Your Opinion on Aliens


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Chizzled It

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2010
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Personally, I believe that aliens haven't abducted/probed people.

"Oh, sure. Aliens abduct people, tell them to tell people they probed them, and then leave no evidence after dropping them back home. Makes sense to me!"

I'm almost certain that other forms of life exist on other planets, but they, imo, are nothing like in the movies, obviously.

On the subject of Area 51, I believe that the Government isn't holding aliens there. What's more logical, the Government working on top secret weapons, or holding extraterrestrial life?

I don't believe in aliens, well, at least for now.

Area 51? Ehh, it's Area 51. For all we know they could just be getting wasted there, throwing parties everyday and laughing at our curiosity.

I don't know if I believe in the whole little human-like green alien thing, but there's bound to be life on other planets. After all, Earth is just one planet in one galaxy, there's so much out there that scientists haven't even discovered yet.

I don't really believe in aliens...

But then again, it would be a bit weird that this would be the only planet with living creatures?!

I don't know if I believe in the whole little human-like green alien thing, but there's bound to be life on other planets. After all, Earth is just one planet in one galaxy, there's so much out there that scientists haven't even discovered yet.
^ Exactly this.

I mean, there's billions of galaxies in the universe, so it only makes sense that other planets have life on them too.

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WARNING: Please do not click these links if you are offended by vulgar language. I am giving a link to a google search about a show on Showtime which is rated M for mature audiences. It is for pure educational purposes for the more mature crowd, proving that both alien abduction and Area 51 are myth. Moderators, if you feel this is not allowed you can freely edit this post (not that I can stop it) but I understand why. I just feel that I should add this to the conversation about aliens.

Aliens are bull@&^#.

Area 51 is bull@&%!

I do believe in them, and then I don't. Many of the U.F.O sightings could be something else. U.F.O doesn't neccessarily mean Flying Saucer, it means Unidentified Flying Object. Unidentified. So it could be anything. But 1 or 2 of them that have no explanation whatsoever might just be other life forms. Who knows?

There might even be other Human Beings on a different planet. Another Earth in another Galaxy. We don't know. But I have a feeling scientists are going to find out soon the way technology is moving.

Until I see concrete evidence that would prove otherwise, no I do not believe in aliens. However, as many stars as there are in the universe, I believe there are other life forms on other planets in other solar systems that probably have as much technology as we do, and can't get off of their home planet either. So they are just as stuck as we are.

It's nearly impossible to wrap your mind around how simply...infinite the universe is. We're not even a pinprick on a wall. Billions and billions of miles in every direction from Earth.

To me it seems a little ridiculous to think that the entire, infinitely enormous universe (besides us, of course) is nothing but dead rocks and chemicals. There has to be something somewhere.

Personally, I think life on other planets exist. But I doubt these other life forms have visited our planet. What would be so specail about the Earth? There's probably tons of places out there in space with life, and if any other planets have the technology to do space travel, they'd probably choose a planet closer to them that could have life on it. It just isn't likely that any aliens out there would choose to visit Earth of all places.

Yes, I believe in aliens. Because I think, that the biggest sign that there is intelligent life out there, is that none of it has tried to contact us.

Furthermore, I doubt any of it has visited earth, I mean, look at what happened between the Europeans and the Native Americans. If Alien life has the ability to travel extremely far distances, then obviously they'll have more advanced weapons. By that simple logic we can assume they'd have taken us over, hunted humans for sport, then we'd be made into slaves and servants.

aliens are much more realistic than, say, ghosts. they are 99.9% real, because, think about how BIG the universe is...they are most likely out there, however, i dont believe that any have ever came to earth. first of all, why the heck would they? second, how would they build something to get here?

look up roswell :)

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I had a playlist with some many different documentations, videos, audio recordings, sighting reports and interviews, anybody would have to belive in aliens. But I can't find it.....

Aliens as in.. the skinny little green people? Nah. :p

I don't ( or at least I don't want to.. that's scary ! xD ) believe that they fly around in spaceships / flying saucers.

But other life forms, yeah. :)

Life on other planets? Absolutely.

Little green people on flying saucers that abduct and probe earthlings? Nope.

to those who dont believe, i am a strong believer. i will explain my conclusion.

this planet, earth. we have so many different species of creatures, not only human but insects, sea creatures, flying ones and plants, too many living organisms to believe they just spontaneously, and ONLY, manifested on ours.

there are particles, meteors, comets, with organisms, be they alive or not, that HAVE hit our planet in the past.

alien abductees sometimes lack evidence, but if you believe that the first ppl, even the bible speaking of beings from the sky (and i understand that ppl can make things up like warewolves and witches) are lying, and those now that continue (i dont hear anyone talking about seeing a warewolf or leprechaun, and i also dont see thousands of witnesses all over the world) well, thats not my problem, is it?

ive seen 2 ufos im sure of, one with WHOLE FAMILY (and i saw the detail on the saucer) and one solo (i have a ufo topic in non tamatalk, im assuming this has to do something with).

i honestly believe it might be fear of the unknown. but realize we could be aliens to others that also dont believe in us, and some that might.

my uncle went to the airforce, but i dont want to get him into trouble.

i believe in MULTI EXTRATERRESTRIALS. all over.

i feel to think were alone, seeing the proof here on this planet of different living things, is extremely close minded to the point of being a blind sheep in a line of a mass suicide.

i dont believe it just sticks to area 51, i believe there are bases underwater, all over the world, and ive read about a moon base.

when you see your own proof, youll believe.

i believe, just as their are good and bad ppl here on earth, it is also around the universe.

if you know about nichola tesla, and electronics, and how he got the idea, maybe you have a clue.

the fact is, the government is a bag of s**t. if you trust or count on it, well, good luck with that.

now, im aware, im speaking to those that have probably been severely brainwashed into thinking that santa clause gives you presents, and that aliens are all "make believe".

i dare you to bring a toy gun to school. HAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!

yes, i feel you should be afraid of them, they are more advanced. some i believe, as well as those that are less advanced.

and just like roaches having short lives, i believe there are those which can live for hundreds.

but i dont feel you should be afraid of all, because as i stated before, there are good and bad here, why not anywhere else?

i hope none of you are ever abducted, but i do wish you see your own proof.

and i hope you have a camera. :p

check these out: (scroll down to see the majestic 12 pages) (this one is the best)


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Maybe, but if so their god would be the same one (if your believes are the same as mine anyway, but i'm not going into that.)

I do not think Aliens "invade" Earth and take people. However, I'm not denying there may be life on other planets. Stuff like that, for me, I have to see it to believe it. Eventually, when I most likely wont be alive, people will have advanced technology draw conclusions about life on other planets. I know this isn't really answering if I believe in aliens, but It's hard for me to believe something that isn't necessarily proven (Yes, people may have seen Aliens, but I haven't... soo..)

No, I don't believe in Aliens.

As a person who doesn't believe in Evolution, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Even for earth to be a planet full of life, there are so many elements that have to be specific

to sustain life here.

For example our distance from the Sun, any further or closer, and we'd all be dead. It just can't be a coincidence that were the perfect distance from the sun, that we happen to have a moon orbiting us...

Maybe there are some bacteria floating around somewhere, but that's the extent to what I think is out there, if anything at all.

One thing I don't understand, is why do people think Aliens would come to earth?

Obviously Aliens aren't in our Universe, and it's impossible to travel the speed of light.

If there are millions and billions of different planets and galaxies out there, how the heck would they find us, how the heck could they get to us?

It's just not possible.

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