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May 5, 2006
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Have you had yur period yet? I haven't.... is it scary? Does it hurt? Please post if you have or haven't had your period!

*Note from Bell Sprout:


This topic has been thoroughly review by the Guides. We have deemed this appropriate to remain open. Please see my post in regards to this topic:


Any further replies complaining about this topic WILL be deleted. If you feel it is too personal, you are under no obligation to respond. This topic is an educational tool which many members have contributed towards and benefited from*

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um isnt this like personal but i havent had my periods but people get testy about them so i would probaly get someone to lock thyis post

these topics arent nice if someone says yes then i belive people will go ewww and start a massive arguement i dont think anyone is going to say sweet n sour go on the internet or ask your mum if it hurts ok :huh:



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FB is football princess.

And does anyone know when it usually happens?

Why would someone post this on here? Ask your mom.Don't put this stuff on tamatalk.

Interesting topic. lol

I've had mine since I was 9. I don't have it anymore because of my birth control which is nice, but I remember it x.x'

The first time I had it it kinda scared me because I wasn't sure what it is. Being 9 I hadn't gone through sex ed, so it was kinda creepy seeing blood.. there.

The actual bleeding doesn't hurt, but the cramps do. Try midol and a heating pad when you get those. They indeed suck. The pain varries from person to person though so you might not feel pain, or you might be crumpled over in pain. Just depends. For me, it hurt bad.

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Interesting topic. lol
I've had mine since I was 9. I don't have it anymore because of my birth control which is nice, but I remember it x.x'

The first time I had it it kinda scared me because I wasn't sure what it is. Being 9 I hadn't gone through sex ed, so it was kinda creepy seeing blood.. there.

The actual bleeding doesn't hurt, but the cramps do. Try midol and a heating pad when you get those. They indeed suck. The pain varries from person to person though so you might not feel pain, or you might be crumpled over in pain. Just depends. For me, it hurt like hell.
yes, I remember 4 months ago seein the horrible blood, X.x I didnt cramp though. >.>

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yes, I remember 4 months ago seein the horrible blood, X.x I didnt cramp though. >.>
The blood scared me xP I got used to it though. I like how the first time you get it, you get it for about a week, then it skips a year XD Or at least that's what it did for me.

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confusing eh? It really annoys me with all that neccesary stuff when Im in school.....Every month now that sucks, Gar puberty sucks.

I remember a video the 5 grade viewed 1 month ago called "puberty and you!" Now that is sick I puked

confusing eh? It really annoys me with all that neccesary stuff when Im in school.....Every month now that sucks, Gar puberty sucks.
I remember a video the 5 grade viewed 1 month ago called "puberty and you!" Now that is sick I puked
XD I remember seeing a video close to that. Made me giggle. The way they discribed everything just amused me. Half the kids didn't understand it because they used medical terms. I saw a video similar to that in 9th grade Health. Only this one was on reproduction and you had to watch a woman give birth >.<' That one was.. disturbing.

uhh...don't you people think that this topic is personal (well what we are talking about) and that not only girls and tweens are on here? their are guys and little kids no here. X-X'

uhh...don't you people think that this topic is personal (well what we are talking about) and that not only girls and tweens are on here? their are guys and little kids no here. X-X'
I agree!! :furawatchi:

uhh...don't you people think that this topic is personal (well what we are talking about) and that not only girls and tweens are on here? their are guys and little kids no here. X-X'
I don't think it's personal lol. It's a natural thing in life.

Eh, they'll learn about it eventually.

confusing eh? It really annoys me with all that neccesary stuff when Im in school.....Every month now that sucks, Gar puberty sucks.
I remember a video the 5 grade viewed 1 month ago called "puberty and you!" Now that is sick I puked
I passed out during that movie. It was about 2:30 PM. Yep, when I woke up everyone was staring at me and I said, "Good morning all. How are you doing?" Then they called my mum and I went home from school early. <3 That was fun. =] But that was in 4th grade, a year ago. After the program they gave all of us a bag, AKA known as The Bag, containing a pad and deodirent (how do you spell it? xD). e.e


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