Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX & rachELiSocOOl's Log!


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
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Hello everyone. I'm Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX.

I hope some of you would've read my other log about my V4.5. Please note that one is separate from this one. This one is for me and rachELiSocOOl.

The Tamagotchi I shall be using is my Version 2. :furawatchi:

Thanks and I hope you look forward to reading! :)

Important Note: Please don't post comments here. PM us to tell us about our log. Thanks!


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I have just finished hatching my Version 2! It was a girl, I named her Emily! Aww, I love that name! :furawatchi:

I played a few games of jump with her, she's very good at it! :) Then, I fed her some meals. She got a headache, so I quickly cured her. She's as bright as rain again. :D

Important Note: When I write in this log, I shall write in this colour. When my current Tamagotchi writes, they shall write in this colour. Thanks! :(

Emily is fine. I played a few games with her and fed her some more. :angry:


She even had a little nap! She is wide-awake now. Aww. :D I think Emily wants to speak to you guys.

Googoo, gahgah. :p

Oh, because she's a baby... She can't say much. :(




Yeah! When she is a child, her vocabulary will develop more. :D


That's all for now guys, I hope you are enjoying mine and rachELiSocOOl's log! PM us with comments.



Yaaay! Emily evolved! :( She is now a child, meaning she can speak!

Hello everyone! It feels sooo good to be a child! :D I even got a new game to play, it's called bump! All I used to be able to play is jump. Beth is a great owner.


I heard that Beth has another Tama, but I cannot connect with them! :angry: Waaah! :p I'll have no friends, but that's okay, because I've got Beth. :D

Aww, that's so cute! :D Here are Emily's stats:


Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Age: 0 Years

Training: 1/9

Weight: 10lb

Generation: 1g

Points: 320p

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Thanks guys! More later. :D



I played some more games with Emily, she loves the game jump, however we still need to try the game bump! Seems fun, though.


Aww! How funny! Emily is rolling around the bottom of the screen! Lol! :eek: That is so cute. :lol:


Well, more updates later. :lol:



Yes, its nice of you to make it Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX. I will be writing in this colour and my tama (When speaking) will write in this colour.


I've got a lil' teen girl called Joe. She is an ojyotchi. Ahhhh she is so cute when she is sitting in that v4 screen! Cute or what? :eek:


OI! Actually I think that was a nice comment.


that was a nice comment joe. Seriously. xD


HAY! Your laughing at me....


Ahwaa i'm sorry.


I for give you.


She has 6570p and she weighs 99LB. I going to play games with her so she weighs less. Her training is up too 3. Good Girl Joe!


Thanks, I took ages.


Looks shes blushing!


No i'm not.


Hehe, I will update a bit later.

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I feel bad. :( I had to give Emily a time-out because she beeped for no reason. :( Oh well, at least she has another training point. :D

It's alright Beth, really. I'll know not to do it again. :D

Aww, thank you very much Emily! :D


More updates later. :) I hope you are enjoying our log! PM us with comments, thank you. :D



Emily has gone to sleep now, at a very sensible time of 8pm! Good girl, sleep tight my little angel. :D Can't wait to play with her in the morning!


More updates coming up tomorrow, guys! ;)



Hi guys!


Emily woke up before me, so there were 2 poopies on the screen, not to bad, eh? ^_^ Then, I played some games of jump with her.

Yeah! It was so fun! We played the bump game once, but there were so many big people and I got scared! :D

Aww, don't worry Emily. It's only a game. :huh:

Yeah, I guess you're right. But... They were bumping me all over the place! :huh:

Hehe, that's the point of the game! They are only doing it to win, cheer up. :huh:

You're right, okie dokie, I shall cheer up. :huh: After all, it is only [SIZE=14pt]2 days until Christmas[/SIZE]! Yay! :D

Yay! And Emily... Would you like me to buy something you from the shop... You know... As a present?

Yes please! :eek:

Okay! Well, more later guys. :eek:



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Talk about tired!!! She was still asleep when I woke up (Which was 7:30am) and of course she sleeps till 10am.


I need my beauty sleep. Hay, you still look pretty your self though...


I know. Its just natural.


Ohh ok then.


Tehehe, we played jump rope and flag this morning and her weight has gone down to...

91LB!!! I wouldnt say it was brilliant but it is a good start! She is still 2yrs so thats ok. I'm definitely going to have her over christmas. Yay, we get to spend more time with each other!


Yay i'm so happy!


So am I!!!!


Update later everyone.

I just put all of the shop codes for Version 2's for Emily! She loves all the items, too bad she cannot use them yet! Oh well, she will be able to soon. ^_^



I played some more games of jump with Emily, she won every single one! Go Emily!

Thanks, I love that game. We need some new ones though, right?

Yeah! Bump isn't that good, though. :D I also needed to time out Emily again because she beeped for no reason. :( I hope she learns her lesson!


More later. :D



Guess What? Joe turned into a masktchi! I cant believe it...


Well you should do so now. Hehe.


Yeah your right, want to pop into tamatown later Joe?


Ok. Guess what tt members! I spoke to a christmas tree. He was asking me what I would like to get.


Aww cute. Update later everyone! :D

Yay! Yay! Yay! :angry:


Emily evolved! Into a...

Ringotchi! I look sooo awesome! Hehe, just like an apple, people might wanna eat me! :angry:

Hehe, aww. I'm don't think people will eat you! :D We finally got a new game to play! It's called heading, it looks so fun! We tried it once, but failed miserably, due to forgetting how to play it. x[


More to come later, PM us with comments! :angry:



Oh! Hehe, almost forgot! Here are Emily's stats:


Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Age: 1 Years

Training: 4/9

Weight: 20lb

Generation: 1g

Points: 785p

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


She is doing great right now, 4 training points! She is very well behaved. :D


That's all for now. :angry:



Hi Again!


You wouldnt believe it!!! I've got my first ever V4.5 Tama! My parents gave it to for a early present as I was good. I've got to go so I will update as soon as I come back ok?

Emily has gone to bed now, her bedtime was 8pm! That's very good of her, nice and early for... Christmas Eve tomorrow! Yay! I totally cannot wait, PM to talk about Christmas! :D


Aww, she is tired. Let's leave her be. :)


More tomorrow! I already cannot wait to play with her! Doesn't that mean that on Christmas she will evolve into an adult? I hope so! :D



Hello TamaTalkers! :angry:


Emily was awake before me, she is doing fine. One poopie, but that's not a problem. I played a game of heading with her! Finally! She did really well, except we missed one right at the very end. :angry: Oh well, practise makes perfect. :lol:

You're right, Beth. I think that with a few extra goes, I could be really good at that game. :angry: It's an awesome game, really fun, but kind of hard. :angry:

Yeah! Well, you heard it all from Emily, we are going to go play some heading. :angry:



Ohh God. Not the christmas tree again! Jamie (My v4.5) hasnt even spoken to the christmas tree and joe has been speaking to him about 9 times! Come on Joe! Let him speak to jamie for once!


Ok ok. Bye bye christmas tree and merry christmas to you. Ohh and merry christmas to all of you tt members!


Yes thats right. Christmas tomorrow. Merry chirstmas everyone!

Heya, Emily is doing fine. :D I've been playing loads of games of heading with her lately, she's getting really good at it! :D

Hehe, thank you. Like you said, practise makes perfect. :)

Yup. ;) Ooh! I just spotted Emily having a bath! It's really cute. :)


Well, not much is happening now, so I'll post Emily's stats:


Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Age: 2 Years

Training: 4/9

Weight: 21lb

Generation: 1g

Points: 1143p

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Thanks, more soon! :D



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