x.Saku's V5 Log!


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
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Hello everyone! You might know me from x.Saku's V4.5 log and today I bought a V5! I've always wanted it :huh: I'm so excited to take care of it and to start this log. But don't think I'm gonna forget about my V4.5 log, I would never leave my V4.5 behind :gozarutchi:


Anyway, my mom took me to Targer right after I got my vaccinations(ouch!) lol and I looked in the electronics section where the Tamagotchi's were and picked a really nice shell designed one. If you wanna see a picture click here :3. Anyway, when I got home I opened it right away and read the instructions just before I pulled the tab^.^ As soon as I was done reading I pulled the tab and I saw three cute tama's and one of them said "Wait!" so that's what I did. :huh:



Soon after I filled out all of the info needed, three eggs appeared on the screen. The middle one hatched first and it was a futabatchi boy. The second one to hatch was the left one and it was a Mimifuwatchi girl. Finally the last one was a omututchi boy. I fed them so they're hungry hearts were filled. Then I played TV surfing game and the Tea time game. My futabatchi used the ducky potty too!



I decided to name my futabatchi Zack, my mimifuwatchi Mimi lol and my omututchi Eddie^.^ Right now nothing's happening, they're taking a nap. As soon as they turn into toddlers I'll let them talk. Well I'm gonna go update my V4.5 log and then head out to tamatown for both of my tamas. I'll be back!

Hi again, nothing much has happened. They all evolved though, into toddlers. Zack turned into a mattaritchi, Mimi turned into a Sakuramotchi, and Eddie turned into a Ahirukutchi. My family bond is 0% I REALLY need tips on how to make it strong :angry:



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 0% :angry:

Points: 2470

Family name: Mtv! xD Yes I know, dumb lol


Right now I caught Zack sneaking food out of the fridge which was absolutely adorable!^-^ Also, I got alot of codes from 'Tamagotchi Codes' and now they have alot of items. I'll be updating soon, bye!

I finally got my tamagotchi's to 10% bonding ;) I just made them watch that king DVD a lot of times until I got them to bond xD At 8 I caught them bathing together, it was so adorable actually^^And since my sister also has a V5, she won the tea game which earned me extra points^o^ Unfortunately, she let her boy "friend" borrow her tamagotchi for spring break so we can't connect :huh:



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bond: 10%

Points: 2630


I wish I could see them sleeping, I'd try to take a picture. Aww, I just remembered, before they went to bed all three of them were looking out the window or something. A very cute animation, indeed x3 Lol, well I guess that's enough for today. I hope the toddlers don't wake up early, cause I wake up late. Oh well, I guess I'll make my sister watch after them since she's an early bird. Sayonara!

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Woah, I barely have 2 posts and already 20 views! ;) Thanks guys! Well, today I woke up an hour after my familitchi had woken up, so of course they were hungry! I fed them quickly and played games with them. Hooray, I finally won the Tea Game! Twice! :D haha, that made my day. I still need help on the surfing game, it's quite hard :angry:



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bond: 20%

Points: 3760


Today they wanted to train and they had a little music icon thingy so I guessed they wanted to play an instrument. I clicked on the drum and they were happily playing with it. Then, I looked at the bonding and it was still 20%! Wtf?! My sister said it's because they didn't like it. Well, they sure seemed happy playing with it! *sighs* oh well, I'm hoping they'll evolve into teens soon. I'll update soon, I'm gonna update my V4.5 log and then head to the shower. Bye!

Yay, my bonding percentage is now 40%! B) I'm so happy now, I can't wait until I get to 100%. . .or at least try -_- lol, I just finished winning the tea game. I also went to Tamatown and earned some points. The games in Tamatown are quite hard compared to the other Tamatowns xD But also fun. My triplets haven't evolved yet :lol: I'm wondering when they are :ph34r:



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bond: 40% :ph34r:

Points: 4510


Hmm, I think I should earn more points. Although I have alot of items(thanks Binary :D ). Nothing much has happened yet, except me getting excited over my bonding. xD I know, lame. lol. Oh! The triplets would like to talk!


Zack: Hey everyone! It's me Zack! I'm the oldest! Hehe, My gums are REALLY sore >.< My teeth are finally growing in. I'm so happy!


Mimi: I'm Mimi, the middle child. It's not so fun since Zack is always taking over. Grr, he's older just by a few minutes!!!


Zack: So! It's not my fault I'm the best!


Uhm, calm down you two. Eddie hasn't said anything yet!


Eddie: Um..hi...


