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My brother got his 3DS today, so soon enough I'm going to go out and buy OoT. Just need to make sure I have the money for it.

The iron boots and hover boots are actual items? Thank God. It was always such a pain, pressing start to equip the boots, and then a couple seconds later pressing start to unequip them again. I'm kind of excited for the new graphics, it'll make playing it yet again feel like something almost new, you know? But as you said, the game doesn't get old anyway. It's definitely my favourite Zelda game of all time. Now if only I could beat Majora's Mask... xD

My brother got his 3DS today, so soon enough I'm going to go out and buy OoT. Just need to make sure I have the money for it.

The iron boots and hover boots are actual items? Thank God. It was always such a pain, pressing start to equip the boots, and then a couple seconds later pressing start to unequip them again. I'm kind of excited for the new graphics, it'll make playing it yet again feel like something almost new, you know? But as you said, the game doesn't get old anyway. It's definitely my favourite Zelda game of all time. Now if only I could beat Majora's Mask... xD
Yeah, i agree with you there. Going to the equipment screen for hover/iron boots was the only tedious, annoying part of the game, so now that's gone. I'm so used to that and the gyroscope aiming now that when i go back to my N64 version i need to adjust. Either way, OoT's not just my favorite Zelda game of all time, it's my favorite game of all time.

And yeah, Majora's Mask is challenging to say the least, and so different from the other 3D zelda games. It took me a while to beat it. I would suggest working towards all the masks, because then you can get the fierce deity mask. And fierce deity Link owns. Also, i dare you to get perfect on the swamp shooting gallery, i literally spent days on it, lol. But i did get perfect in the end.

I have a 3DS, and I have a Oot.

But I'm scared of that game, as I am a noob.

I am now playing Twilight Princess. TO gain my Zelda playing skills.

@Jadeie- you're scared of the game? Of what exactly? There are some things in that game that still scare me no matter how many times I play it. Wallmasters, Like-Likes, Redeads, Dead Hands.... *shudders* But anyway, Twilight Princess is a great game, too. How far are you in it? Also, how much progress did you make in OoT? If you're stuck on anything, I've played both games a billion times, so you can ask me for help.

Also, in my previous post I said that OoT was my favorite Zelda game/ game in general, but I want to restate that. Although OoT is my default response for favorite zelda game, I can't say that I like it better than the others. I think I like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess all equally. Zelda 1 is up there, too, however i haven't beaten that one yet.

Anyway, I think it's about time we start the Skyward Sword countdown. 35 MORE DAYS TO WAIT!!!! (in north America, of course every other region gets it first...) Yeah, about that, since when do games come out in Europe before America? It's not fair, why are we suddenly last in line...

I Played Zelda on my Gameboy Advanse :)
Nice, which was it? Minish Cap? Or a remake, like Zelda 1 or 2 or something (i honestly don't know how many remakes they made for GBA) Btw it's advance, not advanse, but that was probably just a typo.

Speaking of which, I haven't played Minish Cap myself, but I hear it's good, although it's pretty easy. I'll probably buy it eventually. I believe that, the Oracles, A Link to the Past, and Four Swords Adventures are the only Zelda games i don't have at the moment. I do have the original Four Swords on 3DS virtual console, just not the GameCube version. Personally, I'm not into the whole multiplayer zelda thing, i just got the 3DS one bc it was free.

33 Days till SS.

@Paislypuppy. On Twilight Princess I got to the Goron mines - cross the first lava pool. And find a dead end. So that's pretty much it.

@Paislypuppy. On Twilight Princess I got to the Goron mines - cross the first lava pool. And find a dead end. So that's pretty much it.
Ah, so you hit a "dead end" after crossing the first lava pit? Okay, so what you need to do is equip the iron boots and stand on the switch to the left (right if you have the gamecube version) which should cause the fire to go away, and you can progress. Repeat this process for the next one then turn around and go up the ladder, and then go across the platforms to the other side. There's another switch over here that can be pressed if you're wearing iron boots, so do that, and you're at the other side of the room. then i believe you hop across to a platform that can be lowered if you wear the iron boots, opening the door in the process.

Hope that helped. :) Tell me if you get stuck again.

aw, the zelda games are my absolute favourite. been playing them since i was tiny, and they never seem to get old.

my favourite's gotta be ocarina of time, though.

