x.Saku's V4.5 Log


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
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My sister gave me her V4.5 so I thought it would be fun if I took care of it and made it's little log. ^3^


Name: Girl (Don't ask, I'm not good with names.)

Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 0

Age: 0

Weight: 15lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st


Girl is currently a tamatchi. Nothing new has really happened, oh look mail! Someone stole 100 points from me. -.-; This sucks, now I have to gain them back. 450 points, I'm new with this tama so don't judge. xD I should go and gain my points now, lol. I'll come back if anything new happened.


Also, I have a question. I don't think this came with instructions so could anyone tell me what that little happy face and the star and this little weird thing is? I don't know how to describe it >.< It's on the status. PM me please!

Girl and I just came back from Tamatown 83 I made like 3000 points but the stupid password thing wouldn't work so it was all a waste -.- The second time that I went I made about 1000 points and it worked.


Girl got mail from preschool so I took her and she came back happy and excited. It was her first day. :3 I hope she evolves really soon! It's gonna be awesome xD Well, I'm going back to Tamatown to see if I make more points. I'll come back if anything new happens! Ta~

I'm back n.n I had to take a shower and I had completely forgot about this log. Hopefully, I won't forget about it.


Anyway, girl is sleeping right now. Earlier she got mail for preschool so I went ahead and took her and earned points. Unfortnately, a robber came again and took them from her. -.-;



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 0/stfu

Smiley face: 14

Star: 33

Other thing, idk: 11

Age: 0

Weight: 14lb

Points: 11950


I still don't know what that smiley and star are, and no one has PMed me. Please do, I need to know xD Sadly, I have school tomorrow and I'm still undecided if I should take Girl to school with me. I've spent practically my whole afternoon in Tamatown and Girl's beat @.@; Plus I've been playing alot of games.


Awww, wake up Girl! I wanna play again! xDDD Well, I'll post more tomorrow. Ta~

Nevermind! Forget about the PM thing. I went to go look for an instruction manual and it's actually Funny/Gorgeous/Spiritual xDD Oh well! Thanks for viewing. :B See you all tomorrow

My Girl has a hater >OOO She keeps getting mail and someone keeps sending her poop which makes her really mad! Anyway, lol, I'm back from school now and I decided to take Girl with me. She kept getting hungry so I gave ger a bunch of snacks and food and played with her when I had free time and all of my work was done. Also, guess what! Girl evolved into a. . . Zouritchi!! Lmao, it looks like she has a cute little afro^-^



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 2 [OH YEAH xD]

Funny: 28

Gorgeous: 39

Spiritual: 28

Age: 1 year

Weight: 21lb

Points: 14550


I think I should head to Tamatown to earn some more points, I wanna buy Girl alot of things. Also, I've received another note from the teacher. I don't know what that means so I have to find out, I'll be back later.

Yo my home skillet buscuits 83 I just came back from Tamatown with girl, it was awesome o3o



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Funny: 32

Gorgeous: 39

Spiritual: 28

Points: 21800


I noticed that my funny/gorgeous/spiritual thing went down. I think it's probably because Girl got mail and it was poop AGAIN >:l She hates feeling disliked, it makes her sad. I had to play with her to make her happy again. I also noticed that most of you make your tamas talk on here. Should I do that? o.o


Okay, here's girl^o^


Girl: Hey! Mom's taking really good care of me, I certainly can't wait to evolve into an adult and get a job. Today was my first day in elementary, it was awesome x3 Although I'm getting kind of lonely. . I don't have many friends. .


*nod nod* Girl doesn't have many friends since most of my friends' don't have tamagotchi's since their batteries died. And my sister currently doesn't have her V5 since her friend 'borrowed' it. I should go look for some friends for Girl. Uh oh! She's hungry now. I'll update later :3

I'm back! Girl is sleeping already but we've spent alot of time in Tamatown. She finally went to Elementary school which she was super excited about and now she's so exhausted she went to bed. Also, when I saw her screen she was bathing for the first time! ^3^ Super adorable! I was even gonna take a picture but my camera has really bad quality and it wouldn't show my tama.



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 3

Funny: 44

Gorgeous: 51

Spiritual: 32

Weight: 21lb

Points: 22500


Hurray! Her funny/gorgeous/spiritual points went up! I think that's good? xD Well she was too tired and thought she wouldn't make it so she wanted me to leave you guys a note^^


Girl: Konnichiwa everyone! I had lots of fun today! My master took me to school and we went to the mall and even the arcade! We also watched a movie which was uber funny. I know that tomorrow's gonna be a great day like today, my training points are even going up. I hope to evolve really soon! I wish I knew what my parents looked like though. .I was only an egg when my master found me. Tehe, well I hope my master updates! Sayonara everyone!


She's such a good girl^^ I'll update tomorrow when I get home from school, I'm thinking of buying Girl a stuffed animal so she won't get so lonely. Ta~

Arigatou for the views! O-genki desu ka? Hehe, I'm fine! Today was great, I took Girl to Tamatown but only for a little bit, my sister kept bugging me and being a pest like always. I'm planning on taking Girl later on, however. She got mail today and it turns out that someone gave her a treasure chest! ^-^She got very excited!



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 3

Funny: 64

Gorgeous: 55

Spiritual: 44

Weight: 21lb

Points: 21550


Woah, same points as yesterday. Freaky! :) Also, I bought her a trumpet since it was on sale yesterday. She can't wait to play with it. :'D Here's Girl for you.


Girl: Konnichiwa again! I'm doing excellent today. Master played with me during class when she finished her test! We played climb, tug of war, apples, shapes, and man hole! Hehe, it was really fun. In fact, master tried to take a picture of me but said that it looked blurry since I move alot. But it's not my fault!


Zokies, I'm gonna go take care of girl now. I'll post more later. Dewa mata nochi hodo~!

Ello again!^-^ Girl's sleeping right now, she had a long exhausting day. We made alot of pizzas which got us alot of points d00d. :)



Hungry: 3/4 [she fell asleep before I could feed her! >.<]

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4

Funny: 64

Gorgeous: 55

Spiritual: 44

Weight: 27lb [i'll take care of that tomorrow!]

Points: 28750


Nothing special really happened. I might get a V5 on Saturday or earlier. I can't wait. Should I make another log for it aswell? I think so! This is my V4.5, that is until the battery runs out, hehe. Well I have to go now! O-yasumi! Night!

Hey everyone. . .I've had a really rough day so I might not be on as much. Girl evolved into an adult now. She's a horoyotchi. *shivers* She's REALLY scary looking. I don't like it >.<



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Funny: 81

Gorgeous: 56

Spiritual: 56

Age: 3 years

Weight: 31 lb

Points: 31750


She hasn't been applied for a job though. .maybe later on. .I really don't feel like being on, I just came to tell everyone that. See you guys later.

Hello again. Nothing much has happened, no job yet. I think I should get more skill points? Hmm, I'll be sure to play with my tama tonight >.<



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Funny: 87

Gorgeous: 58

Spiritual: 56

Weight: 32lb

Points: 41450


Right now Girl's playing with her trumpet^.^ Haha, she's making alot of mistakes. Practice makes perfect though :3 Girl made my day alot better when we went to Tamatown x3


Girl: Hey everyone! Master's taking really good care of me! She said if I keep being good I'll soon get a job! Isn't that great?? Today in tamatown we made and bought hamburgers and earned alot of points. It was really fun! Plus, we spent alot of time in the arcade! Hehe, well I have to go to bed to get my rest now. Bye everyone!


I think I should go to bed aswell :] I absolutely can't wait to get my V5. I'll be making another log for it! Night everyone!

Hey Tamatalkers! Sorry I haven't been on as much today. I've been busy, but starting next week I'm on spring break! Woot! Hehe, anyway Girl finally got a job! I'm not sure what it is, I think she works for the king? It's like a castle place thing and the king gave her this ball thing. I don't know! Lol



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Funny: 105

Gorgeous: 72

Spiritual: 80

Age: 4

Weight: 30

Points: 45750


We didn't do much in Tamatown, just went to work. It's a really busy place! lol, Girl is too sleepy to talk, in fact she's going to sleep in a little bit. I'll update tomorrow. O-yasumi!

