Yugioh the Abridged series


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Ahem. Yes. I did. It is quite fantastic. ;DD

New episodes are coming out this week! I'm excited! And I'm gonna meet LittleKuriboh at the convention I'm going to in June.

New episodes out this week???


your going to meet LittleKuriboh?

I am so jealous!

I have seen almost all the episodes

which one is your favourite?

Yupp. He tweeted that the new episode is 90% done. I'm so happy. I was actually hoping to finish all of Duel Monsters before any new episodes, but that didn't work.

I don't really have a favorite episode. I don't exactly remember them anyway.

But spin off thing, I love Cardgames on Motorcycles and the v------ monologues. Friggin. Hilarious.

Haha, I knew this topic would be made sooner or later. I love this series, it's hilarious. LittleKuriboh is absolutely brilliant, and does great voices.

I haven't seen new episodes in a reeealy long time, so I'll have to catch up with that. I also told a friend of mine about it, say, two weeks ago? Now she has all the videos on her iPod touch. xD

LK is a genius!

The voices he does are great, especially pegasus's voice, it sounds exactly the same as the real pegasus.

Its so funny, I have literally fallen off my chair several times whilst watching yugioh abridged.

And the catch phrases that the characters have are so funny.

lol Screw the rules I have money.-thats gotta be one of my favourite catchphrases.

Yes, I completely agree with you Jae, the new episode wasn't really that funny at all.

What happened to all the old jokes? like Joey saying nyeh?

I expected it to be really really funny.

I really hope LK doesn't cancel it though, because I still love it.

I did like the team rocket jokes though.

Wow, the episodes are uop to 47 now??? I really need to catch up.

One of the best episodes was the one with the paradox brothers. xD

I like mariks evil council of doom. they are funny.

I also find all the 'british bakura' jokes funny. even though I am british myself.

whats your favourite YGOTAS catchphrase?

"Looks the rules...have just been screwed!"

And a few inappropriate ones. xD

I miss the Zelda jokes. And Nyeh. And Yami being all sexy. I know why I didn't like this episode. Yami wasn't in it. D:


Yami and Bakura wern't there. Thats probably why I didn't like it as much.

...In America! (lol actually I am in the UK, but anyway...)

Well, I liked Tristan's "My voice gives me super strength!"

And "Attention duelists! My hair is definately not leading you into a trap!" "Why are you saying 'attention duelists' when i'm the only one here??"

Another great episode was the one with 'Kaiba Babies' xD

Im not gay Im just british!- Bakura

Because shutup- Ishizu

Superspecialawsome- Yugi


Screw the rules I have money- Kaiba


My favourite catchphrases. =)

Oh, and I also love it when they are all like " SHUTUPMOKUBA!"

and when Yugi gives Joey the prize money for his sisters operation he says " Screw my sister I have money!"


Super special awesome ultra special sexy transformation sequence goooooooooooo.

Every time Kaiba smiles, a puppy dies.

OMG a giant rock. OMG another giant rock!

I also have Without Yugi and almost all of Brooklyn Rage memorized. ;D

I also have Without Yugi and almost all of Brooklyn Rage memorized. ;D
OMG! me to! lol :huh:

OMGNEWEPISODECOMINGSOON! kaiba's father will be revealed.

Its so got to be Bill Gates or Brock from pokemon!
Super special awesome ultra special sexy transformation sequence goooooooooooo.

Every time Kaiba smiles, a puppy dies.

OMG a giant rock. OMG another giant rock!

I also have Without Yugi and almost all of Brooklyn Rage memorized. ;D
LOL!!! those are some of the most hilarious lines. xD Everytime i see a giant rock now.... yeah it's all "OMG a giant rock!!!" and 'shut up mokuba' is another one i quote a lot. i say that to my friends, and most of them get it.

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