Zack: Eddie doesn't talk , he's the youngest!*pokes him*


Mimi: Zack leave him alone!


Zack: Fine! I'll go sneak food out of the fridge, hmph


Umm, okayy o_o I'll be back soon now, I have to calm them down. bye!

Good afternoon everyone! i'm so so sorry I didn't updaate last night. I felt really down over something and I was crying, but everything's fine now. Well, I have some good news, my bonding is now 60%! Whenever I press the C button they do the most cutest animation, 3 little hearts pop up and they all mush up together and form one big heart. It's so nice to know that the triplets are getting along.



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 60%

Points: 4820


I'm hoping that they'll evolve today, I'm anxious to see what they'll be. Also, today I woke up pretty late and I checked my V5 and they had 2 filled hungry hearts and 4 happy hearts. I immediately filled in the rest. Now I'll be waking up earlier. I'll update later. Bye!

Woooooooooooosh I'm so freaking happy! ^__________^ I got my V5 to 90% in bonding AND they finally evolved! Woot! Zack turned into a bakutchi. Awww he looks like a little bomb :3 Mimi turned into a Ichigotchi, haha she's a cute little strawberry. And Eddie turned into a mamekatchi, I love his lips! They're all so so cute!!! ^-^



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 90% [Woot!! :D ]

Points: 5120


Oops, Zack was sneaking food out of the fridge but I had to check his stats. xD Sorry Zacky!


Zack: It's ok mom! I'm a teenager now so I have to take care of my body more, haha that means no more snacks for me!


Mimi: Haha, if you could do that! Hey everyone I'm a beautiful Ichigotchi! I'm so happy :)


Eddie: Umm..I have big lips..


I think your lips are adorable Eddie :3 Hehe well, I'll update later! Bye everyone!

Eep! I haven't posted in a while, I apologize for that! I kinda forget since I have other things to do, hopefully I can keep track of all of this. Anyway, the triplets turned into adults about 2 days ago, I was so so happy, they're extremely adorable!


Zack: Sukatchi

Mimi: Memetchi

Eddie: Kuchipatchi


I always wanted these characters, the last time I got them was when I had my V2 or something xD I would always forget about my tama's, but this time I've changed >:3 I'm hoping to take Zack to the dating show, but whenever I click on it the matchmaker starts screaming :furawatchi: Oh well, I guess I just have to wait.



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Points: 7810


Mimi: Hey! How come Zack gets to get a partner? I want love too!

Zack: I'm the oldest, duh! :wacko:

Eddie: But that's not fair :hitodetchi:


Uhh, I really don't know, I'm new at the V5 so we just have to wait and see! lol, well I'll update soon sayonara everybody!

Guess what! Well, today when I came home from school I decided to click on dating show, since it was time. Wellllll, I'm very new at this V5 stuff so I called my sister over so she could help. I picked Zack to get married :3 Anyway! This cute little mametchi looking tama was there and my sister was like "ZOMG PICK HER" which I did ._. Then they got married, and had to adorable twins! :3 The sad part is that my Zack turned into this weird old dude ;~; Anywho, the twins are napping right now :p



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 4/5


Points: 8450



Well I'm gonna play some games so i could make them happy >.< I'll update soon! Ta~

Sorry I haven't posted in days, I forget about tamatalk since I'm always on myspace and stuff xD I'll try to remember though! Anyway, I had my tama on pause for two days! ;) Poor babies, but their un paused now. I have alot of school and taking care of a V5 is much harder than a V4.5. if they're adults and I feed them alot will they still turn 'large'? o.o; PM me please! x33 I'll put the stats in later, my tama's talking to the fridge and I don't wanna disturb her :)


Anyway, my daughter is a Memetchi and the son is a Sukatchi x3 Haha, well i'll update soon, maybe in a few hours/moments :D I have alot of homework! Byeeee x33

I am super sorry for my super long hiatus! I completely forgot about my V5 and about tamatalk! :( I guess I just caught up with end of school and highschool and summer that I didn't have time! Anyway, I restarted my family, I know sad. But I promised myself to take care of this one. >_< I even made a little necklace so I could remember about it lol.




Hungry: 4/5 :( Oopsie!

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 20%

Family name: Gotch (Gotchi didn't fit.)

