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I plan to be an author when I get older, yes. I write bandfiction (deathfic trilogy about Green Day) and a little bit of original fiction,(about a fake carnival with Saw-style traps) on a site called Mibba (it's great for serious writers, you get great feedback there). Horror, suspense, deathfics and gore are my thing. Yeah, I know it sounds weird but it's what I like to write. Poetry is a big thing for me too; I currently have a series of poems going about the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't show my writing to anyone but the people online and my closest friends, though. My first completed story was 32 chapters and about 75 pages long. I'm working on increasing writing length though.

Yeah, writing's my thing.

I plan to be an author when I get older, yes. I write bandfiction (deathfic trilogy about Green Day) and a little bit of original fiction,(about a fake carnival with Saw-style traps) on a site called Mibba (it's great for serious writers, you get great feedback there). Horror, suspense, deathfics and gore are my thing. Yeah, I know it sounds weird but it's what I like to write. Poetry is a big thing for me too; I currently have a series of poems going about the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't show my writing to anyone but the people online and my closest friends, though. My first completed story was 32 chapters and about 75 pages long. I'm working on increasing writing length though.
Yeah, writing's my thing.
OOH :mellow: Mine too, fantasy and journalism (news)..horror heh? that's cool.

I think the hardest to write is scifi.

Well, it really depends on what I'm writing.

If I'm forced to write a 300 word essay, I'm not gonna enjoy it so much.

But if perhaps, I'm thinking up an idea or writing someone a letter it can be enjoyable. :3

Same. xD
We had 20 minutes to write an essay on our future career, and mine was 3 pages front and back. :huh:

Sometimes it's easier to write an essay, the topic is given to you.
Totally, I would do the same.

What was your career topic then?

My latest story is doing well...I may be submitting it for critique some time...

Totally, I would do the same.
What was your career topic then?

My latest story is doing well...I may be submitting it for critique some time...
For the first part I wrote about photography, and the last half on being an author. Teacher said it was very descriptive and detailed.

I'll be sure to comment. :]

For the first part I wrote about photography, and the last half on being an author. Teacher said it was very descriptive and detailed.
I'll be sure to comment. :]
:huh: Photography is fun, and writing is totally one of my future plans too. Though I may be more along the lines of journalism. I don't know why, it just works...I love fantasy writing too.

What genre do you like to write?

:D Photography is fun, and writing is totally one of my future plans too. Though I may be more along the lines of journalism. I don't know why, it just works...I love fantasy writing too.
What genre do you like to write?
Fiction/fantasy and real teen situation stuff.

I have a baaad habit of ALWAYS writing in 1st person.

What about you?

Fiction/fantasy and real teen situation stuff.
I have a baaad habit of ALWAYS writing in 1st person.

What about you?
Fantasy, all the way, and my stories come out better in first person, so I see no problem in it. ;)

Fantasy, all the way, and my stories come out better in first person, so I see no problem in it. ;)

But it's soo frustraiting when you want to get into the details of other characters, but your soo caught up with this one person that your starting to only write with their point of view.

I love writing. Although, most of the longer stories I start end up unfinished.

I had two stories based on my soft toys, of something like 40 and 50 pages each (on an A4 Word document, which isn't bad for when I wrote it, ages 7 and 8 xD).

They were quite funny actually, I took some time to re-read parts the other day, and I quite enjoyed it.

I also have lots of weird auto-conclusive stories, like one about a mad teacher, or even an ode to my father's bald path (O.O')

Currently, I am working on a set of stories that go within a blog, which have criss-crossing stories based on a Gingerbread man that comes to life, a few more 'paranoias', a story about a magic shop (this one is coming on quite well), the lifestory of a coin (¬¬) and finally, the one I have been working on the most, a story I am writing with my best friend and which we plan to become a fantasy bestseller. (LOL).

So... I like writing - LOVE writing! - , but I don't always get enough time to finish my stories off, which is a bit of a shame.

Writing is, like, my dream!!


The longest I've got to is about 180 pages, but deleted it all on the computer ;) I delete my stories all the time, it's something quite normal for me by now xD


I hope to one day write a great series like Harry Potter, (my all time fave book series!!!) but I think I should do a plan first. I just write away sometimes, and my characters end up doing terribly strange things, like first off they're drinkning Coke, then all of a sudden they're falling timelessly into a deep, dark pit, with stranges smokes bellowing from all sides :D :p :) xD


Lol so everyone just wish me luck, please! :D



Best Wishes,




@tamtamkitty07: yeah, which is why I use 'parts' and make each part from a different character's POV ;-)

@Spiffy: I used to write about magical pizzas :) 50 pages at 8 years old is really good though.

@Barky: You deleted 180 pages? *play slap* no doing that :) good luck, I like the colored text!

I've loved to write since the time I was 4 (although my stories then consisted of two words per page). I'm currently working on a novel, it's pretty much just about a bunch of teenagers who are weird hanging out and having fun, but it's going to go somewhere. I can't say right now though. :)

I've loved to write since the time I was 4 (although my stories then consisted of two words per page). I'm currently working on a novel, it's pretty much just about a bunch of teenagers who are weird hanging out and having fun, but it's going to go somewhere. I can't say right now though.  :)
*raises hand frantically* yeah yeah me too :D I'm really hyper :p good luck with the novel. mine is...ahem.. a wonderful 14 pages though the goal is for it to be my first long novel...aka 'bout 200 pages. no launching 'write for pleasure not length' speeches on me, it's just a dream :)

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I've got a wonderful 4 pages and my goal is about 500, and I want it to be a pentalogy (series of five books)! If I told you what's in my head about my book, it wouldn't make a bit of sense. But it will be finished if it's the last thing I do! (and at the rate I'm going it WILL be the last thing I do lol!)

Fantasy, all the way, and my stories come out better in first person, so I see no problem in it. :lol:
I prefer third person. I don't know why, I just feel more comfortable doing it. Maybe because most of the books I like are written in third person. I don't usually write in third person omniscent, I prefer to focus on one character unless I have to do it from someine else's point to narrate two things going on at once. A problem I have is I have a million stories in my head at once! A few fantasies here, a science fiction there, and a real life-ish one there. But I can never write more than one story at once! (I havn''t even finished one ever when I write it by itself!)

I just finished the first one I've finished I think ;) By the way, no need to double post :angry: I love hearing ideas, do tell, I understand because mine is jumbled up too. And at a weak spot.

ooh...okay forget pages...what's the longest you've ever written...in the sense of words? I tried NaNoWriMo, hated it. :lol: I think my longest was...35000 and my newest story is almost at 10000... :)

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