Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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Mar 29, 2006
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Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)

and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"

Cool, but I live in aus and we don't have lunch ladies, cafateria and all that but thanks anyways!

I don't know why they take our tama's!(not that mine has ever been taken away) :furawatchi:

yeah, i've experienced this all. there's this anoyying guy named Robert and whenver he sees a tama he sings Tama-tama-gotchi-Tama-tama-gotchi at the top of his lungs!

and my friends never turn their sound off and they always say, " that was my watch."

and at lunch me and my friend Nicole had our tamas out and the lunch moniter saw nicole's and she was like, "is that a tamagotchi?" and she took away nicoles! but when i saw her coming, i hid mine in my pocket. anyway, so she took nicoles and she had a bunch of tamagotchis in her hand from all the other people tamas. it was freaky.

and another time, my friend elizabeth had her tamas sound on during math CSAPS!

i always tell my friends to turn their sound off but their like, "whatever"

The stupidest girl in my class got one and got the word of the thing of tamagotchis are here and got hers taken away. :mimitchi:

I hid mine in a side of my desk where people can't see and I can easily poke the buttons.

Having pockets help too! :mimitchi:

i hid my two tams once when i brought them to school in my pencil case, and the teacher that taught the grade 5's in my class either never noticed me playing jump or didnt


Yeah, I brought mine to school the other day.Alot of my classmates do, we just turn the sound off. My Home ec teacher Is mean, but doesn't mind them because they help you tell time, and they also teach you responsibility.And also, we had them out at lunch, and the principle saw and didn't care. My friend taylor actually showed the principle her tamagotchis before!!! see, I didn't want to make noise in any of my classes also, so I attatched my tamagotchi (I only had one at the time, the next day I got another) to a cute little dog keychain(it was a plush one)and put the tamagotchi in my pocket with the cute dog hiding it in case anyone should hear or see it.

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My school's teachers don't really care if you have your tama with you (except in chior for some reson) There's someone at my school who always has her tamas around her neak another trick for kepping your tama secret is set the clock to when your tama goes to bed and then stuffing it in your back back with the sound off. No one would notice ;) then you can play with it at recess! :p

(We are only alowed to cheak on ours no playing games) Anyway my teaher thinks i'm using a timer sometimes and sometimes she know's it's a tama but we can use them if they are no to distracting) We can't bring our wallet's to school either thought ;)

School staff has no right to keep your personal possessions anyway, tams included!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I agree but tams are banned from my school so in my case they can. ;) I never get my tama confinscated and nether do my friends 'cos we have this big orgainisation tet gets the teachers confuesed!We are tricky! :rolleyes:

I heard some of my friends say that my teacher last year thought Tamagotchi was a swearword. o_O

Back in 1997, when they were popular, they were banned at my school and nobody liked me so they would've told on me for having one in class. I brought three different virtual pets to school every day. (A Dinkie Dino, a Digital Doggie Giga Pet, and a Nano Kitty.) Here is how I did it:

1. I turned the sound off on the Nano and the Giga Pet. I couldn't figure out how to turn the sound off on the Dinkie Dino, so I took a whole bunch of toilet paper and taped it to the back so that nobody would hear it. I tested it to make sure that it couldn't be heard, and it couldn't.

2. I wore a jacket thing every day with two pockets that zipped up. I was allowed to wear it in class because I wore it underneath my real jacket and told the teacher that I didn't think of it as a jacket. It was long, so I could put one of my pets in my pants pocket and nobody would notice the bulge. The other two went in the jacket pockets, and I zipped them up to make sure that they couldn't fall out.

3. I went into the bathroom before school started, and made sure that they were okay. Then, I put the Giga Pet to sleep. At Recess, I'd either hide in the bathroom and play with them (it was only 15 minutes long), or I'd go to a secluded part of the playground where nobody could find me, but that was risky. At lunch, I'd sometimes hide in the bathroom the whole time. (Hey, I was a loser without very many friends... The playground was stupid and people threw things at me and called me names.) Usually I'd just go in there once at the beginning of lunch and once five minutes before the bell rang. I'd put them all to sleep at the end of lunch. After school, I'd go to the bathroom and check on them before going home. I walked home, and people would tell on me if they saw me walking home with them. Once I was at home, I played with them like normal.

4. Don't tell anybody that you have them at school. People can't be trusted to be quiet. They might not mean to hurt you, but a lot of people have really big, loud, stupid mouths. I made the mistake of telling my best friend, and she almost got me caught several times. I had to have a very long talk with her. Hehe.

5. Most importantly, don't do anything stupid like checking on them in class. Even if you're watching a movie. It's a very good way to get caught, and you do not want that. If you really feel the need to check on them, ask if you can go to the bathroom. I recommend doing this only once every two days at the most, or else the teacher will get suspicious. You have to be smart and sneaky or else you will be caught. Don't pull it out in the middle of the class because there are probably a lot of mean kids who think it is funny to get other people in trouble.

One time, I accidently left the sound on on my Digital Doggie, and I got caught. I didn't want it to die, so I faked sick and the teacher had to give it back to me before I went home. He told me not to bring it again. Little did he know that I brought it every single day after that. :furawatchi:

If you have any questions, be sure to ask me. I was a very sneaky little kid.

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