Gotchi points: 1740$


Son: Ahirukutchi

Daughter: Sakuramotchi

Son: Mattaritchi


That's about it, they're all toddlers right now, btw. :) Well they're sleeping right now so there's not much I have to say. Ill update tomorrow I promise! >_<

Good morning Tamatalkers!..or night, wherever you live..o_O Teehee well, I didn't forget to upload I'm not so stupid anymore. Lol, and Tamatalk is very addicting. I come back and leave and then come back for a while. So don't be surprised if I left for a few months :blink:


Okies, now to my tama's. I decided to name them, since it's kinda hard talking about them when they don't have any names :| Okies, so its:


Ahirukutchi: Nick

Sakuramotchi: Saki~chan [That's actually a nickname that my bestie Koji-kun gave me x3]

Mattarichi: Kevin


Haha, Jonas brother's names. Lol, I have no idea to name them :) Oh well, those names are good. Well my Nicky is sneaking food from the fridge. haha, he's adorable.



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 30%

Gotchi Points: 1920$


Well that's about it really. They haven't evolved yet, but it takes longer in my V5. I'll update later or tomorrow, bye!

Hello everyone! Well it's later on so it's time for some more updating. xD I'm thinking of brining my V4.5 and my V3 back to life, I just have to take a small trip to a local store. <.< Teehee, well anyway! If I do, though, I'll be bringing them here in my log. Okies, now to my tamas.


My tama's are still toddlers, they haven't evolved yet, but I'm really hoping they will! I woke up early today around 8 because of my cramps so I took care of my familitchi.


Whenver I press the C button it's absolutely adorable. They start to run and fall and then laugh about it, I'm really happy they're getting along. Right now Nick is sneaking food out of the fridge again haha xD



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5


Gotchi points: 1990$

Stage: Toddlers


I'll update later if anything new happens, if not I'll update tomorrow morning. Bye! :huh:

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Hey again :D Nothing much was updated, but I felt like updating for some reason. I see everyone updating their logs every minute and it looks interesting lol. Well it's time for my triplet's bedtime!


Kevin: We're almost teens and we still need a bedtime?! ;)

Zack: That's not fair!

Saki~Chan: :)


Okies calm down already! >_<; Hehe, well ANYWAY they're already in bed, thank god. xD



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 40%

Gotchi points: 5090$


Haha thank you cheats! Well bye bye, I'll update tomorrow. Goodnight everyone! :)

I'm back!! ^w^ I've got some great news aswell!! Today when I woke up, my tama's evolved!!!! :D I'm super happy that they're finally teenagers. But at the same time they grow up way too fast! :eek: xDD Teehee, well here's what they evolved to:


Nick: Mamekatchi

Saki~Chan: Chamametchi

Kevin: Bakutchi


Haha, in my last post I named Nick Zack. How dumb of me! Sorry Nick, I won't forget your name again, it was just super late and I was tired. xD



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 60%

Gotchi points: 5200$

Stage: Teen


Now in the little animation they start kissing eachother's cheeks and hearts appear, it's super cute!! Well I'll update later on, I promise I won't forget! ;) Bye!

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Oh I also forgot! If you enjoy reading my log and have good comments to say, PM and I'll put it on my log! Thank you for reading! x3

Thank you, bratztroxg! <_< I never knew people liked to read my log, I really appreciate it! You made us very happy! ^w^


Anyway, I'm back once again to update. >:3 Nothing much happened, except that I increased my bonding by another 10%. Yippee! xD I just finished playing Tea Time with them and I won! woohoo x3



Happy: 5/5

Hungry: 5/5

Bonds: 70%

Gotchi Points: 5370$


I haven't gotten the chance to go to take them to tamatown :angry: Hopefully I'll do it later on, if I feel like it xP Well I'll update later on!! Bye byes!!!

Hewwo everyone! ^w^ My tama's are sleeping now :( Sorry for updating sort of late, ive been quite busy. xD Plus Tamatalk was lonely and no one was replying to forums! So I decided to hang out on myspace for a while. xP


Anyway, nothing really much happened. Everything's the same the only bad thing is that I lost a hungry heart >_< Oopsie! I'm sorry. Oh well, I'll update tomorrow I promise! I can't wait until they evolve into adults, it's gonna be awesome ^_^

Goodmorning Tamatalkers! Or afternoon.. :huh: ; Today I woke up at 10:30 and I immediately checked on my tama whom was in my ringotchi pouch. The triplets lost 3 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts! Good thing though, instead of getting up I made them happy again. Seriously, they should stop getting up so early! >_< I'm not an early bird at all! I wuv to sleep!



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 80%

Gotchi points: 5540$


They should be turning into an adult tomorrow, but hopefully today. If thats even possible :eek: Now in the little animation, all of my tama's press their faces on the screen and make silly faces. x3 It's soooo cute! Teehee, well I'll update really soon. Bye bye! :huh:
