Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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Mukimukitchi sees the sock and shoves Uwasatchi then scolds her for being rude.

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"Thanks!" Memetchi said - and glared at Uwasatchi evilly xDDDD :nazotchi:

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Uwasatchi falls into the dirt and gets covered in mud. Then she has an idea!

"BEWARE THE MUD MONSTER" she says evilly, splatting mud at everyone.

mukimukitchi uses magic healing food he stole from mametchi and is now feeling 110%

:EDIT: I am changing my character to Shimashimatchi.

Shimashimatchi walks over to Uwasatchi and Memetchi and looks disgusted.

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Mukimukitchi cleans shimashimatchi and steals all the mud in tamatown

Shimashimatchi throws a clump of dirt at Memetchi to get back at her, then throws dirt at Mukimukitchi for stealing the mud.

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Memetchi jumps into the swimming pool - she jumpes very high and plans to land with a spash to wet Shimashimatchi

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