Your collection


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Wow. That is an amazing collection you have there. 284 Tamas? That is like 10000000x the amount I have.

Keep on collecting!

I should post a recent picture soon too .3.

Wow. That is an amazing collection you have there. 284 Tamas? That is like 10000000x the amount I have.

Keep on collecting!

I should post a recent picture soon too .3.
Thank you XD I love collecting. It helps that my partner thinks its a "super cute" hobby so i average on about 1 new one a week. If you look for the right bargains it doesn't cost that much. Plus we have no dependents and he is an accountant so we have the money to support the habit :p I wanted to take more photos of the rest of my collection and Vpets but technology hates me :D And I need to put up a picture of the ones in the mail right now when I get them (Santaclautch, Kekebo,TamaOtch) And I thin everyone should post their collections and Tamas coz its so much fun looking through them <3 :D


From left to right: Tamawatchi, Wave one white Tama-GO, Shimashimatchi Gotchi Pouch, Asian/Pacific V1, V4, V5, Music Star/ V4.5 combo, another V1, Genjintch, and Tama Suku V2.

Oooh.... You guys have some pretties.

Reminds me I need to update my images again :mellow: ... atleast add them to the smaller image... Its a slight pain to fit them all on my bed in one image. That and my pouch I just made tama-themed.

I made a new collection video >u< IM A DORKKK

I made a new collection video >u< IM A DORKKK

Great collection video :D I love seeing other peoples collections XD And your not a dork you are soooooo super cute/adorable and I LOVE your hair, I used to have mine similar and I miss it now lol I needs to make a video but i somehow broke (I think) a brand new samsung video camera, the first time I used it it spazzed so Im not very good with technology haha

I don't think I posted here. :unsure:


~Tamagotchi Version 3- 4X(not sure where the other two went...)

~Tamagotchi Version 4- 1X(not sure where it is)

~Tamagotchi 4.5- 1X

~Tamagotchi Music Star- 2X

~Tama-go- 1X

Total= 9 Tamagotchis


*Tamagotchi iD L(purple)

*Tamagotchi Color +

*Tamagotchi iD


-Memetchi Gotchi Pouch - 2X

-Memetchi Charm - 1X

-Flower Charm - 1X

- Cake Charm - 1X

-Memetchi Gotchi Figure - 1X

-Memetchi TamaLeash - 1X

And that is it! :)

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My tamas






My tama accessories

Lovelitchi plush(in the mail)

Kuromametchi Tama-Go figure

Memetchi Lite Tama-Go Figure

Ponytchi tama-go figure

Sebiretchi Tama-go figure

Ichigotchi Tama-go figure

Kuchipatchi with accordion figure

Mametchi with accordian figure

Memetchi with microphone figure

Tamagotchi the Movie

I'll post a picture when I can convince mum that I won't press a button and it'll self destruct or something.

How can all of you keep your Tamagotchis packaged? I couldn't force myself to do that! XD They're so fun to play with.

I currently have:






LittleChocoWolf > I love it when you drop the Ichigotchi figure xD You make a funny face ^^

nice collection ! All of you !

It doesn't really matter how many you have, to me the most important thing is that they are not too damaged and still pretty :lol:

I'll take a pic of my collection when I get back to my parents place... Half of my collection is still there x)

Man, I forgot to add some stuff. -.-;

I found out I have TWO V4s instead of one, and FIVE V3s instead of four.

Ok so I have....



-Gray craked v4

-Pink lavav 4.5

-White and Pink music note v6

-Purple and Pink fireworks v6

And -White tama go




-Tiny Kutchipatchi figure

-Tiny scientist Mametchi figure

-Memtchi, Kutchipatchi, and Mametchi music star figure


-Ringotchi figure

-Memetchi figure

And -Kutchipatchi lite figure




-Id L


-Santaclatchi(I think I spelled that wrong)

And -More tiny character figures

This is mine as of yesterday, I got a CYOI EnTama yesterday. :3

What I plan on getting (Or... Hope to at least find...) in the rest of this year is: iD L, Home Deka and an Akai. I really want a Akai, for some reason. :3


















While on a break from studying for finals yesterday, I did some quick browsing for Tamagotchis in general on Ebay (something I haven't done in months), not really looking for anything in particular. I ended up jumping on this beauty, a KeiTama, for a fantastic price at Buy-It-Now:


Kind of reminds me of a different Tamagotchi with somewhat of a similar design that I've been eying for months--


--but of course, I like mine better because it's blue. :D I was so happy to find this! I was going to wait until today after finals to grab it but ended up purchasing it right away. Good thing too because a lot of that seller's items were gone by the time I got back and I daresay this one would have slipped away too. Anyway, I'm excited to add this to my collection!

I have

1 JP Angelgotch

1 V2

1 V4

1 V4.5

1 Music star

1 Tamago

I Want....................

Tamagotchi IDL

Tamagotchi Ocean

Tamagotchi Morano

Tamagotchi V1

Tamagotchi V3

Tamagotchi V5

Tamagotchi V5.5

Tamagotchi Ocean


Santa and thats it


I will be adding to new beautys to my collection in the next week or so! Here they are:


-A blue rock city design music star[ My first!]

- A pink leopard print design V5

I'm very excited to get these!! XDD

Im not sure if I've posted here or not... but my collection got a little bigger recently so;

x2 v4s

x1 v4.5

x1 v5

x3 v6 ( i used to have 5 >3<

X1 Tamago

My v4.5 and v5 just came in the mail yesterday C: And I've 50 bucks waiting in Paypal for almost a month now to fund an id L. I just need to sell some more stuff.

Caved and bought another V1 for a great price. This will be the first European Tamagotchi in my collection though. Shiny, no? XD


As strange as it sounds, this particular combination of the 3 colors on the shell have a special significance to me, making this purchase all the more meaningful. :)

i just have a tama-go... :rolleyes: i really really really really REALLY want a tamagotchi music star though :blink: :)

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