Ooh, which one was your first? Mine was Wind Waker, and that was back when I was a kid and didn't know anything about the other games. Then I heard about Ocarina of Time, so I decided to try it out. After that I just became hooked on Zelda games in general, got on the internet, found out about all the other games, and yeah.

Night of the First Day

62 hours remain until Skyward Sword is released.

Has anyone played skyward sword yet? I'm just about to start next friday. looks so pretty! the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the case was: OMG Link has pants! O-o weird much? heh, well anyone who has an opinion on the newest addition to the serise please let me know what you think!

Skyward Sword is certainly a stand out from the series. Maybe one of the best ones yet, it's so bright and happy and the fact the first boss made me freak out so flipping bad.


that's my reaction to every boss that I ever meet in video games. heh, weirdo I am. but I can't wait to play it, it looks so fun. today me and a friend had a Zelda nerd moment... in art we were putting away our supplies and since I was too lazy to put away my pencil I told my friend "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" and I gave her my pencil, she cracked up so much that she ended up actually putting away my pencil instead of making me do it my-self. good times... ^_^

@zuzu- yeah, i haven't had a chance to share yet with the zelda topic, since it's been inactive since before the game came out... BUT I beat the game about two weeks ago, and it was AWESOME! It has actually topped Ocarina as my favorite zelda game, and favorite game of all time for that matter. And yeah, Link has pants. I gotta admit, I love his outfit in this game, and I think the Link iteration from this game is my favorite one. He's so cute. x3 And also, I love Zelda nerd moments. Had one today. I was sitting with a group of people eating lunch and this one guy just says "so, are there any zelda fans here?" and i kinda spazzed, and went on a rant about how much I love Skyward Sword!

@Jadeie- you mean the first time you fight Ghirahim? yeah, that seemed pretty insane at first, because you usually don't see much of a game's main villain until the end. I like how Ghirahim shows up periodically throughout the game though. Ghirahim actually turned out to be my favorite Zelda villain of all time; he's just so hilarious. I especially liked when he said "it filled my heart with rainbows!" xD. There are a lot of great characters in SS. As I said, Link from this game is my favorite iteration of Link yet, Ghirahim's my favorite villain, I absolutely love Fi (and what she says at the end made me cry, but i won't spoil it for you guys), and surprisingly enough, Groose became one of my favorite characters. He also has a lot of funny lines, but I like him because he's a really dynamic character. Again, won't spoil it, but although i hated him at first, he turned out to be a great character who really influenced the story. Pipit is another character I liked, because I thought he was kinda cute. He didn't really impact the story though. Didn't really like Zelda this time around, but she's never been a favorite of mine. Only time I really liked zelda was in Wind Waker, especially while she was Tetra.

My first Zelda game was either Orcarina of Time or Majora's Mask when I was like 2

I love MM

Dawn of a new day.

0 hours remain.

I played them on the origanal N64

I loved MM so much

i bought it off the Virtual Console without permission

Havn't played most of them really

I've played

Phantom Hourglass Spirit tracks

Twilight Princess OOT


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@Southparkkennyfan- awesome! I wish I could have played Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask as a child, but sadly I did not grow up with the N64. I was about three years old when OoT came out and did not have an N64 due to being a little young to play video games and not having any older siblings. I did play video games at this age, but I didn't have any of my own, I just had to wait until I could go to my grandparents' house; my uncle lived with them and he had a Genesis and Playstation that I played a lot.

My first Zelda game was Wind Waker, as the GameCube was my first console. I loved the game, and it really brightened my day the first time I played it because I was home sick and was in bed all day, and my dad set up a TV in my room to let me play it because he had bought it for me that day. Ironic that now he tells me that I've played it too many times and that I should sell it online, but I'm like "Over my dead body!". I actually bought an N64 a few years ago and got Ocarina of Time, and later Majora's Mask, so I did eventually have the chance to play them on their original console.

Wind Waker is a great game though, you should play it. And have you considered Skyward Sword by any chance? Awesome game; it might be my new favorite Zelda game. But I don't really pick favorites; I love them all!

@Paislypuppy Well, unfortunly my Wii has broken., so, the main outlet for my Zelda's are Ds and MAYBE 3ds. I say maybe, cause my mum might not get me one. ; _____ ;

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