Your First Time


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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
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So how did everyone do the first time they raised a Tamagotchi? Did it grow to be healthy? Did it die right away? Was it somewhere in the middle?

The first time I was kind of obsessive. I never let my Tama beep for anything. I checked it every few minutes. I wanted it to be happy and comfortable. Even though I really didn't know what I was doing I tried my best to raise it right.

Even now when raising a Tama I try never to let it beep and feel bad when it has to. And on the rare occasion I forget to check it and it goes to bed in poop I feel horrible. Poor thing.

So basically little has changed from then to now. I always try to give perfect care even if I don't succeed. I never neglect it just to try and get a certain character. I just can't bring myself to do so.

My first was a JINSEI and I didn't know how to use it. I remember that 1 day it has: 40 lb

It was just a teen. :angry:

I wasn't good. I was really really bad!

But this time I was and I am exactly like you. :p

I bought a Tama-Go and things have changed. My tamas are happy now! :D

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I remember my very first tama.... It was my purple star v3, i can't remember the character i had, but i know for a fact i didn't do very well raising it! It was a bad care character from what i can remember. Since i didn't have much experience i wasn't quite sure what i was doing but i got the hang of it eventually!!!!!


My first tama I had was a Punk Rock v4. I remember I always paused it coz I didn't know that it could go to sleep by itself, so it ended up being 0 years old when it evolved into an adult. xD

My very first Tamagotchi was a v1. I loved it so much and I never let it ask for anything, I would look/ check the status menu everything 2 or 3 minuets, and even make beds and other things for it, I remember my first chararcter was a mametchi i think. After that I droped it down the drain. I later got it back and I don't know what happened to it from then. I think it was a v2 actually!

That sounds wonderful and you should feel that way towards your tamagotchi. Thats how your suspose to treat your tamagotchi except when letting your tama goes to sleep in poop on the screen and thats just wrong, but other than that youor doing perefctly fine raising your tama. :)

Oh I hate it when I forget to check it and my Tama goes to sleep in poop. I feel like I've failed as a caretaker.

Looking back it's a wonder I did as well as I did with my first one. I had absolutely no experience with this kind of virtual pet ( I got started with Furby ). I think it wasn't so much as I got the hang of it quickly as it was that I just got lucky.

Also to add! I forgot to check my tama-go last night and it went to bed with poop next to it! Poor shimashimatchi!

I think I didn't do too badly for my first time. I got a Masktchi though. :ph34r:

I was good the first time. :)

I got a Ponytchi on my V4, and she lived to be an Otokitchi and was 16 years old when she passed away. :) She lived a good life

I remember my first tamagotchi. It was (and still is) the Melon Soda Tamagotchi V3. The moment I got it, I had absolutely no idea what to do with it, even after reading the instructions. My first tamagotchi was technically called Pet (weird, I know! XD) it evolved into Tamatchi and then I remember when it had a skull over it's head I thought it was possessed. XD I screeched and just put it under my bed for a week. When I came back to it, I thought that the angel was a candy wrapper so I went to feed it but I couldn't, since it was dead. I just poked it in the back and re-set it. Then I had it paused for a while as I learnt more and more about how to look after tamagotchis from my friends and this site. After a week, I named it Scott. That was my first tamagotchi that got to live a life. I remember his entire life-chain. He evolved into a Kuchitamatchi, then Pirrorirrotchi, then Hanatchi. I screamed when it turned into a Hanatchi as I thought it looked really weird. XDDDD But I raised him anyway. At the time I didn't know his name so I called Hanatchi 'Slimy Worm Dude.' :p Then I saw the matchmaker a few days later and I didn't know what was going on so I downloaded him. :p I didn't let him get married since I didn't want him to leave, but then at age 9 or so he was about to evolve so I quickly downloaded him and married off. His baby was a boy called Damon and he grew up to be a Debatchi, and he had a daughter called Rose who turned into a Megatchi and then the tamas' lifecycle continued until this very day. :)

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When I first got mine.. oh gosh. I had no clue what I was doing, but I was major OCD about it beeping and such. All the meters had to be full.. I spent a lot of time staring at the screen seeing if something was going to happen.

Now I put it in my pocket and check it every once in a while.

the first tama I ever played with was my friend's p1 waaaaaay back when, I'd wanted one really badly since they came out but my parents said no, so eventually I borrowed hers for a summer. I'd read a lot about them on the web so I knew how to take care of it, and I got a mametchi and then I got a ginjirotchi.