Oh god oh god oh god. Guess what happened!! Girl had a baby girl! I'm so happy! And she's excited aswell n.n She's so cute, she's just bouncing around the screen. :3 At exactly 10:30am, the matchmaker came and I just had to say yes. Then little fireworks popped out and I got so happy :'D



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6

Funny: 137

Gorgeous: 85

Spiritual: 103

Age: 6

Weight: 31lb

Points: 48600


Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, I was at this awesome party 8D Lol, I'll update later. Ta~

Right now Girl is taking a relaxing bath before she goes to bed with Skye. Oh! I named her baby girl Skye :3 Today Girl and I didn't really do much as we usually do. We went to work, but that's pretty much it. I also had to clean up all of the mess Skye did. Man, can babies poop <_> I can't really tell you her stats right now since she's taking a bath. So I will update later!

I am so sorry that I haven't updated recently! I guess I get really lazy! but here is what happened.


Girl left her baby Skye at midnight and said one last goodbye. In the morning Skye was crying and wanted alot of attention, which I did, but she kept beeping(you know how babies need alot of attention) so I just put her on pause x_x I hate myself for doing that! I promised I wouldn't do that but I failed! Anyway, Girl left you guys a little note before she left :3


"Dear readers,


I'm sorry but it's my time to go already. Skye deserves alot, and I know she'll grow up to be a beautiful tama. I can't wait until our generation keeps growing, I know it's gonna be wonderful. I'm sorry I'm leaving like this, but like I said it's my time. I will miss you all so so much, and my Skye aswell. The memories will always be within me.


Love, Girl."


I feel so horrible :mellow: I'm gonna go play with Skye now! I'll update later!

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Skye went to bed now. I was in tamatown and when I came back it was 3 minutes after bedtime. I bought her a doll but I won't be able to give it to her until tomorrow.



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 1

Funny: 34

Gorgeous: 22

Spiritual: 11

Weight: 10

Age: 0

Generation: 2nd

Points: 54650


Yeah, I know I have alot to work on^^; Well I know I'm gonna forget so here is some stuff to remember.


Doll: 32654 44952

Passport: 08974 77164

Good afternoon everybody, I haven't forgotten about you so don't worry! And how could i possibly forget about my Skye^^I woke up pretty late today and when I checked on her she had loads of mail! Someone gave her a heart, I think that's very sweet. I also punched in a rare password that I found and she got a playhouse, so she was playing in there aswell. Oh, I almost forgot! I need to give her the stuffed animal.


Aww! She loved it! Right now she's talking to it, It's so cute :'D lol you shouldve seen her fae when she got it, it was like :ichigotchi:



Also, I almost forgot, she is a tamatchi like her mother, those are really cute in my opinion.



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Funny: 44

Gorgeous: 22

Spiritual: 14

Weight: 10lb

Point: 53200


I'm gonna go play with her and make her happy. She received a letter for kindergarten so I'm gonna take her now. I'll update later!!

Sorry I didn't update last night, I fell asleep. Plus, nothing new happened. This morning Skye evolved into a Zouritchi like her mother. It's really weird, I just hope it's not the same adult as Girl. That'd be dissapointing actually >.<



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 3

Funny: 54

Gorgeous: 34

Spirital: 14

Age: 1

Weight: 21

Points: 55200


I should get her spiritual points up. Also, she got mail today about attending elemantary, she's so excited! I'm probably gonna make a tamagotchi video of myself taking care of Skye or something, maybe when she evolves.


Skye: Hey everyone! I am sooo excited about going to school! Master's gonna take me in a little bit as a matter of fact. I have mommy's cell phone number and I can't wait to call her when I'm an adult. I wanna be very successful and have a career!


Hehe, now Skye's playing in her playhouse. she sure loves that thing^^ I'll update more later, hopefully. Bye!

Hey everyone, Skye's sleeping right now so she can't really tell you what happened today so I guess I will, hehe I always do anyway. We went to tamatown and made hamburgers and pizza's and played alot of Arcade games. I also bought her a ball and she loved it^^



Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Training: 4

Fnny: 66

Gorgeous: 34

Spiritual: 14

Age: 1

Weight: 22lb

Points: 62500


I took her to school and she played with her teacher with earned her some points. I really want to bring them up so she can easily find a job. I'll keep on playing with her tomorrow. I'm getting really sleepy. *yawns* O-yasumi!
