Your Grades?


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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on your head
So, what do you get for grades?

I'm not formally graded, but I'm given estimates from my teacher. ;D

Math: A to A+

Literature: A or B

Science: B

Social Studies: A+

Gym/PE: Uh, most days I don't really do it...;_;

Home Ec: C or B

Classroom Upkeep: F-


Maths - As

English - As

Science - B+s

Religious studies (Not religious but proud of my grade :D )- A

P:E- C ^^"

Art/Tech - B-As

Maths- A - B

English-A - A+

French- A - A+

Italian- A+

Maltese- A+


PS- I listed only my best grades!



Oh, yeah. Art and stuff, I don't really do that, if only because I do most of that on my own free time. I'm doing some art history to go with SS, but..

We got our progress reports yesterday. The grades don't count for graduation until the semester ends in mid-January; this was just to let us know where we stood. :D

Honors English- A, 94%

Child Development 1- A, 99%

Honors Biology- A+, 101%

Honors World History- A+, 101%

Honors Geometry- B+, 91%

Girl's Chorus- A, 96%

Japanese 1- A, 100%


I need to pull that geometry grade up though... I hate geometry. DD:

Oh, yeah. Art and stuff, I don't really do that, if only because I do most of that on my own free time. I'm doing some art history to go with SS, but..
My school is an Art College. I suffer lol.


French-Cs (Hate the subject)

Geography- Cs (Diee!)

I get mostly C's and B's, but A+'s in English and Social Studies. :D

I'm getting my report card in a week.

HPE - A to A+

Maths - A

English - B+ to A-

SOSE - Don't know yet... last year I got B's.

BEEP - I was away when everyone got the results from the last test. I probably failed it.

Science - B to A.

^ Same as you 2 above. The only thing I'm enjoying in Religious studies is the fact we are learning about the one and only, Buddha!! I got sent out of the class room because I asked if I could have some Buddha food. x3 Whats up with these Religious teachers?

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