, I tried making an egg, and it stuck onto the pan. It took forever to scrape the egg of, and when we finnaly did, it was all black. :(

And another time, I tried making the pancake, it didn't work well.

And one time, Emberwing(my sister) got mad at her Barbie doll so she put it in the oven and turned up the heat in the oven.

Me, my dad, and Emberwing had to wait outside at the backyard just so the smoke could pass. Barbie even had her clothes on, too. :eek: I would'nt call that too much of a cooking experience, though.
Barbie flambe anyone? XD

Once I got a recipe for microwave brownie, my brother made it and it was awful. 8P

Another time I out a plastic bowl in the microwave because I forgot that plastic melts and it melted in the microwave with the butter I was microwaving with the bowl.

I'm a fairly good cook. I enjoy baking, and I actually bake as much as I can. But I have had some many cooking failures in the past. Many are the outcome of my "skimming-over-cookbooks-because-I-think-I-can-handle-some-of-my-own-ingredients" ego. :p

I was at my friend's condo to do homework a few weeks ago. We were practicing our French while she was trying to cook an egg. She forgot to add oil in the pan, and for some reason she screamed because she knew it would stick to the pan. We both ended up screaming (I didn't know why she was screaming in the first place.. but I ended up screaming anyway :( ) and we got three noise complains that night. Plus the egg burnt.

I saw my mom cutting an apple in her hand (this was when I was.. what... nine or so) and I thought I could so the same. I ended up with a huge gash on my hand. I think I still have a scar. :eek:

In Food Studies, we were baking cake-cookie things. I misread the cookbook (thanks to my SOCBITICSOMOI ego) and put in 2 and a half cups of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Lets just say... the word vomitrocious comes to mind when eating those biscuits of mine.

Ehh.. I've had more. I can't remember anymore, but I know I've had others :eek:

I tried to make a cake but I forgot to put flour X3

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My mum made a wedding cake [Yes. Cakes are like her profession] and forgot the sugar. I had to remake it because she was untrustworthy. Now I bake all the cake and she just decorates it.

But I made cookies once and daddy ate them all before I realised they were cool enough to eat.

I'm like a wizz in the kitchen and never screw things up. -Willmakeperfectkitchenboundwife-

Katie and I were sleeping over once, and it was like 10 or so? And we were hungry, so we got an egg out and cracked it and started scrambling it hehe, and we didn't realise that it smelled. It was rotten. So our scrambled eggs were brown and looked awful and smelled ever worse D:

Then Kyle started cooking his famous chips : D

But in home ec once, we were doing an assessment test thingo, and we had to make chocolate muffins, and I did that, but the middle was all soggy and my teacher was like "It's wet..." And the whole entire class laughed, myself included, because... Her face, her reaction to soggy, wet muffins!

I tried to make Orange Juice one time.

We lost a frying pan.

I tried to make a cake on my own once. My dad only helped with cutting it.

It tasted like crap DX

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