The first one I ever owned myself was a v2, after I got my own credit card and could buy it within parental veto.

My first tamagotchi was a light-blue v3 with stripes and bubbles. And my first ever character grew to be a Violetchi, which I really liked. Though, it took forever for it to grow, because I was always an "omg something can happen to my gotchiiii" freak, and I paused it like a maniac.


Then when I wanted for that lovely little creature to stay longer with me, not really feeling like I am ready for the next generation, I paused it and put in my desk. Few days again my friend played with it, and we put it in the desk again after it.

After 2 days I wanted to play with my little Violetchi, so I took back my Tamagotchi... to see it dead. ;_; Probably it unpaused itself/my friend forgot to pause (though she said many times she didn't forget.)

My First tamagotchis (I got two at the same time) was when one day my dad brought home 4 tamagotchis. 2 for me and 2 for my sister. I played with it for what seemed like awhile because I paused it alot, but Then I got bored of it and put it with my other toys. Awhile after I checked them and one was an oniontchi, the other a whaletchi. I threw them away. I still rememeber the designs, blue camo V2 and green camo V2. I was 5-6ish then so dont go hating on me, now im a full pledged tama lover!

Edit: Thats why my favorite tama is whaletchi!

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I, like robodog, had a good start. I got 2 V4's and they both became Memetchi's. They were identical twins. Since then I have been raising my V4's, although they have been reset a couple of times. My first Tama death was on my 6th birthday, and I never really saw what had happened with the eyes of someone who loved their Tama. I just thought "right, not a good birthday surprise, but it was just this stupid thing that didn't do anything, right? I'll just reset it" and that's exactly what I did. I have never loved a Tama, in fact I have always been conducting experiments on my 1st-gen ones, many of the experiments resulting in half my collection breaking. I have never cried about a Tama and I never will because I just do not value them as pets, I only value the generations. I will happily reset a perfect care 1st generation character because it has been hammered into my head harder than how to spell "and" that Tamas are machines and not pets.

I always get attached to my Tamas, but nowhere near as much as I get attached to my robot dogs. They're always going to be number one. They're more than machines to me, Even Tamas. I usually save the experimenting for computer pets like Creatures. Those I don't think of as pets or anywhere near on the level of robot dogs or Tamas so I'm free to experiment and torture as much as I please without guilt. I do the same with Sims. I'd rather find new ways to kill them than I would trying to get them jobs and such. Nintendogs on the other hand get spoiled. They're the exception to the rule. I can't be cruel to a dog even if it only exists on a DS screen.

My first tama was a red star V3. I recieved it March, 9, 2008 at 11:30 (Freaky how I can remember that, huh?).

I was imidiantly attached to my tama, but, unfortuneatly, I didn't relize how to pause, yet. After a few minutes of my and my bro hunched over the screen in out SUV, it hatched a baby girl. I named her May.

May's babyhood was partually spent just figureing out everything, and the other half was spent failing at serpass 30 on the music note game. -___-

Eventally, May became the beaked tot. And, with the come of bump, I actually had a chioce of games! I perfered music note catch, through.

The next day was school, so I had to leave May home. When I was gone, my mom would try to care for May, mainly cleaning up poo every now and again, and feeding it from time to tome. Needless to say, May wanted attention when I got home.

The next day, May became the beaked ball teen. That morning, I was doing a presentation out of school, so I could care for May for awhile. Needless to say, I was shocked when she took untill 10 to wake up!

The next day, May became a 20 LB. Kuchipatchi! I was very happy to see my first tama make it to adulthood! Through that gen did confuse my for awhile, as it made my think a tama would grow from a younger version that looks like it! What also surprised my is that, althrough I did get the unhelthy version, how did I end up with the helthy character Kuchipatchi!?! Oh well, i'm not complaining!

After a few more days of after school care, I came home to see May's angel. I was very sad to see her go, but I promised to never forget Mher, May, my first tama. She had 4 training bars, and was usally of a low weight.

I quickly started another gen, but I forgot it when I watched a movie, so it deaprted. I then learned how to pause it, and its all been uphill from there!

My first tamagotchi was a version 4, I checked it every 5 seonds and when it lost one star of hungry or happy I quickly played a game or quickly gave it food. I was really obcessed. One day I left it without pausing and went to school. When I got back from school it was hungry and ill. I panicked and quickly fed it and luckily it didn't die.

My first tama was (still is) a P2 back in 1997. I was very careful to take great care of it. It became a Mametchi when adult. His name was Jason. I think he was around 15 before he passed on.

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