Your Grades?


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Math: C. ._.

Band: A-, that STILL counts as an A or B! C=

LA: A+



Sci: B


Chorus: A+

ROB: Probably a C. xDDD Because I HATE ROB. xD

[SIZE=7pt]Math- A+[/SIZE]

Language- A-

History/Geography- A+

Gym- A

French- A-

Music- B+

I dont know what else. =\ I have pretty good grades, and by the way, this is what I THINK they are :wub:

I usually get as and bs, but last time, it was pretty bad. I got:


Engligh: A-

Science: B-

Algebra B: C

Social Studies: A-

Career Class: A-

Study Skills: B


So ya, that's pretty bad.

The only formal report card I remember was my kindergarten one, and the highlight of it was..

Attention and Behaviour: I


I get A honor rolls every school.

Math: A

Reading: A (of course, i read at a 6th grade level)

Science: A

Social Studies: A

Writing: A

Oh there's actual grades for...reading?

That is insane. I wonder what reading grade I'd get, since I read 1000+ WPH as long as I'm interested.

At my school we're graded using percents out of 100.

I'll list the grades I usually get.

Math: 98-99

Science: 95-98

Language Arts: 98-100

Social Studies: 96-98

Music: 90-95

Spanish: 99

Technology: 94-95

Art: 90-95

Home and Careers: 90-95

Reading: Not sure since this is the first year we have it as a graded class.

PE: Anywhere from 85-98

Choir: A (the only letter grade)

I'm not sure what I'll have in reading and I only have it 1 quarter out of the year. Right now I have Technology, next quarter I'll have art, after that I'll have Home and Careers, and then Reading the last quarter.

However, we recently took our reading level tests on the computer and I read at a college level, apparently.

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The only formal report card I remember was my kindergarten one, and the highlight of it was..
Attention and Behaviour: I

Incomplete. O______________O

In my school, that is. xD

Science: 93.83% = A

Language Arts: 101.88% = A

Math: 90.21% = A

Reading: 96.12% = A

Gym: 100% = A

Geography: 93.78% = A


I don't know why I'm so good in Gym. I don't even try.

-checks current grades via fancy computer technology-

Theatre 1A- 88, because I screwed up on one of the vocal warmups. D:

French 1- 98

English H- 91

PE- 96

Biology H- 87

Geometry H- 81

World Geography- 93

Ehh...they've been better. I'm not too proud.

OoOh. We don't get 'Grades'

I only know my science at the moment

M average

Our ranks are

N-Not achieving


M-Achieving with merit

E-Achieving with Excellence

And on a test its the same but

Not Achieved




In my science exams I've go 3 merits and 4 Excellences so far. I've got the best score in the class

Reading level is 16+ which is the top you can get and i've been at that level since I was 9

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I think my grades are..

Math - B

Japanese - B (D8 Should be an A!)

College Prep - A

Sci - A, B, C, or D (no clue @__@)

Eng - A or B

History - A, B or C (once again, no clue)

PE/Health - A

These are my average grades on my report card:

Math: B+ to A

Literacy/English: A- to A+

French: A-

Gym: B+ to A

Social Studies: A- to A+

Science: A

Music: B to B+ (but this year I'm going to get worse because I can't read notes or play my instrument at all!!)

Drama: A

Art: B to B+

I think that's all the subjects...

Idk right now..... The choir teacher was getting on our cases about our grades (we're in advanced choir, it's like sports where if you don't get good grades you get kicked out) I have been lazy in math lately....

Last quarter I had all A's and one B. (Placing me in Beta Club 83)

As of now, I `can tell you my grades! -win-

-checks via computer-

Catholic Doctrine: 101%- A

Catholic Doctrine 2: 96% - A

Conduct (Behavior): 100%- A

Grammar: 97%- A

Literature: 100%- A

Math (Pre-Algebra)- 94%- A

Music- 100%- A

Physical Education: 100%- A (This is better than my 90% last quarter ;. :D

Science: 100%- A

Social Studies- 86%- B

Vocabulary- 100%- A

Just have to bring up my Social Studies grade (Easy)

And my Math.. -dies- I'm getting 88's and 100's and one 60 in that class -fails at math-

I would be in honors if my dumb school HAD honors. Gosh.

Our progress reports came in today.^-^

Explorations of business-98%(A)


Tech Lab-94%(A)


Teen Leadership-96%(A)

I'm soo proud!! This is very surprising, I don't pay attention at all. I have no idea why our middle school stressed out so much about highschool, it's quite easy. But yet again I don't have Math or English yet.....I stink at those subjects..

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