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I have a hard problem with not sticking to my plans...

That means I never played Zelda all day...

I'll play it tomorrow maybe!!

so... 3000 post and 3000 reply is coming up, soon. I claim both of them if that means I have to double post "accidentally"

hey, no double posting allowed! You have to let us me get one of them. And I will get one of them, make no mistake about that.

I find it funny how you talk like it's a chore to play Zelda. xD

^who, me? xD

And yes, when it comes to Skeldritch, it's more than a chore... it's Hell. I swear, he's impossible.

Well hey, you haven't played Spirit Tracks in awhile, either. So don't be commenting like that! xD

You're right, I haven't. I already beat it.

The last battle is really cool and fun!

Nope, she finished it.

And i finally beat Spirit Tracks last night! Yay! (Yes Kay, I win!)
No worries, Kristin. Why do you guys always race to win? xD

Yeah, you're right, Pais. I talk like it's a chore too. Haha. What usually happens to me, is I'll be dying to play. And I'll be doing some homework or something. And I can't focus and I'm totally annoying myself. And then when I finally finish, I bolt to the living room and play my heart out. :)

I think I was better off not knowing about the fact I lost the competition.

Pais, you really better let me get 3000 post now.


Silver medals are shinier than gold medals, anyway. xD

That's okay Kristin, you will still beat everyone else here by a mile, so don't worry about it. xD I just have some killer Zelda skillz addiction lol.

Now i just need to get the hang of MM because i pretty much fail there. It is fun, though. Maybe this weekend i'll try to get a few more masks. :)

Oh and 3000th post is still mine. Or reply. Either one.


We have talked about everything possible in the Zelda fandom. D: Well. Most of it, anyway.

Oh, Pais. Where are you in MM, currently? You may have already said. I probably just missed it. :p

If there is something worth discussing, we've discussed it.

Why don't any of you guys play Kingdom Hearts? -headdesk-

I might do some Link fan art. I'm in a very artsy mood. :33

I am in the ocean temple(orwhateveryoucallit)-Spirit tracks

i am considering getting kingdom hearts actually XD

i am drawing manga now-not zelda though, just a random person.


3000th post...WILLBEMINE!!! MWAHAHAHA(probablynot)

GETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETITGETIT. I need somebody to fangirl with. xD Kiro hasn't been on in forever so..:3

So yeah.

Favorite Overworld anyone?

In MM i'm past the first temple, and i only have two masks currently. I also got all the stray fairies in woodfal temple. :3

I know it's so sad soon we'll have nothing to talk about.

Favorite Overworld..... I'd have to say Twilight Princess. So far it has the most vast landscape, with the six provinces and multiple parts of Hyrule Field. And the music wins. Also all the bridges make it kinda cool, and there's a lot of plot that takes place in it, like all those chase scenes.

Second would be OoT, because it's very simple and familiar, and the music wins here too.

The MM overworld's kinda small, but the music is awesome and it always gets stuck in my head.

Oh guys, watch this: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/105053

Funny video, you've gotta see it. xD Link haz ninja skillz

"C'mon, GanonDORK, bring it on!" Like we'd fight Link. :'3 I'm not saying it'd be hard for us to hurt him... because it wouldn't be. With, you know, glomping and all.

Malon, Saria, and Zelda talking about crushing on Link? >w<

Anyway, hilarious video. xD But dude, why does Link have pearl earrings? He's supposed to have hoops. D:<

And is it just me, or in videos with Link talking, he's always like stupid and annoying?

I think that's the first video I've seen that involved Link talking, but he did seem rather annoying. He's not annoying for real though, I'm certain of that. And yes, the earrings did bother me, but overall a hilarioius video.

Lol i cracked up when i heard the "ganondork" part because it's like "omg, link actually acknowledges us!" xD Zelda's sleepover party was hilarious.

Yeah, i definately get it. Although i loved that video, it was also somewhat painful to hear Link talk.... I think it's mainly because we have an idea in our heads about how he should sound and all that, and then we don't like to hear it differently because its disappointing. But i'm sure if he sounded the way i wanted him to, i'd be very happy to hear him talk. ^w^ But then again, there's something so adorable about the fact that he never talks, i dunno why. I've been quite fangirly lately. I dunno why, i mean i always am, but now more so than usual. xD Oh, it is quite a wonderful feeling.

I haven't played LoZ in a while, so i've nothing to add as far as that goes.... i need to play MM. But this next weekend is a three-day weekend for me, so i should have time. Oh wait.... the new Pokemon game is coming out.....

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